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UC in the Valley

UC's involvement in the San Joaquin Valley more than one hundred years ago helped transform its once harsh environment into the fertile land known today.

UC's commitment to the region is greater than ever with nearly 40 UC offices and facilities across the valley.

And UC opened its Merced campus in 2005, further strengthening its contributions to the educational opportunities, health and economic growth of Valley communities.

    UC Locations

The University of California extends well beyond the borders of its campuses, national labs and medical centers. With locations and programs ranging from cooperative extension stations near the Oregon border to health care programs in the Central Valley to technology research parks in San Diego, UC is actively involved every day in improving the prosperity and quality of life for Californians across the state and around the nation.

UC also maintains a strong presence in our nation's capital and is engaged in academic and research programs around the globe.

Explore the sites below to learn more about what the University of California is doing today. 

UC Extension (Continuing Education)

UC Cooperative Extension (Agriculture)

UC in the Central Valley

Washington DC Center

UC Center Sacramento

California Institutes for Science and Innovation

Natural Reserve System

California House - London

Casa de California - Mexico City

UC Observatories and Planetariums

San Diego Supercomputer Center

Silicon Valley Center

UCSF-Fresno Medical Education Program

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Monterey Bay Education Science
and Technology Center (MBEST)

UC Riverside's Palm Desert campus

Bodega Marine Laboratory

Hastings College of the Law

UC Press

Continuing Education of the Bar

    Washington DC Center
Washington DC Center
This multi-campus instructional and research center provides UC students and faculty opportunities to research, work and study in the nation's capital.

California Institutes for Science and Innovation
California Institutes for
Science and Innovation

These institutes represent
a billion-dollar, multi-disciplinary effort that focuses resources and expertise on areas critical to sustaining California's economic growth and its global competitiveness through essential research in bioengineering, nanosystems, tele-communications and information technology.

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