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Division of
Agriculture and
Natural Resources


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Agriculture, Plant Sciences, Food

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Environment > Agriculture, Plant Sciences and Food

The University of California conducts research related to agricultural, natural and environmental resources through the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources and other programs around the UC system. UC provides Californians with practical, research-based information on many subjects including pest management, agricultural sustainability, raising animals and growing plants, preserving water quality, and preventing diseases related to food safety or poor nutrition.

Ask the Experts about Agriculture and Food Safety Topics

In addition to the specific subject areas featured on the leftside menu, the following list provides links to some of these UC programs.

Agriculture and Plant Sciences
ANR Research and Extension Centers
Kearney Agricultural Center
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
Vegetable Research and Information Center

Riverside Avocado Information (on 1,000 varieties)
Riverside Citrus Clonal Protection Program
Agronomy Research and Information Center - provides
     research-based information on California agronomic crops,
     including alfalfa, barley, oats, wheat, corn, cotton, dry
     edible legumes, rice, safflower, sugar beet, sunflower and
     specialty crops
Davis Olive Oil Program
Davis Small Farm Center
Davis Farm Safety Newsletter
Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center
Seed Biotechnology Center – science, agronomy and plant
Foundation Plant Materials Service - coordinates release of
     UC-patented grape, fruit and nut tree, and strawberry
     cultivars; and acts as a link between researchers, nurseries
     and producers in the California agricultural industry
Soil Science Research - Kearney Foundation
Riverside Center for Conservation Biology
Riverside Agricultural Research Institute for Deserts (ARID)
Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center
Genetic Resources Conservation Program

Pest and Weed Management
Weed Research and Information Center
Integrated Pest Management Project
Davis Department of Vegetable Crops and Weed Science
Riverside Center for Invasive Species Research
Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Workgroup (ANR)
Riverside Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Information
Riverside Insect Information (includes glassy-winged
     sharpshooter, Africanized bees, spiders)
California Oak Mortality Task Force
PesticideWise - information on pesticide properties and
     water quality risks

California Backyard Orchard – resource for fruit / nut crops
Ornamental Horticulture Research and Information Center
Master Gardener Programs on UCTV - lectures from Agriculture
     and Natural Resources course

Agriculture Economic and Public Policy
UC Impacts on California's Agricultural Economy
Agricultural Issues Center - forum where important trends
     and issues involving California agriculture are identified,
     studied and debated. Findings available to policy-makers,
     government agencies, interest groups and individuals
Davis Agricultural and Resource Economics Library
Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics

Programs for Students
Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
Davis Viticulture and Enology
Davis Environmental Horticulture
Davis - International Agricultural Development
4-H Youth Development Program

Nutrition and Food Safety
Food Safe Program
Seafood Network Information Center
Davis Department of Food Science and Technology
Center for Consumer Research
Center for Weight and Health
Davis Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics
Western Institute for Food Safety and Security

UC Botanical Gardens and Herbaria

Related UC Schools and Colleges
     Berkeley College of Natural Resources
     Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
     Davis College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
     Riverside College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences



Sudden Oak Death

Throughout California's coastal counties, tanoaks, coast live oaks and black oaks are dying in large numbers. UC researchers have isolated a previously unknown fungal species that they believe causes Sudden Oak Death and are conducting far-ranging research to determine how it can be stopped.

Pierce's Disease and
the Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter

UC is bringing its expertise and resources to bear on the threat to California's vineyards and agriculture posed by the glassy-winged sharpshooter. Learn more about Pierce's Disease.
Video Clip


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