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NCI-Frederick Radiation Safety Training
For New Users Computer-Based

To remain in compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations, as well as the License Agreement between the NCI-Frederick and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), individuals must receive radiation safety training commensurate with their assigned duties and specific to the licensee's radiation safety program.

This computer-based training (CBT) course, which contains Health Physics information as well as License-specific radiation safety elements, has been developed to satisfy this need.

Because the NCI-Frederick does not assume that safety instruction has been adequately covered by prior employment or academic training, the successful completion of this CBT is mandatory for all new users who wish to manipulate licensed radioactive material.

Questions and Answers:

Who must complete this new CBT?

All new users who want to be eligible to become a member of an authorized NCI-Frederick Radiation Program.

How often must this training be taken?

This initial radiation safety training course need only be taken once. Once successfully completed, new users are eligible to become a member of an authorized NCI-Frederick Radiation Program.

When must this training be completed?

Individuals must complete the CBT (and pass the short quiz at the end) prior to being amended to an authorized NCI-Frederick Radiation Program. It is strongly recommended that the CBT be completed before the required Training and Experience Form is sent to the Radiation Safety Office.

How will Radiation Safety verify that a given person has completed the CBT?

The underlying Learning Management System (LMS) tracks progress through and completion of the training. Radiation Safety has the ability to view this information and verify successful completion.

In addition to the CBT, what else is necessary to be amended to an authorized NCI-Frederick Radiation Program?

A "Training and Experience Form" must also be completed. Once completed, the form must be sent to the Radiation Safety Office. This form can be downloaded by clicking this link:

Radiation, Training, and Experience Form


Important CBT instructions:


If you don't already have a username and password for this system, you will need to request one by clicking on the "I need an account" link on page that you will be taken to when you click on "Start Training" below.

Remember - you must pass the short quiz at the end of the CBT in order to be eligible to become a member of an authorized NCI-Frederick Radiation Program. Your passing score will be recorded in the Training History component of the LMS component of the CBT. Radiation Safety Office Staff are the only individuals that can access this component of the CBT.

  National Cancer Institute (NCI)      National Institutes of Health (NIH)      Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)      USA.gov