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Work/Life Center 

Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Keeping Sane in the Sandwich Generation
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 00:54:08
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.The Truth About Consequences: Effective Discipline Without Punishment
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:30:35
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Investments 201
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:28:39
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Improving Your Skills as an Interviewer (for Supervisors)
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:05:28
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.A Nursing Home is Not Your Only Choice
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:15:09
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Investments 101
Thursday, February 17, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:40:31
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Screen Issues: Taming the Electronic Monsters in Your Home
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:16:07
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Preparing KSA Statements for a Federal Career
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:09:39
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Improving Your Skills as an Interviewee (for all Employees)
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:32:16
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Help! I Have to Give a Presentation!!
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Total Running Time: 01:25:30
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