NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
Special Issue
September 13, 2005 • Volume 2 / Number 35 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Director's Update
For More Than 20 Years, CCOPs Define Commitment, Success

Minorities Gaining Access to Clincial Trials

Table of Community Clinical Oncology Programs

Map of Community Clinical Oncology Programs

Moments in Community Clinical Oncology Program History

A Conversation with
Dr. Lori Minasian

Why CCOP Physicians Participate in Prevention

Why I am A CCOP Physician

Hurricane Katrina Update

Coming Soon:
CCOP Network Profiles

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Moments in Community Clinical Oncology History

July 1982 - NCI launches the Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) to establish a cancer control effort combining the expertise of community oncologists with NCI clinical research programs, and brings the advantages of clinical research to cancer patients in their communities.

Physician and patient.1987 - First evaluation of CCOP finds the program effective in enrolling patients in clinical trials and getting physicians to adopt trial results as standards of care.

September 1983 - The original 63 CCOPs, located in 34 states, are funded.

1989 - Minority-Based CCOPs are established to focus on access to minority populations. Universities, as the primary health care providers for minorities, are permitted to apply to the program.


April 1992 - The CCOP network is used for the first time to conduct a large prevention trial to evaluate the efficacy of tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer in women at increased risk of the disease. The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project coordinates the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT).

October 1993 - The Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) begins. PCPT evaluates finasteride as a prostate cancer prevention drug, and is coordinated by the Southwest Oncology Group.

Announcing of BCPT result
April 1998 - BCPT results are announced: Women taking tamoxifen had 45 percent fewer breast cancer diagnoses than women on the placebo, proving that breast cancer can be prevented.

AspirinJune 1993 - The Colorectal Adenoma Prevention Study (CAPS) is begun under the direction of the Cancer and Leukemia Group B, using the CCOP network. The trial evaluates whether aspirin will reduce the development of adenomas in people who have already had early-stage colorectal cancer.

1998 - An Institute of Medicine report recommends that the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment use the NCI CCOP model to conduct community-based trials of drug and alcohol treatments.


May 2002 - CAPS results are presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting: Daily aspirin use reduced the development of adenomas by 35 percent in patients with previous colorectal cancers.


June 2003 - PCPT results are released: Men taking finasteride had 25 percent fewer prostate cancer diagnoses than men on the placebo, proving that prostate cancer can be prevented.

PCPT Result


2005 - NCI funds 50 CCOPs across 30 states;13 MB-CCOPs in 10 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C.; and 14 research bases.


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A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health