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caAdapter —
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Product Summary
Intended Audiences:
Analysts, Developers
Area of Focus: Data Sharing Primary Workspace: CTMS
Product Description:

caAdapter is an open source tool set that provides model mapping services in support of caCORE components and facilitates data mapping and transformation among different kinds of data sources including HL7 v2 messages, HL7 v3 messages, and Regulatory Data Sets. caAdapter has a component-based architecture to support message development and reporting using standard data formats. It also integrates with other clinical trials applications such as caXchange. caAdapter provides web service access and APIs for easy application integration.

Current Version Number: 4.0 Release Date of Current Version: December 2007
Currently caGrid Enabled? No caBIG™ Compatibility Level: Not yet determined
Learn more about compatibility levels
Tool Maturity Assessment: Stable Release (Adoption in Progress)
Installation Level:
Basic - Wizard or web browser application; minimal technical assistance required
Architecture Type:
Desktop Application, Web Application - Remote application with data uploads/downloads through web interface
System Requirements:

Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux


End User Support Resources

NCICB Applications Support - Email:
CTMS Workspace Lead - Miguel Buddle


Related caBIG™ Tools:


Related Articles


Demo Files & Exercises

caAdapter Downloads

caAdapter Overview


Documentation & Training

Access the caBIG™ Learning Management System to learn about training programs, register for classes, track your progress, and stay informed about training offerings. We invite you to explore the catalog to see what is available. You will need to create an account before registering for classes.

caAdapter Download

caAdapter Overview


Tool Download Files

caAdapter Downloads

caAdapter Overview


Developer Institution(s)

Developer: NCICB with the support of SAIC and ScenPro, Inc.


Adopter Institution(s)

Adopter: caBIG project teams (caExchange, CTOM Implementation)