Watson to Bush: Find the Courage to Talk to Iran Remarks on House Floor

May 24, 2006

Mr. Speaker, the danger of a nuclear Iran may be the biggest security challenge facing America and the world. And it now appears that the Iranian regime might finally be willing to talk about ending their nuclear weapons program.

This opportunity raises many questions. Can we depend on Iran to negotiate in good faith? Is Iran truly ready to renounce terrorism? And what will be the costs to the people of Iran if we engage a regime that oppresses its own people?

We must confront all these questions, and scour our consciences for the answers. But these questions are dwarfed by a more immediate one: do we have the courage—the foresight—the strength of will—to seize this opportunity? Will we be brave enough to talk with Iran, and risk a diplomatic failure? Or will we be so afraid to talk that we would risk war?

I ask the President to confront his fears—justified as they may be—and chose the courageous path of reaching out to engage Iran on a diplomatic formula to end the Iranian nuclear program.

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