Congressman Diane E. Watson - Representing California's 33rd Congressional District
For Immediate Release
June 7, 2007
Contact: Bert Hammond
(202) 225-7084

Lois Hill Hale
(323) 965-1422

Watson Legislation Promotes U.S. Films Abroad


Washington, DC— Congresswoman Watson has introduced legislation to promote the wider screening of U.S. films at State Department libraries around the world.  The bill, H.R. 2553, known as the Public Diplomacy Resource Centers Act of 2007, establishes a film series in honor of Johnny Grant, Hollywood’s unofficial mayor. 

“My legislation is designed to stock libraries of U.S. embassies and consulates with films that promote the American way of life, and then loosen current restrictions so that the public can have greater access,” said Congresswoman Watson.  “Many of us have forgotten that we didn’t win the Cold War just because our military and economy were superior, but also because the Warsaw Pact countries bought into our ideals and beliefs in democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and the free flow of information."

The legislation grew out of a trip Congresswoman Watson made to South Africa last year and her visit to the State Department’s Rosa Parks Library, located in Soweto, which had been slated for closure due to lack of funding.  Funding cuts and terrorism concerns have reduced the number of U.S. libraries and access to them around the world.

“In meeting the new challenges of religious fundamentalism and terrorism at the beginning of the 21st Century, it is critical that we reinvigorate our nation’s public diplomacy apparatus,” noted Congresswoman Watson. “The State Department’s libraries have played and must continue to play a critical role in that process.  They must remain viable and accessible.”

The legislation does not contain any funding requirements.  Congresswoman Watson, with the assistance of Johnny Grant and representatives of the entertainment industry, is hopeful that individuals and corporations will donate DVDs and DVD players to U.S. libraries around the world. 

Congresswoman Watson proposes to name the public screenings the Johnny Grant Film Series.


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