Strategy for Addressing Health Disparities FY 2002
The mission of the NHLBI is to provide leadership for
a national program in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lung, and blood;
sleep disorders; and blood resources management. The Institute:
- Plans, conducts, fosters, and supports an
integrated and coordinated program of basic research, clinical investigations
and trials, observational studies, and demonstration and education projects
related to the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart, blood
vessel, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders conducted in its own
laboratories and by other scientific institutions and individuals supported by
research grants and contracts.
- Plans and directs research in development, trial,
and evaluation of interventions and devices related to prevention of diseases
and the treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from such diseases
and disorders.
- Conducts research on clinical use of blood and all
aspects of the management of blood resources.
- Supports career training and development of new and
established researchers in fundamental sciences and clinical disciplines to
enable them to conduct basic and clinical research related to heart, blood
vessel, lung, and blood diseases; sleep disorders; and blood resources through
individual and institutional research training awards and career development
- Coordinates relevant activities with other research
institutes and all Federal health programs in the above areas, including the
causes of stroke.
- Conducts educational activities, including
development and dissemination of materials for health professionals and the
public in the above areas, with emphasis on prevention.
- Maintains continuing relationships with
institutions and professional associations, and with international, national,
state, and local officials as well as voluntary agencies and organizations
working in the above areas.
- Oversees management of the Women's Health
Throughout its history, the NHLBI has been a leader in
conducting and supporting research to alleviate the health disparities that
exist between various segments of the U.S. population, and its outstanding
efforts in this area have been publicly recognized in Congressional hearings.
Projects with a strong minority component have been initiated so that
comparisons may be made between various populations. These projects have
produced a wealth of information that enable identification of health
disparities and provide clues about their causes.
In addition, research programs that focus exclusively
on minority health issues have been given high priority. They address diseases,
conditions, and risk factors that disproportionately affect minorities,
including high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, obesity, physical
inactivity, diabetes, asthma, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, sickle cell disease,
and Cooley's anemia.
Through its outreach and education programs, the NHLBI
disseminates health-related information to physicians, health care
professionals, patients, and the general public. Strong emphasis is placed on
outreach to minority populations using culturally sensitive, innovative
approaches, such as church-based interventions to reach a large segment of the
black community.
The NHLBI actively recruits minority individuals into
its training and career development programs with particular emphasis on
members of racial/ethnic groups that are currently underrepresented in the
research enterprise.
Since FY 1991, the Institute has had procedures in
place to ensure full compliance with the NIH Policy on Inclusion of Minorities
and Women in Research. As a result, all NHLBI-supported research that involves
human subjects includes minorities, with the exception of a very few projects
for which a strong justification for limiting the diversity of the study
population exists.
The NHLBI has identified three Areas of Emphasis for
addressing health disparities: (1) Research, (2) Research Workforce and
Research Resources, and (3) Outreach and Education. The three Areas of
Emphasis, components of a coordinated and interdependent effort to reduce and
eliminate health disparities, are of equal priority in the plan.
Discussions with representatives of the scientific
community, healthcare-related organizations, and the general public are an
integral part of the NHLBI planning process in all areas of emphasis. As an
initial step in developing new initiatives, the NHLBI holds working groups and
workshops to assess the needs and opportunities in a research area. The
Institute's Board of Extramural Advisors (BEA) and the National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Advisory Council (NHLBAC) provide continual guidance and review. (The
BEA is a working group of the Council, consisting of scientists of significant
stature in the cardiovascular, lung, blood, and sleep research communities,
that is charged with evaluating the NHLBI research and training portfolios on
an ongoing basis.) New initiatives and ongoing programs are discussed with
public interest organizations at annual meetings; in addition, the FYI from the
NHLBI, a collection of articles and information produced three times a year in
response to the needs expressed by public interest organizations, includes a
"constituents' corner" where input from the public is welcomed.
Research |
Some diseases of the heart, lung, and blood occur
primarily in minorities; other diseases develop, progress, and react to
treatment differently in minorities than in whites. For example, sickle cell
disease (SCD) affects approximately 72,000 people in the U.S., most of whom
trace their ancestry to Africa. The disease occurs in about 1 of every 500
black births. Tremendous progress has been made since NHLBI-supported research
programs began about 30 years ago. Patients with sickle cell anemia now live
longer on average; and care is more coordinated, beginning with screening of
newborns, provision of appropriate control of infections, and prevention of
stroke in high-risk children through transfusion therapy. Yet no universal
cures are currently available. For example, the drug hydroxyurea, that reduces
the rate of painful crises in SCD, is effective in only 2/3 of patients, and is
largely ineffective for the related disease, Cooley's anemia. Continued
progress can be expected from further studies in areas of ongoing research,
such as bone marrow transplantation in children with SCD, expansion of use of
hydroxyurea from adults to children, and long-term management of children with
SCD who are receiving chronic transfusions.
In several other major disease areas under the purview
of the NHLBI, certain racial/ethnic minority groups are disproportionately
affected. A major example is cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors.
Recent data show that heart disease mortality is 20 percent higher in black
males than in white males and 31 percent higher in black females than in white
females, and the prevalence of stroke is higher in blacks than in whites at all
ages. High blood pressure, a risk factor for CVD, tends to be more common,
develops at an earlier age, and is more severe for blacks than whites in the
U.S. Two other risk factors for CVDlack of physical activity and
obesityare particularly problematic for minority populations.
Asthma is a chronic lung condition that
disproportionately affects children, minorities, and low-income individuals.
New data show continuing increases in asthma-related hospitalizations,
emergency department visits, and deaths, especially among minority populations.
Since 1979-82, the average age-adjusted asthma death rate for blacks has
increased 71 percent compared to 41 percent for whites, and in 1995-1998, it
was almost three times that of whites. In 1997-99, hospitalization rates were
more than three times higher for blacks than for whites. The cost of asthma in
2000 was estimated to be $12.7 billion, with direct costs amounting to $8.1
billion and lost earnings due to illness and death totaling $4.6 billion.
Minority and lower socioeconomic populations encounter
multiple barriers (e.g., financial constraints, logistical and cultural
barriers, and environmental stressors) when attempting to follow health and
treatment recommendations. Development of effective interventions for improving
adherence to medical and lifestyle regimens for these underserved groups is
needed so that the full benefits of medical advances in the treatment of heart,
lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders can be realized for all segments
of the U.S. population. Objectives:
The NHLBI has identified three main objectives within
the Research area of emphasis:
- Support research to increase understanding of the
development and progression of heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep
disorders that contribute to health disparities.
- Support research to develop new or improved
approaches for diagnosing and treating heart, lung, and blood diseases and
sleep disorders that contribute to health disparities.
- Support research to develop new or improved
approaches for preventing or delaying the onset or progression of heart, lung,
and blood diseases and sleep disorders that contribute to health disparities.
The three objectives are of equal priority.
The process for taking public comments into account in developing these
objectives is the same as the process described above for developing areas of
A. Support research to
increase understanding of the development and progression of heart, lung, and
blood diseases and sleep disorders that contribute to health
disparities. |
Emphasis is on identifying genetic and environmental
factors that influence development and progression of diseases that
disproportionately affect minorities; determining mechanisms responsible for
the progression of such diseases; and clarifying processes by which
environmental, developmental, and psychosocial factors early in life contribute
to health disparities later in life.
Action Plan:
(1) Steps to achieve Objective
The NHLBI will continue to support ongoing research
programs that address this objective. In addition, as applications for research
that focus on this objective are received, and as new initiatives are
developed, additional research grants will be awarded.
Current Major Programs
Epidemiological Studies
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis:
Investigates the prevalence, correlates, and progression of subclinical
cardiovascular disease (i.e., disease detected noninvasively before it has
produced clinical signs and symptoms), in a population consisting of 40 percent
whites, 30 percent blacks, 20 percent Hispanics, and 10 percent Asians.
Early Natural History of Arteriosclerosis:
Examines the association between risk factor development and the evolution of
atherosclerosis and hypertension in a childhood population that has now reached
adulthood; 36 percent of the participants are black.
Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults
(CARDIA): Determines the evolution of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk
factors and subclinical atherosclerosis in young adults; 50 percent of the
participants are black.
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC):
Investigates the association of CHD risk factors with development of
atherosclerosis in an adult population; 27 percent of the participants are
Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS): Examines
risk factors for CHD and stroke in the elderly; 15 percent of the participants
are black.
Strong Heart Study: Compares risk factor
levels and morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) among
American Indians in three different geographic locations.
Genetics of Coronary Artery Disease in Alaskan
Natives (GOCADAN): Documents CVD and CVD risk factors in approximately 40
extended families (family members from villages in Northern Alaska).
Jackson Heart Study: Identifies environmental
and genetic factors influencing the evolution and progression of CVD in
National Longitudinal Mortality Study (NLMS) -
Follow-up: Analyzes socioeconomic, demographic, and occupational
differences in mortality in the U.S. among 1.4 million people.
High Blood Pressure
Molecular Genetics of Hypertension: Determines
the etiology and pathogenesis of hypertension in order to improve diagnosis and
treatment of the disease. Among the basic and clinical subprojects is one that
targets blacks exclusively.
Family Blood Pressure Program: Establishes a
collaborative network to identify major genes associated with high blood
pressure; 66 percent of the participants are minority.
Ischemic Heart Disease
Specialized Centers of Research (SCOR) on Ischemic
Heart Disease in Blacks: Elucidates the pathophysiological basis for excess
morbidity and mortality from ischemic heart disease in blacks, and subsequently
develops therapeutic strategies to address these problems.
Glucose Tolerance and Risk for Cardiovascular
Disease in the Elderly: Examines the longitudinal relationship between
impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, CVD risk factors, and CVD among
Japanese American men. Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis Study
(IRAS) Family Study: Identifies the genetic determinants of insulin
resistance and visceral adiposity and determines the extent to which insulin
resistance, visceral adiposity, and metabolic cardiovascular disease risk
factors share common genetic influences; participants are black and
Collaborative Studies on the Genetics of
Asthma: Seeks to identify genes associated with asthma and to elucidate
their functional role in the development of the disorder; 58 percent of the
participants are minority.
Genetic Modifiers of Single Gene Defect
Diseases: Identify and characterize the modifier genes responsible for
variation in clinical progression and outcome of sickle cell disease and other
heart, lung, and blood diseases due to single-gene defects.
Susceptibility to Target Organ Damage in High
Blood Pressure: Identify genetic and other biological factors that increase
the susceptibility to hypertension-related injury and damage to target organs.
Explore differences in prevalence and disease intensity among different ethnic
Severe Asthma Research Program: Establish a
collaborative program to investigate the mechanistic basis for severe asthma
and how it differs from mild-to-moderate asthma.
Genetic Aspects of Tuberculosis in the Lung:
Investigate the genetic aspects of tuberculosis, using advances in molecular
biology and genomics research. (2) Timeline for Objective
Current Major Programs
Expected end date of 2002: |
Likely |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2003: |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2004: |
Yes |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2005: |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Expected end date of
2006 or beyond: |
No |
No |
New Initiatives |
Expected end date of 2004: |
Susceptibility to Target Organ Damage in High
Blood Pressure |
Expected end date of 2005: |
Severe Asthma Research Program |
Genetic Aspects of Tuberculosis in the Lung |
Genetic Modifiers of Single Gene Defect
Diseases |
(3) This objective is ongoing. See previous
section for dates by which specific activities within this objective are
expected to be completed. The "Renewal Likely" column (in previous section)
indicates if an activity is expected to be renewed at the completion of its
current award period.
Measures: To assess performance of the NHLBI portfolio of
current activities that "support research to increase understanding of the
development and progression of heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep
disorders that contribute to health disparities," NHLBI scientific staff track
and assess the success of Institute-supported investigators in publishing
articles related to this objective in peer-reviewed, high-quality scientific
journals. Another measure of the performance of ongoing research is whether the
grant is renewed once its initial period of support ends. Applications for
competing renewal grants are reviewed carefully by peer reviewers and the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council for past performance and
published results, as well as future potential.
In addition, the NHLBI portfolio is assessed
frequently to ensure that it addresses newly identified scientific needs and
opportunities. New initiatives are developed with input from the scientific and
healthcare-related communities and the general public, and reviewed by the
Institute's Board of Extramural Advisors and the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Advisory Council before being announced.
A measure of the outcome of NHLBI-supported
activities to "support research to increase understanding of the development
and progression of heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders that
contribute to health disparities" is the publication in peer-reviewed,
high-quality scientific journals of articles reporting science advances based
on the results of NHLBI-supported research toward this objective. NHLBI
scientific staff continually assess Institute objectives and research programs
in terms of the results reported in such articles. In fact, as part of its
annual submission to the NIH Government Performance and Review Act (GPRA)
report, the NHLBI has consistently included several journal articles that
report science advances pertaining to this objective based on
Institute-supported research. For example, in an article published in the
American Journal of Human Genetics in 2001 and recently submitted to the NIH
GPRA report, NHLBI-supported researchers reported identifying a link between
ethnicity and "asthma genes." In another article published in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Science in 2000 and also submitted to the NIH GPRA
report, researchers reported a possible explanation for the high levels of
hypertension found in blacks in the U.S.
B. Develop new or
improved approaches for diagnosing and treating heart, lung, and blood diseases
and sleep disorders that contribute to health disparities. |
Emphasis is placed on understanding differences in
disease presentation in subsegments of the population; achieving accurate and
timely diagnosis of diseases; predicting the likely clinical course of disease
in individuals; establishing the effectiveness, safety, and cost-effectiveness
of treatments; and identifying and overcoming barriers to full utilization of
existing knowledge about proven therapies.
Action Plan:
(1) Steps to achieve Objective
The NHLBI will continue to support ongoing research
programs that address this objective. In addition, as new initiatives are
developed that focus on this objective, additional research grants will be
Current Major
High Blood Pressure
Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to
Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT): Compares the combined incidence of
fatal CHD and nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) among patients receiving
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, calcium antagonists, or
alpha-1-blockers and patients in a control group receiving a diuretic, and in a
subset, determines whether cholesterol-lowering therapy reduces all-cause
mortality in moderately hypercholesterolemic individuals compared with a
control group; 32 percent of the participants are black and 19 percent are
PREMIER: Lifestyle Interventions for Blood
Pressure Control: Compares the effectiveness of two multicomponent
lifestyle interventions (reduced salt intake, increase physical activity,
moderation of alcohol intake, and weight loss)where one of the
interventions also includes the DASH dieton blood pressure control; 40
percent of the participants are black.
Coronary Heart Disease
Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease
(ENRICHD): Determines the effects of psychosocial interventions on
morbidity and mortality in post-MI patients who are depressed and socially
isolated, and/or who perceive themselves as lacking support from family and
friends; 35 percent of the participants are minority.
Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
(ACCORD): Evaluates the benefits of different therapies to reduce
cardiovascular complications in Type 2 diabetes; 33 percent of the participants
are minority.
Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation
in Type 2 Diabetics (BARI 2D): Evaluates various treatments for Type 2
diabetic patients with angiographically proven coronary artery disease and
stable angina or ischemia; 20 percent of the participants are minority.
Asthma Clinical Research Network: Establishes
an interactive network of asthma clinical research groups to conduct studies of
novel therapies for asthma and disseminate findings to the practicing
community. The sites include Harlem Hospital, which serves a predominately
minority population.
Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP):
Evaluates the long-term effects of regular use of either of two types of
anti-inflammatory medications on lung growth and development, physical growth
and development, and asthma outcomes in asthmatic children; 26 percent of the
participants are minority.
Childhood Asthma Research and Education Network
(CARE): Establishes an interactive network of clinical research groups to
evaluate current and novel therapies and management strategies for children
with asthma. Investigators will recruit a large minority population into the
Sickle Cell Disease
Comprehensive Sickle Cell Centers Program:
Supports coordination of resources, facilities, and personnel to expedite
development and application of new knowledge for improved diagnosis and
treatment of sickle cell disease and prevention of its complications. In the
2003-2008 funding cycle, the program will include, for the first time, a
clinical research network component to provide for rapid evaluation of
promising new treatments for sickle cell disease.
Pediatric Hydroxyurea Phase III Clinical Trial
(BABY HUG): Evaluates the efficacy and safety of hydroxyurea treatment in
infants with sickle cell disease.
Cooley's Anemia
Thalassemia (Cooley's Anemia) Clinical Research
Network: Accelerates research in the management of thalassemia,
standardizes existing treatments, and evaluates new ones in a network of
clinical centers. Emphasis is on clinical trials that help identify optimal
Overcoming Barriers to Treatment Adherence in
Minorities and Persons Living in Poverty: Target clinical care settings to
evaluate interventions to improve adherence to medically prescribed lifestyles
and regimens used to treat heart, lung, blood or sleep diseases, disorders or
conditions, cancer, or diabetes. The populations targeted are racial and ethnic
minorities and/or persons living in poverty.
Transactivation of Fetal Hemoglobin Genes for
Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease and Cooley's Anemia: Identify
transactivator proteins that regulate the expression of fetal globin
Trials Assessing Innovative Strategies to Improve
Clinical Practice through Guidelines: Investigate reasons for inadequate
use of standard clinical practice guidelines for heart, lung, and blood
diseases, particularly in treatment for racial and ethnic minorities, women,
and the elderly; evaluate remedial interventions.
Chemical Screens for New Inducers of Fetal
Hemoglobin for Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease and Cooley's Anemia:
Develop better drugs to treat sickle cell disease and Cooley's Anemia.
(2) Timeline for Objective
Current Major Programs Expected
end date of 2003: |
Renewal Likely |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2004: |
No |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2005: |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2006 or beyond: |
No |
No |
No |
New Initiatives
Expected end date of 2004: |
Overcoming Barriers to Treatment Adherence in
Minorities and Persons Living in Poverty |
Transactivation of Fetal Hemoglobin Genes for
Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease and Cooley's Anemia |
Expected end date of 2006: |
Trials Assessing Innovative Strategies to Improve
Clinical Practice through Guidelines |
SBIR (no specific expected end date): |
Chemical Screens for New Inducers of Fetal
Hemoglobin for Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease and Cooley's Anemia |
(3) This objective is ongoing. See previous
section for dates by which specific activities within this objective are
expected to be completed. The "Renewal Likely" column (in previous section)
indicates if an activity is expected to be renewed at the completion of its
current award period.
Performance Measures:
To assess performance of the NHLBI portfolio of current
activities that "support research to develop new or improved approaches for
diagnosing and treating heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders
that contribute to health disparities," NHLBI scientific staff track and assess
the success of Institute-supported investigators in publishing articles related
to this objective in peer-reviewed, high-quality scientific journals. Another
measure of the performance of ongoing research is whether the grant is renewed
once its initial period of support ends. Applications for competing renewal
grants are reviewed carefully by peer reviewers and the National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Advisory Council for past performance and published results, as well
as future potential.
In addition, the NHLBI portfolio is assessed
frequently to ensure that it addresses newly identified scientific needs and
opportunities. New initiatives are developed with input from the scientific and
healthcare-related communities and the general public, and reviewed by the
Institute's Board of Extramural Advisors and the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Advisory Council before being announced.
A measure of the outcome of NHLBI-supported
activities to "support research to develop new or improved approaches for
diagnosing and treating heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders
that contribute to health disparities" is the publication in peer-reviewed,
high-quality scientific journals of articles reporting science advances based
on the results of NHLBI-supported research toward this objective. NHLBI
scientific staff continually assess Institute objectives and research programs
in terms of the results reported in such articles. In fact, as part of its
annual submission to the NIH Government Performance and Review Act (GPRA)
report, the NHLBI has consistently included several journal articles that
report science advances pertaining to this objective based on
Institute-supported research. For example, in an article recently published in
the New England Journal of Medicine and submitted to the NIH GPRA report,
NHLBI-supported researchers reported results showing inhaled corticosteroids to
be safe and effective for children with asthma. In another article recently
published in the British Journal of Haematology and also submitted to the NIH
GPRA report, investigators reported that arginine supplements may benefit
patients with sickle cell disease.
C. Develop new or
improved approaches for preventing or delaying the onset or progression of
heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders that contribute to health
disparities. |
Abundant evidence exists that many diseases can be
forestalled or prevented entirely through appropriate medical regimens (e.g.,
blood pressure control, cholesterol lowering) or through healthy lifestyles
(e.g., prudent diet, abstinence from smoking, physical activity). Research is
needed to identify and test approaches that can be used successfully in
minority populations.
Action Plan:
(1) Steps to achieve Objective
The NHLBI will continue to support ongoing research
programs that address this objective. In addition, as new initiatives are
developed that focus on this objective, additional research grants will be
Current Major
Girls Health Enrichment Multi-Site Studies
(GEMS): Tests effectiveness of weight-control interventions (involving
diet, physical activity, and psychosocial and familial influences) administered
during the critical transition period from prepuberty to puberty in black girls
at high risk for obesity.
Intervention to Improve Asthma Management and
Prevention at School: Develops and evaluates innovative programs to ensure
optimal asthma management and prevention at school; 90 percent of the
participants are black.
Tuberculosis Academic Award: Seeks to improve
prevention, management, and control of TB by increasing opportunities for
health-care practitioners to learn modern principles and practices by promoting
coordinated clinical approaches to the care of patients of various ethnic
groups who have TB; raising awareness among health-care providers of unique
ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic dimensions of TB; focusing educational
efforts in areas where TB incidence is persistently high (e.g., immigrant
communities, refugee centers, homeless shelters, correctional facilities);
promoting development of minority faculty capable of providing appropriate
instruction in diagnosis and management of TB; and enhancing TB education
programs in minority medical schools and in the communities they serve.
Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG):
Tests the effectiveness of a coordinated school and community-based
multicomponent intervention that provides skills-building, supportive
environments, and opportunities for participation in physical activity during
and outside of the school day to prevent the decline in physical activity
levels and cardiopulmonary fitness of middle-school-aged girls from a wide
range of racial/ethnic/socioeconomic backgrounds.
Nutrient Database for American Indian and Alaska
Native Foods: Establishes a set of comprehensive, high quality databases on
the nutrient content of traditional foods and other foods commonly eaten by
American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Centers for Reducing Asthma Disparities:
Establish cooperative centers of research to study asthma disparities in
relation to prevalence, emergency department use, hospitalizations, and
mortality between the general white population and minority and economically
disadvantaged populations.
(2) Timeline for Objective
Current Major Programs
Expected end date of 2002: |
Renewal Likely |
No |
No |
Expected end date of
2004: |
No |
Expected end date of
2006 or beyond: |
Yes |
No |
New Initiative Expected end date
of 2006: |
Centers for Reducing Asthma Disparities |
(3) This objective is ongoing. See previous
section for dates by which specific activities within this objective are
expected to be completed. The "Renewal Likely" column (in previous section)
indicates if an activity is expected to be renewed at the completion of its
current award period.
Performance Measures:
To assess performance of the NHLBI portfolio of current
activities that "support research to develop new or improved approaches for
preventing or delaying the onset or progression of heart, lung, and blood
diseases and sleep disorders that contribute to health disparities," NHLBI
scientific staff track and assess the success of Institute-supported
investigators in publishing articles related to this objective in
peer-reviewed, high-quality scientific journals. Another measure of the
performance of ongoing research is whether the grant is renewed once its
initial period of support ends. Applications for competing renewal grants are
reviewed carefully by peer reviewers and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Advisory Council for past performance and published results, as well as future
In addition, the NHLBI portfolio is assessed
frequently to ensure that it addresses newly identified scientific needs and
opportunities. New initiatives are developed with input from the scientific and
healthcare-related communities and the general public, and reviewed by the
Institute's Board of Extramural Advisors and the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Advisory Council before being announced.
A measure of the outcome of NHLBI-supported
activities to "support research to develop new or improved approaches for
preventing or delaying the onset or progression of heart, lung, and blood
diseases and sleep disorders that contribute to health disparities" is the
publication in peer-reviewed, high-quality scientific journals of articles
reporting science advances based on the results of NHLBI-supported research
toward this objective. NHLBI scientific staff continually assess Institute
objectives and research programs in terms of the results reported in such
articles. In fact, as part of its annual submission to the NIH Government
Performance and Review Act (GPRA) report, the NHLBI has consistently included
several journal articles that report science advances pertaining to this
objective based on Institute-supported research. For example, in an article
appearing in The Lancet and submitted to the NIH GPRA report, researchers
present findings that suggest that exposure to allergens early in life may
prevent a lifetime of allergic asthma, a finding that argues against current
theories. In another article published in Blood in 2000 and also submitted to
the NIH GPRA report, researchers reported finding that elevated levels of a
certain enzyme in the blood are associated with development of pulmonary
complications from sickle cell disease. If these results are confirmed by
larger clinical trials, enzyme measurements could be used to identify patients
with impending pulmonary complications, thereby allowing treatment to be
initiated before the complications develop.
II. Research Workforce
and Research Resources |
For many years, the NHLBI has been particularly
concerned with increasing the participation of minority individuals in
biomedical research careers. Continuing development of research workforce and
research resources remains a high priority with the NHLBI. The Institute
adheres to the premise that increasing the number of highly trained minority
individuals whose basic or clinical research interests are in cardiovascular,
lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders and improving the research
infrastructure at minority institutions are crucial elements in eliminating
health disparities.
These activities are extremely important to the
elimination of health disparities because it has been demonstrated that
participation of minority investigators in the biomedical research enterprise
has several positive effects: it improves the recruitment and retention rates
of minorities in population-based research studies; it encourages more minority
students to pursue careers in the biomedical and behavioral sciences because
they have role models and potential mentors with whom they can identify; it
improves access to health care because minority clinicians tend to establish
practices in minority communities; and it adds to the body of knowledge about
diseases that have a disproportionate impact on minorities, because minority
investigators tend to pursue research related to minority populations.
Expand the opportunities in
research training and career development for underrepresented
The NHLBI emphasizes increasing the number of highly
trained minority investigators through support of a range of programs designed
to help investigators develop research careers. The general aim of these
programs is to help minority investigators develop research careers through
participation in research relevant to the institute's mission and through a
process of mentoring by established investigators. The NHLBI also fosters
collaborative partnerships between research-intensive and minority-serving
Action Plan:
(1) Steps to achieve Objective
Current Major
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
(HBCU) Research Scientist Award: Provides an opportunity for HBCUs
offering the master's, Ph.D., or professional degrees to recruit established
scientists to help expand their research base and to train students in and
expose them to the latest scientific advances. The NHLBI will offer the
Research Scientist Award for Minority Institutions in FY 2002 to extend
this award to all institutions with a student enrollment that is greater than
50 percent members of cultural or racial minority groups.
NHLBI Mentored Development Award for Minority
Faculty: Provides support to underrepresented minority faculty members,
with varying levels of research experience, to prepare them for research
careers in cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic, and sleep disorders.
Biomedical Research Training Program for
Underrepresented Minorities: Provides minority undergraduate, graduate, and
health professional students majoring in the life sciences an opportunity to
receive training in the NHLBI intramural laboratories.
NHLBI Minority Institution Research Scientist
Development Award: Provides research support to faculty members at minority
institutions who have the interest and potential to conduct high-quality
research in the areas of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic, and sleep
disorders; enhances the institution's science infrastructure; and provides
"hands-on" research opportunities for minority students enrolled at the
applicant institutions.
NHLBI Minority Institutional Research Training
Program: Supports training of graduate and health professional students and
individuals in postdoctoral training at minority schools who have the potential
to develop meritorious training programs in cardiovascular, pulmonary,
hematologic, and sleep disorders.
NHLBI MARC Summer Research Training Program:
Offers honor students participating in the Minority Access to Research Careers
Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U*STAR) program a
10-week summer research experience in the NHLBI intramural laboratories.
Short-term Training for Minority Students
Program: Provides short-term research support to underrepresented minority
undergraduate and graduate students and students in health professional schools
to expose them to career opportunities in cardiovascular, pulmonary,
hematologic, and sleep disorders research. Research Supplements for
Underrepresented Minorities (NIH wide): Provides support for research
experiences for minorities throughout the continuum from high school to the
faculty level to increase the number of underrepresented minority scientists
participating in biomedical research and the health related sciences and to
establish a diversified workforce.
Minority Biomedical Research Support Program
(NIH wide): Offers opportunities for underrepresented minority
undergraduate and graduate students to receive training in fundamental
biomedical sciences and clinical research disciplines in order to enhance
career opportunities in biomedical research, including clinical and laboratory
medicine, epidemiology, and biostatistics as applied to the etiology and
treatment of heart, blood vessel, lung, and blood health and diseases, and
sleep disorders. New
Minority Undergraduate Biomedical Education
Program: Supports the development of pilot programs that will encourage
minority institutions to recruit and retain talented undergraduate students
into the biomedical and behavioral sciences.
(2) Timeline for Objective
Current Major Programs Expected end date
of 2006 or beyond (ongoing programs - renewal likely): HBCU Research
Scientist Award / Research Scientist Award for Minority Institutions NHLBI
Mentored Development Award for Minority Faculty Biomedical Research
Training Program for Underrepresented Minorities NHLBI Minority Institution
Research Scientist Development Award NHLBI Minority Institutional Research
Training Program NHLBI MARC Summer Research Training Program Short-Term
Training for Minority Students Program Research Supplements for
Underrepresented Minorities (NIH wide) Minority Biomedical Research Support
Program (NIH wide)
New Initiative Expected end date of
2005: Minority Undergraduate Biomedical Education Program
(3) This objective is an ongoing effort by the NHLBI
that is being addressed through the programs listed.
The NHLBI has consistently, over the years, increased
its funding commitment for these programs and continues to add new programs.
The Institute closely scrutinizes the programs to ensure that institutions and
mentors alike meet the needs of minority investigators thereby providing
minority researchers with opportunities to further their scientific training
and achieve their research career goals. Applications to these programs are
carefully evaluated to make sure the proposed training meets the needs of the
minority trainee and the Institute. Only those applications considered to be of
sufficiently high enough quality to provide an exceptional training experience
are considered. In addition, the NHLBI takes into account an institution's or
mentor's track record of providing a positive training experience when
considering whether to make an award.
Measures: The number of minority investigators
participating in these NHLBI-sponsored training opportunities continues to
increase. The NHLBI has also added new programs that have expanded the
opportunities for underrepresented minorities to develop a career in the
biomedical sciences. The Institute also continues to measure the progress of
training experiences through required progress reports. While the true outcome
of these programs may not be fully appreciated for years, already it is evident
that an increasing number of underrepresented minority individuals are using
these programs to help build their careers in biomedical research, often by
entering a program while undergraduates and receiving training up into the
doctoral, postdoctoral, and investigator levels of research.
III. Outreach and
Education |
A major feature of the NHLBI's efforts to increase the
quality and years of Americans' healthy life and to end racial and ethnic
disparities in the burden of disease is the use of outreach and education. The
NHLBI understands that a key factor to achieving better health is access to
information, especially relevant, culturally sensitive materials that aid
individuals in making healthy choices. The Institute's interest in this area
encompasses not only the behavior of patients and the general public, but also
the behavior of health care providers who dispense advice and prescribe
Expand and strengthen our
programs of outreach and education for minority populations.
National education programs of the NHLBI have been
very successful in increasing public awareness and control of hypertension and
high blood cholesterol, for example. However, further progress is still needed,
especially in certain vulnerable subsets of the population. To address this
issue, the NHLBI recently established Enhanced Dissemination and Utilization
Centers (EDUCs) as a means of extending the health benefits associated with
current clinical guidelines and medical information. Six EDUCs have been
established in communities at high risk for cardiovascular disease. They are
using information generated by the Institute's education programs to inform
their communities of the public health burdens of cardiovascular disease and to
develop, implement, and evaluate educational strategies to reduce the burden.
The Institute believes this new approach will provide a solid foundation for
our efforts to address Healthy People 2010 performance objectives of
eliminating racial/ethnic and geographic disparities in underserved high-risk
Budget ($ in
Millions) FY2002: 3.2 FY2003: 3.4
FY2004: 3.5 FY2005: 3.6 FY2006: 3.7
Action Plan:
(1) Steps to achieve Objective
Current Major
Salud para su Corazón: This project is
dedicated to improving cardiovascular health among Hispanics. It has developed
a wide variety of materials that provide a rich source of information on
heart-health interventions for consumers, program planners, community leaders,
and lay health workers. Through partnerships and collaborations, this program
educates local communities in linguistically and culturally appropriate
ways. Strengthening the Heartbeat of American Indian/Alaska Native
Communities: This project is developing culturally appropriate materials to
encourage behavior changes that will improve cardiovascular health in native
American populations, working collaboratively with the Indian Health Service
and local tribal communities, villages, and pueblos.
Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) ASPIRE
Project: This project is a cardiovascular community outreach program for
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs). It has gained support and
interest from community-based organizations, churches, and health centers in
different parts of the country, as a result of national dissemination of two
reports focusing on the toll of heart disease on AAPIs.
National Physicians' Network Project: This
project provides continuing education opportunities and other information to
clinicians and other health professionals who provide health care to blacks.
Keeping Hearts Alive: This project works with
community organizations and leaders to promote cardiovascular health in blacks
in Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland. NHLBI will develop educational
materials aimed at black communities.
Cardiovascular Disease Enhanced Dissemination and
Utilization Centers (EDUCs): The NHLBI has established a partnership with
six community-based organizations (EDUCs) as part of a nationwide strategy to
develop a network of partners to promote community-based cardiovascular health
in high-risk populations. The six EDUCs are located in rural communities with
heart disease and stroke death rates far in excess of the national average.
Asthma Coalition Network Awards: The National
Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) established a decade ago, is
strongly committed to reducing and ultimately eliminating disparities in asthma
preventive health care, diagnosis and treatment, and morbidity and mortality.
In FY 2000, it awarded contracts to seven local asthma coalitions to implement
interventions to improve asthma control in high-risk communities. These
projects target low-socioeconomic strata, minority populations, and children
who are disproportionately affected by asthma. They involve a number of
strategic partnerships with a broad base of community groups, and use new
information technologies to facilitate effective transfer of the current
science base to practitioners.
Women's Heart Health Education Initiative:
This health education effort aims to reduce death and disability from
cardiovascular disease in women. The objectives of a recent planning workshop
were to: 1) develop goals for the women's heart health education effort; 2)
identify the primary target audiences; 3) identify the needs of minority target
audiences who are at greater risk for cardiovascular disease; and 4) develop
programmatic recommendations as well as methods for implementation and
(2) Timeline for Objective
Current Major Programs Expected
end date of 2002: |
Renewal Likely |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2003: |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2004: |
Yes |
Expected end date of
2006 or beyond: |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
(3) The objective to improve and expand our outreach
and education efforts directed toward underrepresented minorities is an ongoing
The NHLBI consistently seeks to develop new ways to
reach and educate the general public and to find appropriate ways to reach out
to minority populations. The Institute frequently reviews the progress of its
current outreach programs and works closely with its advisory council to
develop and implement new programs. This process of evaluation, development,
and review led to development of the new EDUCs program.
Although women's health issues have long been
addressed by NHLBI national education programs, the Institute is developing a
new initiative focused specifically on educating the public and health care
professionals about women's heart health. The goal is to reduce death and
disability in women by increasing awareness and dispelling misinformation about
heart disease risk in women, improving the way health professionals detect and
treat cardiovascular disease risk factors in women, reaching minority women who
are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and motivating
communities to make greater use of resources already available at the local
Another example of the NHLBI's commitment to
evaluating community needs and developing relevant programs is creation of the
"Star Sleeper" campaign, with Garfield, the comic strip cat, as a means to get
the message out to elementary school children that a good night's rest is
important to their health.
The NHLBI points to the increased public awareness of
the need to control hypertension and to lower blood cholesterol as evidence
that its outreach programs are working, but the Institute understands that much
more needs to be done. Clearly, the results of some of these programs may not
be fully realized for years to come, since they are ongoing efforts to modify
public behavior and attitudes related to health. The Institute remains
committed to seek out new opportunities to get its message out to the public,
and to develop new programs to meet the special needs of minorities in order to
better alleviate health disparities.