National Institutes of Health Clinical CenterProfile

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Message from the Director

Important Events in Clinical Center History

Governance and Accreditation

Organization Structure and Programs

Heralding Fifty Years of Clinical Caring and Clinical Research

The Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center

Activation Planning for the Clinical Research Center

The Edmond J. Safra Family Lodge

Clinical Research

Clinician Highlight

Clinical Research Training

Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency

Public Outreach  End of left navigation list link group.


“This clinical research center will advance the work that is being done by all of us to achieve better health … modern medicine must find ways of detecting … (chronic) diseases in their early stages and of stopping their destructive force. That will be the major work of this clinical research center.”

President Harry S. Truman spoke those words at the dedication of the Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center in 1951 and they transcend the time that has since followed. In the past fifty years Nobel laureates and world-renowned clinical investigators made this message a reality through their journeys in science at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center. Discoveries made here by these distinguished individuals have had an impact on human health. Breakthroughs were made possible by the institute- and center-based teams of dedicated NIH employees who are supported by the very best resources in a stimulating, productive environment.

As 2003 concludes, the Clinical Center’s 50th anniversary events will be remembered as a jubilant commemoration of the first fifty years. Looking forward, the future brings a new hospital, the Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center. Positive changes are on the horizon that will enhance the NIH intramural science research program and the overall clinical research enterprise. The Clinical Center stands ready as a united organization with confidence to meet these challenges. Just as the past fifty years are filled with profound memories, these future endeavors will translate to remarkable successes for the NIH.

A simultaneous commitment to excellence in clinical research, patient care and management lies at the heart of how the Clinical Center achieves its mission. This dedication reflects and expands upon the vision of the Clinical Center’s founders.

This site profiles the work carried out by the NIH Clinical Center in 2003.

See more information:
The Clinical Center Organizational Chart >
The National Institutes of Health Organizational Chart >
Department of Health and Human Services Organizational Chart >

2004 Clinical Center Profile
Dianne L. Needham, Editor

To obtain printed copies of the 2004 Profile contact the Clinical Center Office of Communication at 301-496-2563.

Patient permissions granted for all photos and/or descriptions listed in this publication.

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