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Model Detail

Mouse Model Information
Model Name MCAT Tg
Investigator Warren Ladiges
Status available
Availability n/a
Strain n/a
Species of Origin Human
Mutation Type None selected
Manipulation Type transgenic
Conditional N
Projected Use Free radical theory of aging, arteriosclerosis, neoplasia, cataracts, longevity
Phenotype Summary Transgenic mice with targeted overexpression of catalase in mitochondria show lifespan extension, reduced aging pathology and reduced susceptibility to oxidative damage. Median and maximum life spans were maximally increased (average 5 months, and 5.5 months, respectively) in MCAT animals. Cardiac pathology and cataract development were delayed, oxidative damage (8-hydroxyguanosine) was reduced, H2O2 production and H2O2-induced aconitase inactivation were attenuated, and the development of mitochondrial deletions measured by LX-PCR was reduced.
Genetic Information
Gene Name Mitochondrial - Targeted Catalase
Gene Symbol MCAT
Reference Sequence n/a
MGI Gene Record n/a
LocusLink n/a
Disease n/a
OMIM n/a
Gene Models n/a
Biopathways n/a
Gene Ontology
Molecular Function n/a
Biological Process n/a
Cellular Component n/a
Title Schriner SE, Linford NJ, Martin GM, Treuting P, Ogburn CE, Coskun PE, Ladiges PC, Wolf N, Van Remmen H, Wallace DC, and Rabinovitch PS.. Extension of Lifespan in Mice with Overexpression of a Mitochondrial-Targeted Catalase.  Exiting the NIEHS site Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: 21 August 2007