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Model Detail

Mouse Model Information
Model Name Ku70 null
Investigator Warren Ladiges
Status available
Availability n/a
Strain 129X1/SvJ
Species of Origin None selected
Mutation Type Null
Manipulation Type targeted
Conditional N
Projected Use n/a
Phenotype Summary Ku70-deficient mice were about 50% size of control littermates and their fibroblasts were ionizing sensitive and deisplayed premature senescence. Ku70 deficiency leads to growth retardation. Reduced Ku80 protein levels in Ku-70 deficient mice. Early senescence of Ku70-deficient cells. "Leaky" T cell development. Increased incidence of thymic tumors in Ku70-deficient mice. Early arrest of B cell development in Ku70-deficient mice. Ku70 null cells display inefficient V(D)J recombination in vitro. Ku70-deficient mice have abnormal TCR V(D)J recombination in vivo.
Genetic Information
Gene Name Thyroid autoantigen 70kDa, Ku antigen
Gene Symbol G22P1
Reference Sequence n/a
MGI Gene Record n/a
LocusLink n/a
Disease n/a
OMIM n/a
Gene Models n/a
Biopathways n/a
Gene Ontology
Molecular Function n/a
Biological Process n/a
Cellular Component n/a
Title Gu Y, Seidl KJ, Rathburn GA, Zhu C, Manis JP, van der Stoep N, Davidson L, Sekiguchi JM, Frank K, Stanhope-Baker P, Schlissel MS, Roth DB, and Alt FW.. Growth Retardation and Leaky SCID Phenotype of Ku70-Deficient Mice..  Immunity (1997) Nov;7(5):653-65. Exiting the NIEHS site Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: 21 August 2007