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Model Detail

Mouse Model Information
Model Name DNAjC3(tm-gfp)
Investigator Warren Ladiges
Status available
Availability MMRRC
Strain C57BL/6J (Black 6)
Species of Origin Mouse
Mutation Type Null
Manipulation Type targeted
Conditional N
Projected Use Tool, diabetes
Phenotype Summary We have shown that deletion of the endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced chaperone p58ipk in the mouse results in a perturbation of glucose and lipid homeostasis. Neonatal mice are smaller than wild type litter mates and weights remain significantly lower throughout their lifespan. One of the factors in lower body weights is the lack of fat stores. Hyperglycemia occurs as mice reach full maturity at about 4 to 5 months of age, in males, but much later in females, at about 15 to 18 months of age. The cause of the hyperglycemia appears to be related to hypoinsilumemia as the result of a decrease in the number of pancreatic beta cells. We can not rule out the possibility of a developmental defect in beta cells thus not enough mature beta cells are being generated to produce insulin. However, we have shown that there is an increase in apoptosis of beta cells suggesting there is increased beta cell death associated with the lack of p58ipk. Increased cell death may be the result of increased ER stress, ie., adequate numbers of beta cells are being generated but large numbers are being eliminated by apoptosis.
Genetic Information
Gene Name DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 3
Gene Symbol DNAJC3
Reference Sequence 24234721 Exiting the NIEHS site
MGI Gene Record 107373 Exiting the NIEHS site
LocusLink 5611 Exiting the NIEHS site
Disease Diabetes
OMIM 601184 Exiting the NIEHS site
Gene Models n/a
Biopathways biocarta Exiting the NIEHS site
Gene Ontology
Molecular Function n/a
Biological Process regulation of translation Exiting the NIEHS site
Cellular Component n/a
Title Ladiges W, Knoblaugh S, Sopher B, Korth M, MacAuley A, Goodman A, LeBoeuf R, Katze M.. Pancreatic beta cell failure and diabetes in mice with a deletion mutation of the endoplasmic reticulum stress response gene P58IPK. Submission to Diabetes..  Exiting the NIEHS site Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: 21 August 2007