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Model Detail

Mouse Model Information
Model Name P53(S389A)
Investigator Harry van Steeg
Status available
Availability n/a
Strain n/a
Species of Origin Mouse
Mutation Type Point Mutant
Manipulation Type targeted
Conditional N
Projected Use SNP assessment, skin cancer
Phenotype Summary Model made at MIT (Tyler Jacks/Annemieke de Vries) for reference see Bruins et al. (2004) Mol. Cell Biol. in press
Genetic Information
Gene Name tumor protein p53 (Li-Fraumeni syndrome)
Gene Symbol TP53
Reference Sequence 8400737 Exiting the NIEHS site
MGI Gene Record TP53 Gene Details
LocusLink 7157 Exiting the NIEHS site
Disease n/a
OMIM 191170 Exiting the NIEHS site
Gene Models n/a
Biopathways n/a
Gene Ontology
Molecular Function n/a
Biological Process DNA repair Exiting the NIEHS site
Cellular Component n/a
Title n/a Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: 21 August 2007