Introduction: Clinical Center Profile 2002

A simultaneous commitment to excellence in clinical research, patient care and management lies at the heart of how the National Institutes of Health Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center conducts business. The year 2001 affirmed the revitalization of clinical research efforts throughout the NIH intramural science program and many positive organizational changes occurred at the Center to facilitate new and expanding research initiatives.

Photo: Lobby of Clinical Center from the South Drive entrance.

Looking into the Main Lobby of NIH Clinical Center from the South Drive entrance.

In tandem with this upward momentum the NIH Clinical Center stood alongside the rest of the nation and the world ready to help those directly affected by September 11, 2001. Center staff responded quickly and efficiently to a sea of donors at the NIH Blood Bank’s doors, handled requests for analysis of thousands of lab samples for potential anthrax infection, and provided rescue worker assistance at Ground Zero in New York in the aftermath of the traumatic events.

Patients come to NIH from every corner of America seeking answers to their scientific and medical questions. Finding these answers through leading-edge clinical research represents the sole mission of the Center and guides all aspects of its existence.

This publication profiles the work carried out at the NIH Clinical Center.

See more information:
NIH Clinical Center Organizational Chart >
NIH/DHHS Agency Chart >

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