Data Quality User Group Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2001

Date: June 1, 2001
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Rockledge II, Room 6201
Next Meeting: TBD

Action Items

1. Facilitate QRC Access to Original Applications and IC Source Documents (Belinda)
2. Facilitate QRC Interviews with Staff (Belinda, Bob, Larry)
3. Provide QRC with OLTP to IRDB Bridging Documentation (Larry)
4. Facilitate QRC Access to TechView Manuals (Larry)
5. Facilitate QRC's Obtaining Logons and Provide Demos of IMPAC II Modules (Larry)


Belinda and Bob greeted QRC and expressed their hopes for a productive and cooperative relationship. Now that funding is available, everyone is anxious for the data cleanup project to begin. The purpose of this kickoff meeting is to present our perception of the problem. Belinda noted that in the course of their investigation, QRC may unearth additional anomalies. Since existing tools are not satisfactory, one of QRC's primary tasks will be to develop and execute software to determine all the personal identifier data discrepancies.

Presentation of the Problem
Maria Bukowski has dedicated a great deal of time and energy to studying the PERSONS data problem. She presented a 15-minute overview including: the construction of personal information in the OLTP and IRDB databases; description of problems with redundant and incorrectly collapsed profiles and with person name, SSN, professional degree and address data. Maria also estimated the magnitude of these problems and provided illustrative examples. Refer to Maria's handouts (attachments A and B) for details.

Discussion of Data Correction and Improvement Considerations
· Corrections of data in IMPAC II OLTP will correct IRDB CURRENT data, but not IRDB HISTORY or PUB data since pointers have been severed.
· In some cases, it may be necessary to go back to the original application in order to resolve problems. Therefore, the contractors may need access to the IC grant files and archives. Belinda will facilitate interaction between QRC and the ICs.
· Unless restrictive business editing rules coincide with cleanup, the project will lose ground. Since it is unclear who has the authority to make changes, the contractor will have to conduct interviews. QRC was asked to go through Bob, Belinda or Larry to arrange interviews.
· Changing business rules (e.g., restricting the update of SSNs) will require policy decisions. Belinda said that she is looking to QRC to propose "reasonable" rules that support data integrity without slowing down the grants process.
· The flow of data from the OLTP (normalized) to the IRDB (denormalized) must be considered in problem analysis and resolution. Larry will provide QRC with technical documentation on bridging. QRC also requested access to TechView Volume 1 (OLTP) and Volume 2 (IRDB).
· Larry said there is an in-house tool to collapse profiles. He will make this tool available to QRC. He will also facilitate obtaining logons for QRC and will provide demos of the IMPAC II modules.

Contractual Items
Karen Riggs of the NLM Contracting Office introduced herself and invited QRC to call her with questions. She advised QRC to follow instructions for reporting requirements, deliverables and invoicing found in the SOW. Invoices are to be sent to her office.

Closing Remarks
Belinda praised QRC for their good work on CGAF and acknowledged the size and difficulty of the task they now face. She invited QRC to participate at Project Team meetings.


Carol Bleakley, OD,
Maria Bukowski, OD,
Zoe-Ann Copeland, OD,
Fanning, Larry, OD,
Paul D. Gammill, QRC,
Cassandra Gibbs, OD,
Steve Hazen, NCI,
Jim Lipton, NIDCR,
Mary V. Look, QRC,
Richard Mantovani, QRC,
Donald J. McMaster, Jr. QRC,
Madeline Monheit, LTS,
Bob Moore, OD,
Karen Riggs, NLM,
Susan Scolnik, NHLBI,
Belinda Seto, OD,
Sara Silver, Z-tech,

A. Construction of Personal Information
B. IMPAC II Data Quality Review (June 1, 2001)