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  • 1/27/2009
    Frank Praises Treasury TARP Inspector General

    Washington, DC - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) sent a letter today to the TARP Special Inspector General praising him for his work in providing greater transparency for the TARP Program.  Frank’s letter, the text of which is below, is in response to a letter from Inspector General Barofsky, where the IG stated, “Specifically, we [Treasury Special Inspector General] will be sending a request to all entities that have received TARP money to date asking them to account for their use of the TARP funds and to describe their efforts to comply with applicable executive compensation restrictions.” Read full story.
  • 1/9/2009
    Frank Introduces TARP Reform and Accountability Legislation

    Washington, DC - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) today introduced H.R. 384, the TARP Reform and Accountability Act to amend the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) provisions of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA). The legislation will strengthen accountability, close loopholes, increase transparency, and require Treasury to take significant steps on foreclosure mitigation.  Read full story.
  • 1/12/2009
    Frank Statement on TARP Funds

    Washington, DC - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) today released the following statement in light of reports that President-elect Obama will ask President Bush to request the second $350 billion of TARP funds: Read full story.