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What To Test

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Once you have finished everything else


Details of classroom setup. Largely based on the experiences of the SSCC in AFNI Bootcamp.
Page 3 of 3.

At this point you have probably installed the AFNI/SUMA Software and AFNI/SUMA Sample Data  on  at least one of your classroom computers. You should now verify that everything works properly. Here are some tips to check everything from basic to advanced functionality.


  • Check to make sure the AFNI user is configured correctly.
    • Make sure that the AFNI user's shell is tcsh:
[user@elrond ~]$ echo $shell
    • Make sure that the AFNI binaries directory is in your path:

[user@elrond ~]$ echo $path
/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin /home/user/abin
    • Make sure that the AFNI binaries and data are in the AFNI users's home directory.

[melkor:~] user% ls
AFNI_data1      Desktop         Movies          Public          std_meshes
AFNI_data2      Documents       Music           Sites           suma_demo
CD              Library         Pictures        abin


  • Check to make sure that AFNI runs on command
    • Change the current working directory to one that contains AFNI Sample Data and run afni.
cd AFNI_data1/afni
afni &


  • Establish a talk connection between AFNI and SUMA.
    • cd suma_demo/afni
    • afni -niml &
    • ./run_suma &
    • With the mouse focus on SUMA's window, which should be showing you a surface, hit the 't' key on the keyboard.
    • That will send surfaces over to AFNI. In AFNI, click on Image (Axial) and make sure you see blue contours on top of the anatomical image.
    • At that point, we know that AFNI and SUMA are communicating properly.
  • Lastly, press the 'F12' key in SUMA for the speed test and let us know what the results are.
    • The surface will flicker 20 times and the speed report is printed in a pop window and the shell from which you launched SUMA.
    • Usable speeds are of 4 displays per second. Top speeds are around 34.

Optionally Test with the AFNI Bootcamp CD

We use the s3.test script from the AFNI Bootcamp CD to test our installations. To test with s3.test:

  • login as your afni user
  • mount the AFNI Bootcamp CD (as described earlier)
  • Run s3.test
  • Perform the steps described in the Advanced section to establish a connection between AFNI and SUMA
  • It should look something like this:


Created by Alex Clark
Contributors : Rick Reynolds, Ziad Saad
Last modified 2005-08-30 09:38

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