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Thread-Topic: Call for letters of interest in localization microscopy due
              January 23, 2008
Thread-Index: AchRgyULOkSShYy7SH+heoxCjLOHzwAvDZ1g
Message-ID:  <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Tue, 8 Jan 2008 16:46:36 -0500
Reply-To:     "Combs, Christian (NIH/NHLBI) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       announce meetings and discuss microscopy
              <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Combs, Christian (NIH/NHLBI) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      FW: Call for letters of interest in localization microscopy due
              January 23, 2008

Hello Everyone, Please see below a call for letters for equipment for doing localization microscopy from Josh Zimmerberg who is leading the intramural Trans-NIH Imaging Initiative. Chris Combs Christian A. Combs, Ph.D. Head, NHLBI Light Microscopy Facility 10 Center Drive, 6N-309 Bethesda, MD 20892 Office: 301-496-3236 Mobile: 301-768-2568 -----Original Message----- From: Zimmerberg, Joshua (NIH/NICHD) [E] Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 6:15 PM To: Combs, Christian (NIH/NHLBI) [E] Subject: Call for letters of interest in localization microscopy due January 23, 2008 Individual Molecules in Space and Time in Living Cells Call for letters of interest in localization microscopy due January 23, 2008. As an example of the kind of proposal to transform science in the Intramural NIH that the Trans-NIH Imaging Committee is soliciting for FY2008, I am happy to announce the formation of a community for localization microscopy. Because of the Trans-NIH Imaging Initiatives, with FY2007 funds provided by the NIH Director, I have purchased a few microscopes, laser sets, and EMCCD cameras suitable for developing single molecule studies in cells. The main idea is to make available to Intramural scientists as soon as possible these items as the main parts for a new kind of microscopy introduced in the Intramural program that builds up images one molecule at a time, like a pointillist painting ( Because the location of a fluorophore can be measured with an uncertainty that is one to two orders of magnitude smaller than the diffraction-limited resolution, the result is a super-resolution image (Science 313:1642, 2006; Nat. Methods 3:793, 2006; Biophys. J. 91:4258, 2006). Because using photo-activatible probes allows pre-bleaching of the region of interest, signal-to-noise is markedly improved in living cells, to the point of detecting single molecules. It is thus possible to build up ensemble measures of certain molecule's motions in living cells (PNAS 2007 104:17370, 2007). Given the many potential applications to biophysics, cell biology, biochemistry, pathology, and pathophysiology, and given the existing strength of Intramural scientists in this new breakthrough, I propose that we try to create new ways to facilitate the adoption of this new technology. Dr. Zerhouni has funded this proposal. The next logical step in this Initiative is to find out which of us is interested in pursuing projects based on this new technology. This kind of imaging inspires and involves many fields, including computational microscopists, biophysicists, molecular biologists, and cell biologists. The community will consist of NIH Intramural scientists who submit short letters of interest and come to the organizational meeting January 25 at 10AM in Building 40 Room 1201&1203. The obligations and responsibilities of members, and the criteria for the placement of instruments are to be discussed collaboratively by the members of the community. For members that want to host instruments, there are conditions to be considered for your laboratory or imaging center involving space (minimum 25 sq ft), equipment and supplies (minimum 25K$) that will have to be provided to complement the microscope, camera, software, and lasers that this initiative can provide. Someone in your team will need to have laser experience to ensure safety while running lasers open on optical tables. This is not a turnkey system or a commercial solution. It is not clear how widely applicable this technique will be as it is an emerging technology. Details on available equipment and requirements are available upon request by email. If you are an Intramural NIH PI or Imaging Center Director and wish to host one of these units please also indicate your availability of space, expertise and funds to complete one of these microscopes, as indicated above. Please send your letters of interest by January 23, 2008 by email directly to Ken Mamot ([log in to unmask]). Joshua Zimmerberg

Individual Molecules in Space and Time_Interest Group.doc [application/msword]

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