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Carbon Tetrachloride - Compound Summary (CID: 5943)

A solvent for oils, fats, lacquers, varnishes, rubber waxes, and resins, and a starting material in the manufacturing of organic compounds. Poisoning by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption is possible and may be fatal. (Merck Index, 11th ed)

Drug and Chemical Information: (Total:1)         

  Chemical Classification
Organic Chemicals
            Hydrocarbons, Halogenated
                  Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated
                        Carbon Tetrachloride

Safety and Toxicology

HSDB - Peer-reviewed summary of toxicity and biomedical effects

NIOSH ICSC - NIOSH International Chemical Safety Cards

NJ-HSFS - New Jersey Material Data Safety Sheets

ATSDR PHSs - Toxicological profile: frequently asked questions

ATSDR ToxFAQs - Toxicological profile: frequently asked questions for consumers

CCRIS - Carcinogenicity, tumor promotion, tumor inhibition, and mutagenicity tests

EINECS - European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances

GENETOX - Genetic toxicology information

Haz-Map - Occupational toxicology information

TOXLINE - Citations to the toxicological literature

ITER - Human health risk values

IRIS - EPA health risk and regulatory information

NTP DBS - Toxicological assay results

Household Products - Information on household products containing a chemical

Literature Choose by Subheadings:

Literature Keyword Mining Tool

BioActivity Results:
Tested in BioAssays: All: 103   Active: 4   Inactive: 98
BioActivity Summary:
This Compound   with Similar Compounds

AID: 1208 Source: EPA DSSTox
DSSTox (CPDBAS) Carcinogenic Potency Database Summary Rat Bioassay Results

AID: 1205 Source: EPA DSSTox
DSSTox (CPDBAS) Carcinogenic Potency Database Summary MultiCellCall Results

AID: 1199 Source: EPA DSSTox
DSSTox (CPDBAS) Carcinogenic Potency Database Summary Mouse Bioassay Results

AID: 1189 Source: EPA DSSTox
DSSTox (CPDBAS) Carcinogenic Potency Database Summary SingleCellCall Results

more ...

Depositor-Supplied Synonyms: (Total: 90)
Display: Next 10 | All | Sort:

Properties Computed from Structure:
Molecular Weight153.8227 [g/mol]
Molecular FormulaCCl4
H-Bond Donor0
H-Bond Acceptor0
Rotatable Bond Count0
Exact Mass153.872461
MonoIsotopic Mass151.875411
Topological Polar Surface Area0
Heavy Atom Count5
Formal Charge0
Isotope Atom Count0
Defined Atom StereoCenter Count0
Undefined Atom StereoCenter Count0
Defined Bond StereoCenter Count0
Undefined Bond StereoCenter Count0
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count1

Descriptors Computed from Structure:
IUPAC Name: tetrachloromethane
Canonical SMILES: C(Cl)(Cl)(Cl)Cl

Compound Information:
CID: 5943   
Create Date: 2004-09-16

Related Compounds:
Same, Connectivity: 3 Links

Similar Compounds: 8 Links

Substance Information:
    All: 164 Links
    Same structure: 66 Links
    Mixture: 98 Links

Category: [for same structure substances]
Biological Properties: 6 Links
   ChEBI ( 1 )
SID: 8144522 - External ID: CHEBI:27385
   Comparative Toxicogenomics Database ( 1 )
SID: 53789485 - External ID: D002251
   DiscoveryGate ( 1 )
SID: 8153689 - External ID: 5943
   DTP/NCI ( 1 )
SID: 401355 - External ID: 97063
   LeadScope ( 1 )
SID: 49855518 - External ID: LS-1373
   NextBio ( 1 )
SID: 50766465 - External ID: 5943

Chemical Reactions: 1 Link
   Comparative Toxicogenomics Database ( 1 )
SID: 53789485 - External ID: D002251

Journal Publishers: 1 Link
   Thomson Pharma ( 1 )
SID: 14747943 - External ID: 00082826

Metabolic Pathways: 3 Links
   Comparative Toxicogenomics Database ( 1 )
SID: 53789485 - External ID: D002251
   KEGG ( 1 )
SID: 9764 - External ID: C07561
   UM-BBD ( 1 )
SID: 14709639 - External ID: c0486

NIH Molecular Libraries: 2 Links
   NCGC ( 2 )
SID: 17389990 - External ID: NCGC00091016-01
SID: 17389121 - External ID: NCGC00091016-02

Physical Properties: 3 Links
   ChemExper Chemical Directory ( 1 )
SID: 3135061 - External ID: sJPBADJHtPXaIjj@@
   NIST ( 1 )
SID: 10393538 - External ID: 2579671288
   NIST Chemistry WebBook ( 1 )
SID: 10527392 - External ID: 2579671288

Substance Vendors: 42 Links
   Ambinter ( 1 )
SID: 48583430 - External ID: ST5214352
   ChemExper Chemical Directory ( 1 )
SID: 3135061 - External ID: sJPBADJHtPXaIjj@@
   ChemSpider ( 31 )   
   Sigma-Aldrich ( 9 )   

Theoretical Properties: 1 Link
   ChemDB ( 1 )
SID: 5173387 - External ID: 4960346

Toxicology: 11 Links
   ChemIDplus ( 1 )
SID: 148767 - External ID: 000056235
   Comparative Toxicogenomics Database ( 1 )
SID: 53789485 - External ID: D002251
   EPA DSSTox ( 9 )   

Compound ID5943
Molecular Weight153.8227 [g/mol]
Molecular FormulaCCl4
H-Bond Donor0
H-Bond Acceptor0

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