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Meeting Summary

Early Psychological Intervention Following Mass Trauma: Present and Future Directions

June 1, 2006
New York

NIMH partnered with the New York Medical College and School of Public Health and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Center for Study of Traumatic Stress, for a meeting of trauma and early intervention experts. The goal was to review the available evidence on early intervention and to disseminate guidance to the field. Presentations focused on the roles of government, clinicians, and communities in effective early intervention following mass trauma; workforce and community resilience; the role, rationale, and challenges associated with primary care as an intervention opportunity; psychological first aid; problems of debriefing; early intervention and treatment of acute stress disorder (ASD); the role of psychopharmacology in early intervention; and cultural considerations in early intervention. For more information, please contact Dr. Farris Tuma.