National Cancer Institute
U.S. National Institutes of Health |
DCTD Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis




The NIH Ethics Program consists of a central NIH Ethics Office and an ethics office in each IC, managed by a Deputy Ethics Counselor and an Ethics Coordinator.  The IC ethics staff are charged with specific responsibilities for reviewing forms, assisting staff with procedures and questions, and submitting appropriate reports on ethics activities.  Staff in the central NIH Ethics Office are charged with providing leadership, guidance and advice to the NIH community especially to the ethics staff in the IC's.  In addition, the NIH Ethics Office also serves as the ethics office for the Office of Director, NIH.

Oversight of the NIH Ethics Program is the responsibility of the NIH Ethics Officer in the NIH Ethics Office, Office of the Director (OD).  In addition, ethics attorneys from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Office of General Counsel, Ethics Division (OGC/ED) maintain an office at the NIH to assist IC Deputy Ethics Counselors (DEC), and Ethics Coordinators.

Employees have a responsibility to learn the how the statutes and regulations are implemented at the NIH.  For questions, employees may initially contact their IC's DEC or Ethics Coordinator with their questions, who will contact staff in the NIH Ethics Office or ethics counsel as needed.

Popular Ethics Topics


Website Links of Interest

Policies, Rules and Regulations

Mandatory Ethics Training

NIH Conflict of Interest Information and Resources

NIH/NCI Ethics Team and Responsibilities

New Information and Updates

Mandatory Use of NEES for HHS 520 Submissions - NEW as of 4/4/08 !!

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health