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Volunteers Needed

Doctors at NIH are seeking individuals being treated with a widely-used anti-depressant agent called welbutrin. Participants will be asked to donate 4 tablespoons of blood for routine screening and evaluation of platelet function. The visit will be no longer than an hour and compensation is provided. If interested or for more information call Donna Jo McCloskey, research nurse, at (301) 496-5150.

Asian/Chinese Volunteers Needed

The department of transfusion medicine (Blood Bank) at the Clinical Center seeks healthy volunteers (male and female) 18 years of age and older to participate in a research apheresis study that assesses the influence of ethnic background on immune response. Volunteers are needed who were born in China, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore or first generation offspring of parents who were born in these countries. Two visits are required and compensation is available. Call Rose Werden, (301) 402-0757, Mon.-Thurs., 2-4 p.m.

Healthy Volunteers Sought

The Mood & Anxiety Disorders Program, NIMH, is looking for healthy volunteers, not on medication, with no current or history of psychiatric illness, between the ages of 18 and 65, for a multitude of studies. These may include PET scans, MRI, psychological interview, neuropsychological testing, and other procedures depending on the project in which you choose to participate. A stipend is available. Call 1-866-627-6464 for more information.

Healthy Women Over 60 Needed

Participate in an ovarian function study. Call 1-800-411-1222 (TTY 1-866-411-1010). Compensation is available. Refer to study number 00-CH-0189.

Healthy Volunteers Needed

NIAID seeks healthy male and female volunteers ages 18-40 years for a research study to determine whether lopinavir/ritonavir (anti-viral medication) has direct effects on how the lining of the arteries function before and after receiving 4 weeks of therapy. In order to participate, you must be a non-smoker in good health, not be HIV-infected and not be taking any medications. Participants will be compensated. Call Jocelyn Voell, (301) 435-7913.

Depression Study Needs Volunteers

If you currently experience symptoms of depression, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. Symptoms include sadness, losing interest in your activities and changes in eating and sleeping patterns. Interested volunteers, 18 years or older, may be eligible to participate. If you qualify, participation involves a 2-3-hour visit, including questionnaires. The study does not include treatment, but we provide referrals. You will be compensated for your time. For more information, call the Uniformed Services University, (301) 295-3241.

One-Day Outpatient Study

Healthy volunteers, ages 19 to 55, are needed to participate in research studying genes and brain function. Testing procedures involve a blood draw, non-invasive neuroimaging, interviews and cognitive testing. No overnight stay. No medication trial. Compensation provided. Call the Clinical Brain Disorders Branch at (301) 435-8970 or email Refer to protocol # 95-M-0150.

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