AFNI program: 3dDeconvolve

Output of -help

++ 3dDeconvolve: AFNI version=AFNI_2008_07_18_1710 (Jan 29 2009) [32-bit]
++ Authored by: B. Douglas Ward, et al.

Program to calculate the deconvolution of a measurement 3D+time dataset 
with a specified input stimulus time series.  This program can also     
perform multiple linear regression using multiple input stimulus time   
series. Output consists of an AFNI 'bucket' type dataset containing     
(for each voxel)                                                        
 * the least squares estimates of the linear regression coefficients.   
 * t-statistics for significance of the coefficients.                   
 * partial F-statistics for significance of individual input stimuli.   
 * the F-statistic for significance of the overall regression.          
The program can optionally output extra datasets containing             
 * the estimated impulse response function                              
 * the fitted model and error (residual) time series                    
Consider the time series model  Z(t) = K(t)*S(t) + baseline + noise,    
where Z(t) = data                                                       
      K(t) = kernel (e.g., hemodynamic response function),              
      S(t) = stimulus                                                   
  baseline = constant, drift, etc.                                      
     and * = convolution                                                
Then 3dDeconvolve solves for K(t) given S(t).  If you want to process   
the reverse problem and solve for S(t) given the kernel K(t),           
use the program 3dTfitter.  The difference between the two cases is     
that K(t) is presumed to be causal and have limited support, whereas    
S(t) is a full-length time series.  Note that program 3dTfitter does    
not have all the capabilities of 3dDeconvolve for calculating output    
statistics; on the other hand, 3dTfitter can solve the deconvolution    
problem (in either direction) with L1 or L2 regression, with sign       
constraints on the computed values.                                     

**** Input data and control options:                                   
-input fname         fname = filename of 3D+time input dataset         
                       (more than  one filename  can be  given)        
                       (here,   and  these  datasets  will  be)        
                       (catenated  in time;   if you do this, )        
                       ('-concat' is not needed and is ignored)        
[-force_TR TR]       Use this value of TR instead of the one in        
                     the -input dataset.                               
                     (It's better to fix the input using 3drefit.)     
[-input1D dname]     dname = filename of single (fMRI) .1D time series 
[-TR_1D tr1d]        tr1d = TR for .1D time series (default 1.0 sec).  
                     This option has no effect without -input1D        
[-nodata [NT [TR]]   Evaluate experimental design only (no input data) 
[-mask mname]        mname = filename of 3d mask dataset               
[-automask]          build a mask automatically from input data        
                      (will be slow for long time series datasets)     
[-censor cname]      cname = filename of censor .1D time series        
[-CENSORTR clist]    clist = list of strings that specify time indexes 
                       to be removed from the analysis.  Each string is
                       of one of the following forms:                  
                           37 => remove global time index #37          
                         2:37 => remove time index #37 in run #2       
                       37..47 => remove global time indexes #37-47     
                       37-47  => same as above                         
                     2:37..47 => remove time indexes #37-47 in run #2  
                     *:0-2    => remove time indexes #0-2 in all runs  
                      +Time indexes within each run start at 0.        
                      +Run indexes start at 1 (just be to confusing).  
                      +Multiple -CENSORTR options may be used, or      
                        multiple -CENSORTR strings can be given at     
                        once, separated by spaces or commas.           
                      +N.B.: 2:37,47 means index #37 in run #2 and     
                        global time index 47; it does NOT mean         
                        index #37 in run #2 AND index #47 in run #2.   
[-concat rname]      rname = filename for list of concatenated runs    
[-nfirst fnum]       fnum = number of first dataset image to use in the
                       deconvolution procedure. (default = max maxlag) 
[-nlast  lnum]       lnum = number of last dataset image to use in the 
                       deconvolution procedure. (default = last point) 
[-polort pnum]       pnum = degree of polynomial corresponding to the  
                       null hypothesis  (default: pnum = 1)            
                       If you use 'A' for pnum, the program will       
                       automatically choose a value.                   
[-legendre]          use Legendre polynomials for null hypothesis      
[-nolegendre]        use power polynomials for null hypotheses         
                       (default is -legendre)                          
[-nodmbase]          don't de-mean baseline time series                
                       (i.e., polort>1 and -stim_base inputs)          
[-dmbase]            de-mean baseline time series (default if polort>0)
[-svd]               Use SVD instead of Gaussian elimination (default) 
[-nosvd]             Use Gaussian elimination instead of SVD           
[-rmsmin r]          r = minimum rms error to reject reduced model     
[-nocond]            DON'T calculate matrix condition number           
                      ** This is NOT the same as Matlab!               
[-singvals]          Print out the matrix singular values              
[-GOFORIT [g]]       Use this to proceed even if the matrix has        
                     bad problems (e.g., duplicate columns, large      
                     condition number, etc.).                          
               *N.B.: Warnings that you should particularly heed have  
                      the string '!!' somewhere in their text.         
               *N.B.: Error and Warning messages go to stderr and      
                      also to file 3dDeconvolve.err.               
               *N.B.: The optional number 'g' that appears is the      
                      number of warnings that can be ignored.          
                      That is, if you use -GOFORIT 7 and 9 '!!'        
                      matrix warnings appear, then the program will    
                      not run.  If 'g' is not present, 1 is used.      
[-allzero_OK]        Don't consider all zero matrix columns to be      
                      the type of error that -GOFORIT is needed to     
[-Dname=val]       = Set environment variable 'name' to 'val' for this 
                     run of the program only.                          
**** Input stimulus options:                                           
-num_stimts num      num = number of input stimulus time series        
                       (0 <= num)   (default: num = 0)                 
-stim_file k sname   sname = filename of kth time series input stimulus
[-stim_label k slabel] slabel = label for kth input stimulus           
[-stim_base k]       kth input stimulus is part of the baseline model  
[-stim_minlag k m]   m = minimum time lag for kth input stimulus       
                       (default: m = 0)                                
[-stim_maxlag k n]   n = maximum time lag for kth input stimulus       
                       (default: n = 0)                                
[-stim_nptr k p]     p = number of stimulus function points per TR     
                       Note: This option requires 0 slice offset times 
                       (default: p = 1)                                
[-stim_times k tname Rmodel]                                           
   Generate the k-th response model from a set of stimulus times       
   given in file 'tname'.  The response model is specified by the      
   'Rmodel' argument, which can be one of                              
     'GAM(p,q)'    = 1 parameter gamma variate                         
                       = (t/(p*q))^p * exp(p-t/q)                      
     'SPMG'        = 2 parameter SPM gamma variate + derivative        
     'SPMG3'       = 3 parameter SPM basis function set                
     'POLY(b,c,n)' = n parameter Legendre polynomial expansion         
                       from times b..c after stimulus time             
                       [Max value of n is 20]                          
     'SIN(b,c,n)'  = n parameter sine series expansion                 
                       from times b..c after stimulus time             
     'TENT(b,c,n)' = n parameter tent function expansion               
                       from times b..c after stimulus time             
    'CSPLIN(b,c,n)'= n parameter cubic spline function expansion       
                       from times b..c after stimulus time             
     'BLOCK(d,p)'  = 1 parameter block stimulus of duration 'd'        
                     (can also be called 'IGFUN' which stands)         
                     (for 'incomplete gamma function'        )         
                    ** There are 2 variants of BLOCK:                  
                         BLOCK4 (the default) and BLOCK5               
                       which have slightly different delays:           
                         HRF(t) = int( g(t-s) , s=0..min(t,d) )        
                       where g(t) = t^q * exp(-t) /(q^q*exp(-q))       
                       and q = 4 or 5.  The case q=5 is delayed by     
                       about 1 second from the case q=4.               
     'EXPR(b,c) exp1 ... expn' = n parameter; arbitrary expressions    
                       from times b..c after stimulus time             
   For the format of the 'tname' file, see the last part of     
   and also see the other documents stored in the directory below:                     
   and also read the presentation below:                       
   ** Note Well:                                                       
    * The contents of the 'tname' file are NOT just 0s and 1s,         
      but are the actual times of the stimulus events.                 
    * You can give the times on the command line by using a string     
      of the form '1D: 3.2 7.9 | 8.2 16.2 23.7' in place of 'tname',   
      where the '|' character indicates the start of a new line        
      (so this example is for a case with 2 catenated runs).           
    * You cannot use the '1D:' form of input for any of the more       
      complicated '-stim_times_*' options below!                       
[-stim_times_AM1 k tname Rmodel]                                       
   Similar, but generates an amplitude modulated response model.       
   The 'tname' file should consist of 'time*amplitude' pairs.          
[-stim_times_AM2 k tname Rmodel]                                       
   Similar, but generates 2 response models: one with the mean         
   amplitude and one with the differences from the mean.               
** NOTE [04 Dec 2008] **                                               
 -stim_times_AM1 and -stim_times_AM2 now take files with more          
   than 1 amplitude attached to each time; for example,                
   indicates a stimulus at time 33.7 seconds with 3 amplitudes         
   attached (9 and -2 and 3).  In this example, -stim_times_AM2 would  
   generate 4 response models: 1 for the constant response case        
   and 1 scaled by each of the amplitude sets.                         
 For more information, see                                          
** NOTE [08 Dec 2008] **                                               
 -stim_times_AM1 and -stim_times_AM2 now have 1 extra response model   
 function available:                                                   
   dmBLOCK (or dmBLOCK4 or dmBLOCK5)                                   
 where 'dm' means 'duration modulated'.  If you use this response      
 model, then the LAST married parameter in the timing file will        
 be used to modulate the duration of the block stimulus.  Any          
 earlier parameters will be used to modulate the amplitude,            
 and should be separated from the duration parameter by a ':'          
 character, as in '30*5,3:12' which means (for dmBLOCK):               
   a block starting at 30 s,                                           
   with amplitude parameters 5 and 3,                                  
   and with duration 12 s.                                             
 The unmodulated peak response of dmBLOCK is set to 1.                 
 *N.B.: the maximum allowed dmBLOCK duration is 999 s.                 
 *N.B.: you can also use dmBLOCK with -stim_times_IM, in which case    
        each time in the 'tname' file should have just one extra       
        parameter -- the duration -- married to it, as in '30:15',     
        meaning a block of duration 15 seconds starting at t=30 s.     
 For some graphs of what dmBLOCK regressors look like, see          
[-stim_times_IM k tname Rmodel]                                        
   Similar, but each separate time in 'tname' will get a separate      
   regressor; 'IM' means 'Individually Modulated' -- that is, each     
   event will get its own amplitude(s).  Presumably you will collect   
   these many amplitudes afterwards and do some sort of statistics     
   on them.                                                            
 *N.B.: Each time in the 'tname' file will get a separate regressor.   
        If some time is outside the duration of the imaging run(s),    
        or if the response model for that time happens to hit only     
        censored-out data values, then the corresponding regressor     
        will be all zeros.  Normally, 3dDeconvolve will not run        
        if the matrix has any all zero columns.  To carry out the      
        analysis, use the '-allzero_OK' option.  Amplitude estimates   
        for all zero columns will be zero, and should be excluded      
        from any subsequent analysis.  (Probably you should fix the    
        times in the 'tname' file instead of using '-allzero_OK'.)     
   By default, 3dDeconvolve guesses whether the times in the 'tname'   
   files for the various '-stim_times' options are global times        
   (relative to the start of run #1) or local times (relative to       
   the start of each run).  With one of these options, you can force   
   the times to be considered as global or local for '-stim_times'     
   options that are AFTER the '-local_times' or '-global_times'.       
[-basis_normall a]                                                     
   Normalize all basis functions for '-stim_times' to have             
   amplitude 'a' (must have a > 0).  The peak absolute value           
   of each basis function will be scaled to be 'a'.                    
   NOTE: -basis_normall only affect -stim_times options that           
         appear LATER on the command line                              
**** General linear test (GLT) options:                                
-num_glt num         num = number of general linear tests (GLTs)       
                       (0 <= num)   (default: num = 0)                 
                  **N.B.: You only need this option if you have        
                          more than 10 GLTs specified; the program     
                          has built-in space for 10 GLTs, and          
                          this option is used to expand that space.    
                          If you use this option, you should place     
                          it on the command line BEFORE any of the     
                          other GLT options.                           
[-glt s gltname]     Perform s simultaneous linear tests, as specified 
                       by the matrix contained in file gltname         
[-glt_label k glabel]  glabel = label for kth general linear test      
[-gltsym gltname]    Read the GLT with symbolic names from the file    
[-TR_irc dt]                                                           
   Use 'dt' as the stepsize for computation of integrals in -IRC_times 
   options.  Default is to use value given in '-TR_times'.             
**** Options for output 3D+time datasets:                              
[-iresp k iprefix]   iprefix = prefix of 3D+time output dataset which  
                       will contain the kth estimated impulse response 
[-tshift]            Use cubic spline interpolation to time shift the  
                       estimated impulse response function, in order to
                       correct for differences in slice acquisition    
                       times. Note that this effects only the 3D+time  
                       output dataset generated by the -iresp option.  
[-sresp k sprefix]   sprefix = prefix of 3D+time output dataset which  
                       will contain the standard deviations of the     
                       kth impulse response function parameters        
[-fitts  fprefix]    fprefix = prefix of 3D+time output dataset which  
                       will contain the (full model) time series fit   
                       to the input data                               
[-errts  eprefix]    eprefix = prefix of 3D+time output dataset which  
                       will contain the residual error time series     
                       from the full model fit to the input data       
[-TR_times dt]                                                         
   Use 'dt' as the stepsize for output of -iresp and -sresp file       
   for response models generated by '-stim_times' options.             
   Default is same as time spacing in the '-input' 3D+time dataset.    
   The units here are in seconds!                                      
**** Options to control the contents of the output bucket dataset:     
[-fout]            Flag to output the F-statistics                     
[-rout]            Flag to output the R^2 statistics                   
[-tout]            Flag to output the t-statistics                     
[-vout]            Flag to output the sample variance (MSE) map        
[-nobout]          Flag to suppress output of baseline coefficients    
                     (and associated statistics) [** DEFAULT **]       
[-bout]            Flag to turn on output of baseline coefs and stats. 
[-nocout]          Flag to suppress output of regression coefficients  
                     (and associated statistics)                       
[-full_first]      Flag to specify that the full model statistics will 
                     be first in the bucket dataset [** DEFAULT **]    
[-nofull_first]    Flag to specify that full model statistics go last  
[-nofullf_atall]   Flag to turn off the full model F statistic         
                     ** DEFAULT: the full F is always computed, even if
                     sub-model partial F's are not ordered with -fout. 
[-bucket bprefix]  Create one AFNI 'bucket' dataset containing various 
                     parameters of interest, such as the estimated IRF 
                     coefficients, and full model fit statistics.      
                     Output 'bucket' dataset is written to bprefix.    
[-nobucket]        Don't output a bucket dataset.  By default, the     
                     program uses '-bucket Decon' if you don't give    
                     either -bucket or -nobucket on the command line.  
[-noFDR]           Don't compute the statistic-vs-FDR curves for the   
                     bucket dataset.                                   
                     [same as 'setenv AFNI_AUTOMATIC_FDR NO']          
[-xsave]           Flag to save X matrix into file bprefix.xsave       
                     (only works if -bucket option is also given)      
[-noxsave]         Don't save X matrix (this is the default)           
[-cbucket cprefix] Save the regression coefficients (no statistics)    
                     into a dataset named 'cprefix'.  This dataset     
                     will be used in a -xrestore run instead of the    
                     bucket dataset, if possible.                      
                   Also, the -cbucket and -x1D output can be combined  
                     in 3dSynthesize to produce 3D+time datasets that  
                     are derived from subsets of the regression model  
                     [generalizing the -fitts option, which produces]  
                     [a 3D+time dataset derived from the full model].  
[-xrestore f.xsave] Restore the X matrix, etc. from a previous run     
                     that was saved into file 'f.xsave'.  You can      
                     then carry out new -glt tests.  When -xrestore    
                     is used, most other command line options are      
[-float]            Write output datasets in float format, instead of  
                    as scaled shorts.                                  
[-short]            Write output as scaled shorts [default, for now]   
**** The following options control the screen output only:             
[-quiet]             Flag to suppress most screen output               
[-xout]              Flag to write X and inv(X'X) matrices to screen   
[-xjpeg filename]    Write a JPEG file graphing the X matrix           
                     * If filename ends in '.png', a PNG file is output
[-x1D filename]      Save X matrix to a .xmat.1D (ASCII) file [default]
[-nox1D]             Don't save X matrix                               
[-x1D_uncensored ff  Save X matrix to a .xmat.1D file, but WITHOUT     
                     ANY CENSORING.  Might be useful in 3dSynthesize.  
[-x1D_stop]          Stop running after writing .xmat.1D files.        
[-progress n]        Write statistical results for every nth voxel     
[-fdisp fval]        Write statistical results for those voxels        
                       whose full model F-statistic is > fval          

 -jobs J   Run the program with 'J' jobs (sub-processes).
             On a multi-CPU machine, this can speed the
             program up considerably.  On a single CPU
             machine, using this option is silly.
             J should be a number from 1 up to the
             number of CPUs sharing memory on the system.
             J=1 is normal (single process) operation.
             The maximum allowed value of J is 32.
         * For more information on parallelizing, see
         * Use -mask to get more speed; cf. 3dAutomask.

** NOTE **
This version of the program has been compiled to use
double precision arithmetic for most internal calculations.

++ Compile date = Jan 29 2009

This page auto-generated on Fri Jan 30 20:02:20 EST 2009