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Center for Information TechnologyAntivirus
Antivirus Home Page
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Current client downloads:
 VScan Engine/Dat (SuperDat) -5300/2777.5511
 VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i (with Patch 6) - Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
 VirusScan Enterprise 7.1 - Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
 Virex (OS X) Engine/Def - 7.2(v1.1)/081029
 Virex (OS 9.x) Engine/Def - 6.2/071001
 Linux & Solaris Engine/Dat - 5.2.00/4.0.5196
 Symantec Antivirus -
 Symantec Antivirus - 10.2
 Clean Boot 1.0
 Stinger v3.8.0 virus removal tool (Updated 09/10/07)
Current server downloads:
 VirusScan Enterprise 8.5
 VirusScan Enterprise 7.1
 NetShield NetWare - 4.6.2
 NetShield NetWare - 4.6.3
 NetShield NetWare Engine Update - 4.4.00
 ePO agent for NetWare
 ScanMail eManager - 3.0

 ePO 3.0/VirusScan 7.0 Presentation
 Virex 7.x Installation Instructions
 VirusScan FAQs
 VirusScan Instructions
 Additional Resources

 List of Viruses

Updating VirusScan

Manual Installation, Extra.dat

  1. Extract the extra.dat to C:\program files\Common files\Network Associates\VirusScan Engine\4.0.xx (this assumes a default installation of VirusScan/Netshield and may vary). Copy over extra.dat if one is present in this directory.
  2. Stop and start VirusScan/Netshield (Windows 9.X and ME machine will need to reboot)

Manual Dat Update

  1. From the left hand side of the AntiVirus Page click on SuperDat
  2. Depending on your browser, you can either run the file from its current location, or download it to your machine. If you download it to your machine, place it in an easy-to-remember location, exit your browser, and then run the Superdat executable.
  3. You may be prompted to reboot your machine; If you are prompted, you should do so.

Manual Dat Installation

  1. Download the Dat file from the NIH Antivirus Site and save to a location you can remember such as the Desktop.
  2. Extract the Dat file (double click file) to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Network Associates\VirusScan Engine\4.0.xx
    (Note: this is the default location of Dat files and may be different if VirusScan was not installed in the default location).
  3. Reboot your system.

Scheduled Automatic Update and Automatic Upgrade (Superdat):
CIT recommends that you schedule daily updates and upgrades.

VShield 4.5.1

  • Either
    • Double click on the magnifying glass icon (VirusScan Console) on the toolbar, or
    • click the Start button, then click Programs/Network Associates/VirusScan Console


  1. Highlight AutoUpdate and select Configure. Select Add or Edit. Select Edit if there is a task created, Add if there is not.
  2. Set Site Name to NIH AV and set FTP Site to Select OK 2 times.
  3. Select Properties, then Schedule. Click Enable. Select Daily under Run.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click OK.


  1. Highlight AutoUpgrade. Select Configure. Select Add or Edit. Select Edit if there is a task already created, Add if there is not.
  2. Set Site to NIH AV and set FTP Site to Select OK 2 times.
  3. Select Properties, then Schedule. Click Enable. Select Daily under Run.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click OK.
How to force the installation of a SuperDat
Note: This may require a reboot of the system.

  1. Save the SuperDat file to your local hard drive (example: Save the Superdat to a file you create called datfiles on the root of C:\).
  2. Launch the DOS commandline. For Windows NT/2000/XP select startmenu, run. Type in the command "cmd" without the quotes and select ok. For Windows 9.x select startmenu, run. Type in the command "C:\windows\dosprmpt" without the quotes and select ok. Note: These instructions assume a default installation of the Operating System.
  3. From the commandline change directories to the location of the SuperDat file. (In the example the command would look like C:\cd datfiles)
  4. Execute the SuperDat with the force switch (/f). (In the example the command would look like C:\sdatXXXX.exe /f where the XXXX represents the number of the SuperDat)
  5. A message box will appear. Select next. The SuperDat will execute and update your software.
  6. Select finish after the SuperDat finishes updating your software. At this time you may be prompted for a reboot.

Contact NIH Help Desk for assistance:
866-319-4357 (toll free), 301-496-4357 (6-HELP) (local), 301-496-8294 (TDD)
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National Institutes of HealthCenter for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892

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Department of Health and Human ServicesHealth and Human Services
Washington, D.C. 20201
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