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New AFNI Features

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-04-26


We quietly added the ability for AFNI to read and write NIfTI files a couple of weeks ago. It should be available in any binary downloaded after 4/6 or so...

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-04-25

Bugfix: Edit Tagset Plugin

A bug in the Edit Tagset Plugin has been fixed. Binaries have been updated. The version number remains: AFNI_2005_03_29_1433.

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-04-20

An answer to a question from a loyal user.

How the Talairach Transformation is Stored in the .HEAD File

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-04-18

nifti_tool has been updated

For those interested in the NIFTI format, there have been some good updates to the nifti_tool program this month.

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-04-18

AFNI Cheat Sheet

AFNI is full of secret doorways

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-04-08

AFNI UPDATER script has been updated

For those who use the UPDATER script to download AFNI...

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-03-31

Origins of AFNI

Reminiscences of when and why AFNI was created. Before AFNI was FD2, and before FD2 was FD and FIM.

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-03-30

New Version of AFNI

Just posted: source for an updated AFNI. Binaries for Linux are also up now, and the others are compiling at this moment.

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2005-03-30

Some Tweaks

Some changes to AFNI are being posted now -- source code available now...

  • Posted by aclark
  • Published: 2004-07-25

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