eRA Pilots Program Portfolio Management Interface

On November 1, eRA launched the first phase of the Program Portfolio Management Interface, a customized, consolidated view of information for NIH Program Officials (POs). The initial pilot includes Pre-Submission and General Resources functionality.

The current pilot is a first step in using portal technology to help NIH POs manage their portfolios. Ultimately, the interface will allow POs to monitor and administer each application as it moves through all phases of the grant lifecycle, from pre-submission through post-award. For example, when a PO signs on, his/her current portfolio of work in progress for Type 1, 2 and 5 awards will be displayed, with the ability to access and manage a specific grant through the portal.

Once eRA builds the architecture for the Program interface, this infrastructure can be reused to build similar interfaces for members of other NIH internal and external user communities to track and process their individual grant portfolios.

For more information about the Program Portfolio Management Interface, contact Bud Erickson at 301-435-4913.