AFNI program: plugout_drive

Output of -help

Usage: plugout_drive [-host name] [-v]
This program connects to AFNI and sends commands
 that the user specifies interactively or on command line
 over to AFNI to be executed.

  -host name  Means to connect to AFNI running on the computer
                'name' using TCP/IP.  The default is to connect
                on the current host 'localhost' using TCP/IP.
  -shm        Means to connect to the current host using shared
                memory.  There is no reason to do this unless
                you are transferring huge quantities of data.
                N.B.:  '-host .' is equivalent to '-shm'.
  -v          Verbose mode.
  -port pp    Use TCP/IP port number 'pp'.  The default is
                8099, but if two plugouts are running on the
                same computer, they must use different ports.
  -name sss   Use the string 'sss' for the name that AFNI assigns
                to this plugout.  The default is something stupid.
  -com 'ACTION DATA'  Execute the following command. For example:
                       -com 'SET_FUNCTION SomeFunction'
                       will switch AFNI's function (overlay) to
                       dataset with prefix SomeFunction. 
                      Make sure ACTION and DATA are together enclosed
                       in one pair of single quotes.
                      There are numerous actions listed in AFNI's
                       README.driver file.
                      You can use the option -com repeatedly. 
  -quit  Quit after you are done with all the -com commands.
         The default is for the program to wait for more
          commands to be typed at the terminal's prompt.

You will need to turn plugouts on in AFNI using one of the
following methods: 
 1. Including '-yesplugouts' as an option on AFNI's command line
 2. From AFNI: Define Datamode->Misc->Start Plugouts
 3. Set environment variable AFNI_YESPLUGOUTS to YES in .afnirc
Otherwise, AFNI won't be listening for a plugout connection.

This page auto-generated on Fri Jan 30 20:02:49 EST 2009