AFNI program:

Output of -help


    This program will generate an AFNI processing script that can be used
    to review EPI data (possibly called @review_epi_data).

    The @review_epi_data script is meant to provide an easy way to quickly
    review the (preferably un-altered) EPI data.  It runs afni and then a
    looping set of drive_afni commands.

    Note that there should not be another instance of 'afni' running on
    the system when the script is run, as 'drive_afni' will communicate
    with only the first invoked 'afni' program.

    The most simple usage comes with the -dsets option, along with the
    necessary pieces of the command.


    These examples assume the EPI dataset names produced as a result of
    the processing script proc.sb23.blk, produced by the
    command in AFNI_data4/s1.afni_proc.block, provided with the class data.

    Yes, that means running the s1.afni_proc.block (tcsh) script to call
    the (python) script to produce the proc.sb23.blk (tcsh)
    script, which calls the (python) script to produce
    the @review_epi_data (tcsh) script, which can be run to review your EPI 
    data.  Ahhhhhhh...  :)

    Note that when using wildcards, the datasets must exist in the current
    directory.  But when using the {1,2,..} format, the files do not yet
    need to exist.  So command #2 could be run anywhere and still create the
    same script, no data needed.

    1. simple usage, just providing datasets (and general options) -dsets pb00.sb23.blk.r??.tcat+orig.HEAD

    2. expand 5 runs with shell notation, rather than wildcards, and
       specify an alternate script name -dsets pb00.sb23.blk.r{1,2,3,4,5}.tcat        \
                -script @review_epi_5runs

    3. choose to see all three image windows -dsets pb00.sb23.blk.r*.tcat+orig.HEAD        \
                -windows sagittal axial coronal                         \
                -script @review_epi_windows

    4. specify the graph size and position (can do the same for image windows) -dsets pb00.sb23.blk.r*.tcat+orig.HEAD        \
                -gr_size 600 450 -gr_xoff 100 -gr_yoff 200              \
                -script @review_epi_posn

informational arguments:

    -help                       : display this help
    -hist                       : display the modification history
    -show_valid_opts            : display all valid options (short format)
    -ver                        : display the version number

required argument:

    -dsets dset1 dset2 ...      : specify input datasets for processing

        e.g. -dsets epi_r*+orig.HEAD

        This option is used to provide a list of datasets to be processed
        in the resulting script.

optional arguments:

    -script SCRIPT_NAME         : specify the name of the generated script

        e.g. -script review.epi.subj23

        By default, the script name will be '@' followed by the name used
        for the '-generate' option.  So when using '-generate review_epi_data',
        the default script name will be '@review_epi_data'.

        This '-script' option can be used to override the default.

    -verb LEVEL                 : specify a verbosity level

        e.g. -verb 3

        Use this option to print extra information to the screen

    -windows WIN1 WIN2 ...      : specify the image windows to open

        e.g. -windows sagittal axial

        By default, the script will open 2 image windows (sagittal and axial).
        This option can be used to specify exactly which windows get opened,
        and in which order.

        Acceptable window names are: sagittal, axial, coronal

geometry arguments (optional):

    -im_size dimX dimY          : set image dimensions, in pixels

        e.g. -im_size 300 300

        Use this option to alter the size of the image windows.  This
        option takes 2 parameters, the pixels in the X and Y directions.

    -im_xoff XOFFSET            : set the X-offset for the image, in pixels

        e.g. -im_xoff 420

        Use this option to alter the placement of images along the x-axis.
        Note that the x-axis is across the screen, from left to right.

    -im_yoff YOFFSET            : set the Y-offset for the image, in pixels

        e.g. -im_xoff 400

        Use this option to alter the placement of images along the y-axis.
        Note that the y-axis is down the screen, from top to bottom.

    -gr_size dimX dimY          : set graph dimensions, in pixels

        e.g. -gr_size 400 300

        Use this option to alter the size of the graph window.  This option
        takes 2 parameters, the pixels in the X and Y directions.

    -gr_xoff XOFFSET            : set the X-offset for the graph, in pixels

        e.g. -gr_xoff 0

        Use this option to alter the placement of the graph along the x-axis.
        Note that the x-axis is across the screen, from left to right.

    -gr_yoff YOFFSET            : set the Y-offset for the graph, in pixels

        e.g. -gr_xoff 400

        Use this option to alter the placement of the graph along the y-axis.
        Note that the y-axis is down the screen, from top to bottom.

- R Reynolds  June 27, 2008

This page auto-generated on Fri Jan 30 20:02:47 EST 2009