AFNI program: fdrval

Output of -help

Usage: fdrval [options] dset sub val [val ...]

Reads FDR curve data from the header of dset for sub-brick
#sub and computes the q-value when the sub-brick statistical
threshold is set to val.

 -pval   = also output the p-value (on the same line, after q)
 -ponly  = don't output q-values, just p-values
 -qonly  = don't output p-values, just q-values [the default]

* Output for each 'val' is written to stdout.
* If the q-value can't be computed, then 1.0 is output.
* Example:
    fdrval Fred_REML+orig 0 `count -scale 0.1 10 20` | 1dplot -stdin
  Uses the 'count' program to input a sequence of values, and then
  pipes into the 1dplot program to make a graph of F vs. q.
* See the link below for information on how AFNI computes FDR curves:
* Also see the output of '3dFDR -help'

-- A quick hack by RWCox -- 15 Oct 2008 -- PG Wodehouse's birthday!

++ Compile date = Jan 29 2009

This page auto-generated on Fri Jan 30 20:02:46 EST 2009