AFNI program: @TTxform_anat

Output of -help

A script to transform an antomical dataset
to match a template in TLRC space. 
Usage: @TTxform_anat [options] <-base template> <-input anat>
Mandatory parameters:
   -base template :  Skull-stripped volume in TLRC space (+tlrc)
   -input anat    :  Original (with skull) anatomical volume (+orig)
Optional parameters:
   -no_ss         :  Do not stip skull of input data set
                     (because skull has already been removed
                      or because template still has the skull)
   -keep_view     :  Do not mark output dataset as +tlrc
   -pad_base  MM  :  Pad the base dset by MM mm in each directions.
                     That is needed to  make sure that datasets
                     requiring wild rotations do not get cropped
                     Default is MM = 30
   -verb          :  Yakiti yak yak

@TTxform_anat -base N27_SurfVol_NoSkull+tlrc. -input DemoSubj_spgrsa+orig.

This page auto-generated on Fri Jan 30 20:02:34 EST 2009