AFNI program: 3dinfo

Output of -help

Prints out sort-of-useful information from a 3D dataset's header
Usage: 3dinfo [-verb OR -short] dataset [dataset ...]
  -verb means to print out lots of stuff
  -VERB means even more stuff
  -short means to print out less stuff [now the default]

Alternative Usage (without either of the above options):
  3dinfo -label2index label dataset
  * Prints to stdout the index corresponding to the sub-brick with
    the name label, or a blank line if label not found.
  * If this option is used, then the ONLY output is this sub-brick index.
    This is intended to be used in a script, as in this tcsh fragment:
      set face = `3dinfo -label2index Face#0 AA_Decon+orig`
      set hous = `3dinfo -label2index House#0 AA_Decon+orig`
      3dcalc -a AA_Decon+orig"[$face]" -b AA_Decon+orig"[$hous]" ...
  * Added per the request and efforts of Colm Connolly.

++ Compile date = Jan 29 2009

This page auto-generated on Fri Jan 30 20:02:28 EST 2009