AFNI program: 3dhistog

Output of -help

Compute histogram of 3D Dataset
Usage: 3dhistog [editing options] [histogram options] dataset

The editing options are the same as in 3dmerge
 (i.e., the options starting with '-1').

The histogram options are:
  -nbin #   Means to use '#' bins [default=100]
            Special Case: for short or byte dataset bricks,
                          set '#' to zero to have the number
                          of bins set by the brick range.
  -dind i   Means to take data from sub-brick #i, rather than #0
  -omit x   Means to omit the value 'x' from the count;
              -omit can be used more than once to skip multiple values.
  -mask m   Means to use dataset 'm' to determine which voxels to use
  -doall    Means to include all sub-bricks in the calculation;
              otherwise, only sub-brick #0 (or that from -dind) is used.
  -notit    Means to leave the title line off the output.
  -log10    Output log10() of the counts, instead of the count values.
  -min x    Means specify minimum of histogram.
  -max x    Means specify maximum of histogram.
  -unq U.1D Writes out the sorted unique values to file U.1D.
            This option is not allowed for float data
            If you have a problem with this, write
            Ziad S. Saad (

The histogram is written to stdout.  Use redirection '>' if you
want to save it to a file.  The format is a title line, then
three numbers printed per line:
  bottom-of-interval  count-in-interval  cumulative-count

-- by RW Cox (V Roopchansingh added the -mask option)

This program accepts datasets that are modified on input according to the
following schemes:
  'r1+orig[3..5]'                                    {sub-brick selector}
  'r1+orig<100..200>'                                {sub-range selector}
  'r1+orig[3..5]<100..200>'                          {both selectors}
  '3dcalc( -a r1+orig -b r2+orig -expr 0.5*(a+b) )'  {calculation}
For the gruesome details, see the output of 'afni -help'.

++ Compile date = Jan 29 2009

This page auto-generated on Fri Jan 30 20:02:28 EST 2009