AFNI program: 3dREMLfit

Output of -help

Usage: 3dREMLfit [options]

Least squares time series fit, with REML estimation of the
temporal auto-correlation structure.

* This program provides a generalization of 3dDeconvolve:
    it allows for serial correlation in the time series noise.
* It solves the linear equations for each voxel in the generalized
    (prewhitened) least squares sense, using the REML estimation method
    to find a best-fit ARMA(1,1) model for the time series noise
    correlation matrix in each voxel.
* You must run 3dDeconvolve first to generate the input matrix
    (.xmat.1D) file, which contains the hemodynamic regression
    model, censoring and catenation information, the GLTs, etc.
* If you don't want the 3dDeconvolve analysis to run, you can
    prevent that by using 3dDeconvolve's '-x1D_stop' option.
* 3dDeconvolve also prints out a cognate command line for running
    3dREMLfit, which should get you going with relative ease.
* The output datasets from 3dREMLfit are structured to resemble
    the corresponding results from 3dDeconvolve, to make it
    easy to adapt your scripts for further processing.
* Is this type of analysis important?
    That depends on your point of view, your data, and your goals.
    If you really want to know the answer, you should run
    your analyses both ways (with 3dDeconvolve and 3dREMLfit),
    through to the final step (e.g., group analysis), and then
    decide if your neuroscience/brain conclusions depend strongly
    on the type of linear regression that was used.

Input Options (the first two are mandatory)
 -input ddd  = Read time series dataset 'ddd'.

 -matrix mmm = Read the matrix 'mmm', which should have been
                 output from 3dDeconvolve via the '-x1D' option.
            *** N.B.: 3dREMLfit will NOT work with all zero columns,
                      unlike 3dDeconvolve!

 -mask kkk   = Read dataset 'kkk' as a mask for the input.
 -automask   = If you don't know what this does by now, I'm not telling.

Options to Add Columns to the Regression Matrix
 -addbase bb = You can add baseline model columns to the matrix with
                 this option.  Each column in the .1D file 'bb' will
                 be appended to the matrix.  This file must have at
                 least as many rows as the matrix does.
              * Multiple -addbase options can be used, if needed.
              * More than 1 file can be specified, as in
                  -addbase fred.1D ethel.1D elvis.1D
              * No .1D filename can start with the '-' character.
              * If the matrix from 3dDeconvolve was censored, then
                  this file (and '-slibase' files) can either be
                  censored to match, OR 3dREMLfit will censor these
                  .1D files for you.
               + If the column length (number of rows) of the .1D file
                   is the same as the column length of the censored
                   matrix, then the .1D file WILL NOT be censored.
               + If the column length of the .1D file is the same
                   as the column length of the uncensored matrix,
                   then the .1D file WILL be censored -- the same
                   rows excised from the matrix in 3dDeconvolve will
                   be resected from the .1D file before the .1D file's
                   columns are appended to the matrix.
               + The censoring information from 3dDeconvolve is stored
                   in the matrix file header, and you don't have to
                   provide it again on the 3dREMLfit command line!

 -slibase bb = Similar to -addbase in concept, BUT each .1D file 'bb'
                 must have an integer multiple of the number of slices
                 in the input dataset; then, separate regression
                 matrices are generated for each slice, with the
                 [0] column of 'bb' appended to the matrix for
                 the #0 slice of the dataset, the [1] column of 'bb'
                 appended to the matrix for the #1 slice of the dataset,
                 and so on.  For example, if the dataset has 3 slices
                 and file 'bb' has 6 columns, then the order of use is
                     bb[0] --> slice #0 matrix
                     bb[1] --> slice #1 matrix
                     bb[2] --> slice #2 matrix
                     bb[3] --> slice #0 matrix
                     bb[4] --> slice #1 matrix
                     bb[5] --> slice #2 matrix
              * Intended to help model physiological noise in FMRI,
                 or other effects you want to regress out that might
                 change significantly in the inter-slice time intervals.
              * Slices are the 3rd dimension in the dataset storage
                 order -- 3dinfo can tell you what that direction is:
                   Data Axes Orientation:
                     first  (x) = Right-to-Left
                     second (y) = Anterior-to-Posterior
                     third  (z) = Inferior-to-Superior   [-orient RAI]
                 In the above example, the slice direction is from
                 Inferior to Superior, so the columns in the '-slibase'
                 input file should be ordered in that direction as well.
              * Will slow the program down, and make it use a
                  lot more memory (to hold all the matrix stuff).
            *** At this time, 3dSynthesize has no way of incorporating
                  the extra baseline timeseries from -addbase or -slibase.

 -usetemp    = Write intermediate stuff to disk, to economize on RAM.
                 Using this option might be necessary to run with
                 '-slibase' and with '-Grid' values above the default,
                 since the program has to store a large number of
                 matrices for such a problem: two for every slice and
                 for every (a,b) pair in the ARMA parameter grid.
              * '-usetemp' can actually speed the program up, interestingly,
                   even if you have enough RAM to hold all the intermediate
                   matrices needed with '-slibase'.  YMMV.
              * '-usetemp' also writes temporary files to store dataset
                   results, which can help if you are creating multiple large
                   dataset (e.g., -Rfitts and -Rerrts in the same program run).
              * Temporary files are written to the directory given
                  in environment variable TMPDIR, or in /tmp, or in ./
                  (preference is in that order).
                 + If the program crashes, these files are named
                     REML_somethingrandom, and you might have to
                     delete them manually.
                 + If the program ends normally, it will delete
                     these temporary files before it exits.
                 + Several gigabytes of disk space might be used
                     for this temporary storage!
              * If the program crashes with a 'malloc failure' type of
                  message, then try '-usetemp' (malloc=memory allocator).
              * If you use '-verb', then memory usage is printed out
                  at various points along the way.

 -nodmbase   = By default, baseline columns added to the matrix
                 via '-addbase' or '-slibase' will each have their
                 mean removed (as is done in 3dDeconvolve).  If you
                 do NOT want this operation performed, use '-nodmbase'.
              * Using '-nodmbase' would make sense if you used
                 '-polort -1' to set up the matrix 3dDeconvolve, and/or
                 you actually care about the fit coefficients of the
                 extra baseline columns.

Output Options (at least one must be given; 'ppp' = dataset prefix name)
 -Rvar  ppp  = dataset for REML variance parameters
 -Rbeta ppp  = dataset for beta weights from the REML estimation
                 (similar to the -cbucket output from 3dDeconvolve)
 -Rbuck ppp  = dataset for beta + statistics from the REML estimation;
                 also contains the results of any GLT analysis requested
                 in the 3dDeconvolve setup.
                 (similar to the -bucket output from 3dDeconvolve)
 -Rglt  ppp  = dataset for beta + statistics from the REML estimation,
                 but ONLY for the GLTs added on the 3dREMLfit command
                 line itself via '-gltsym'; GLTs from 3dDeconvolve's
                 command line will NOT be included.
               * Intended to give an easy way to get extra contrasts
                   after an earlier 3dREMLfit run.
               * Use with '-ABfile vvv' to read the (a,b) parameters
                   from the earlier run, where 'vvv' is the '-Rvar'
                   dataset output from that run.

 -fout       = put F-statistics into the bucket dataset
 -rout       = put R^2 statistics into the bucket dataset
 -tout       = put t-statistics into the bucket dataset
                 (if you use -Rbuck and do not give any of -fout, -tout,)
                 (or -rout, then the program assumes -fout is activated.)
 -noFDR      = do NOT add FDR curve data to bucket datasets
                 (FDR curves can take a long time if -tout is used)

 -Rfitts ppp = dataset for REML fitted model
                 (like 3dDeconvolve, a censored time point gets)
                 (the actual data values from that time index!!)

 -Rerrts ppp = dataset for REML residuals = data - fitted model
                 (like 3dDeconvolve,  a censored time)
                 (point gets its residual set to zero)
 -Rwherr ppp = dataset for REML residual, whitened using the
                 estimated ARMA(1,1) correlation matrix of the noise
                 [Note that the whitening matrix used is the inverse  ]
                 [of the Choleski factor of the correlation matrix C; ]
                 [however, the whitening matrix isn't uniquely defined]
                 [(any matrix W with C=inv(W'W) will work), so other  ]
                 [whitening schemes could be used and these would give]
                 [different whitened residual time series datasets.   ]

 -gltsym g h = read a symbolic GLT from file 'g' and label it with
                 string 'h'
                * As in 3dDeconvolve, you can also use the 'SYM:' method
                    to put the definition of the GLT directly on the
                    command line.
                * The symbolic labels for the stimuli are as provided
                    in the matrix file, from 3dDeconvolve.
              *** Unlike 3dDeconvolve, you supply the label 'h' for
                    the output coefficients and statistics directly
                    after the matrix specification 'g'.
                * Like 3dDeconvolve, the matrix generated by the
                    symbolic expression will be printed to the screen
                    unless environment variable AFNI_GLTSYM_PRINT is NO.
                * These GLTs are in addition to those stored in the
                    matrix file, from 3dDeconvolve.
                * If you don't create a bucket dataset using one of
                    -Rbuck or -Rglt (or -Obuck / -Oglt), using
                    -gltsym is completely pointless!
               ** Besides the stimulus labels read from the matrix
                    file (put there by 3dDeconvolve), you can refer
                    to regressor columns in the matrix using the
                    symbolic name 'Col', which collectively means
                    all the columns in the matrix.  'Col' is a way
                    to test '-addbase' and/or '-slibase' regressors
                    for significance; for example, if you have a
                    matrix with 10 columns from 3dDeconvolve and
                    add 2 extra columns to it, then you could use
                      -gltsym 'SYM: Col[[10..11]]' Addons -tout -fout
                    to create a GLT to include both of the added
                    columns (numbers 10 and 11).

The options below let you get the Ordinary Least SQuares outputs
(without adjustment for serial correlation), for comparisons.
These datasets should be essentially identical to the results
you would get by running 3dDeconvolve (with the '-float' option!):

 -Ovar   ppp = dataset for OLSQ parameter (kind of boring)
 -Obeta  ppp = dataset for beta weights from the OLSQ estimation
 -Obuck  ppp = dataset for beta + statistics from the OLSQ estimation
 -Oglt   ppp = dataset for beta + statistics from '-gltsym' options
 -Ofitts ppp = dataset for OLSQ fitted model
 -Oerrts ppp = dataset for OLSQ residuals (data - fitted model)
                 (there is no -Owherr option; if you don't)
                 (see why, then think about it for a while)

Note that you don't have to use any of the '-R' options; you could
use 3dREMLfit just for the '-O' options if you want.  In that case,
the program will skip the time consuming ARMA(1,1) estimation for
each voxel, by pretending you used the option '-ABfile =0,0'.

The following options control the ARMA(1,1) parameter estimation
for each voxel time series; normally, you do not need these options
 -MAXa am   = Set max allowed AR a parameter to 'am' (default=0.8).
                The range of a values scanned is   0 .. +am (-POScor)
                                           or is -am .. +am (-NEGcor).

 -MAXb bm   = Set max allow MA b parameter to 'bm' (default=0.8).
                The range of b values scanned is -bm .. +bm.
               * The largest value allowed for am and bm is 0.9.
               * The smallest value allowed for am and bm is 0.1.
               * For a nearly pure AR(1) model, use '-MAXb 0.1'
               * For a nearly pure MA(1) model, use '-MAXa 0.1'

 -Grid pp   = Set the number of grid divisions in the (a,b) grid
                to be 2^pp in each direction over the range 0..MAX.
                The default (and minimum) value for 'pp' is 3.
                Larger values will provide a finer resolution
                in a and b, but at the cost of some CPU time.
               * To be clear, the default settings use a grid
                   with 8 divisions in the a direction and 16 in
                   the b direction (since a is non-negative but
                   b can be either sign).
               * If -NEGcor is used, then '-Grid 3' means 16 divisions
                   in each direction, so that the grid spacing is 0.1
                   if MAX=0.8.  Similarly, '-Grid 4' means 32 divisions
                   in each direction, '-Grid 5' means 64 divisions, etc.
               * I see no reason why you would ever use a -Grid size
                   greater than 5 (==> parameter resolution = 0.025).
               * In my limited experiments, there was little appreciable
                   difference in activation maps between '-Grid 3' and
                   '-Grid 5', especially at the group analysis level.
               * The program is somewhat slower as the -Grid size expands.
                   And uses more memory, to hold various matrices for
                   each (a,b) case.

 -NEGcor    = Allows negative correlations to be used; the default
                is that only positive correlations are searched.
                When this option is used, the range of a scanned
                is -am .. +am; otherwise, it is 0 .. +am.
               * Note that when -NEGcor is used, the number of grid
                   points in the a direction doubles to cover the
                   range -am .. 0; this will slow the program down.
 -POScor    = Do not allow negative correlations.  Since this is
                the default, you don't actually need this option.
                [FMRI data doesn't seem to need the modeling  ]
                [of negative correlations, but you never know.]

 -Mfilt mr  = After finding the best fit parameters for each voxel
                in the mask, do a 3D median filter to smooth these
                parameters over a ball with radius 'mr' mm, and then
                use THOSE parameters to compute the final output.
               * If mr < 0, -mr is the ball radius in voxels,
                   instead of millimeters.
                [No median filtering is done unless -Mfilt is used.]

 -CORcut cc = The exact ARMA(1,1) correlation matrix (for a != 0)
                has no non-zero entries.  The calculations in this
                program set correlations below a cutoff to zero.
                The default cutoff is 0.003, but can be altered with
                this option.  The only reason to use this option is
                to test the sensitivity of the results to the cutoff.

 -ABfile ff = Instead of estimating the ARMA(a,b) parameters from the
                data, read them from dataset 'ff', which should have
                2 float-valued sub-bricks.
               * Note that the (a,b) values read from this file will
                   be mapped to the nearest ones on the (a,b) grid
                   before being used to solve the generalized least
                   squares problem.  For this reason, you may want
                   to use '-Grid 5' to make the (a,b) grid finer, if
                   you are not using (a,b) values from a -Rvar file.
               * Using this option will skip the slowest part of
                   the program, which is the scan for each voxel
                   to find its optimal (a,b) parameters.
               * One possible application of -ABfile:
                  + save (a,b) using -Rvar in 3dREMLfit
                  + process them in some way (spatial smoothing?)
                  + use these modified values for fitting in 3dREMLfit
                      (you should use '-Grid 5' for such a case)
               * Another possible application of -ABfile:
                  + use (a,b) from -Rvar to speed up a run with -Rglt
                      when you want to run some more contrast tests.
               * Special case:
                     -ABfile =0.7,-0.3
                   e.g., means to use a=0.7 and b=-0.3 for all voxels.
                   The program detects this special case by looking for
                   '=' as the first character of the string 'ff' and
                   looking for a comma in the middle of the string.
                   The values of a and b must be in the range -0.9..+0.9.

 -GOFORIT   = 3dREMLfit checks the regression matrix for tiny singular
                values (as 3dDeconvolve does).  If the matrix is too
                close to being rank-deficient, then the program will
                not proceed.  You can use this option to force the
                program to continue past such a failed collinearity
                check, but you must check your results to see if they
                make sense!

Miscellaneous Options
 -quiet = turn off most progress messages
 -verb  = turn on more progress messages
            (including memory usage reports at various stages)

===========  Various Notes (as if this help weren't long enough) =========

What is ARMA(1,1)?
* The correlation coefficient r(k) of noise samples k units apart in time,
    for k >= 1, is given by r(k) = lam * a^(k-1)
    where                   lam  = (b+a)(1+a*b)/(1+2*a*b+b*b)
    (N.B.: lam=a when b=0 -- AR(1) noise has r(k)=a^k for k >= 0)
    (N.B.: lam=b when a=0 -- MA(1) noise has r(k)=b for k=1, r(k)=0 for k>1)
* lam can be bigger or smaller than a, depending on the sign of b:
    b > 0 means lam > a;  b < 0 means lam < a.
* What I call (a,b) here is sometimes called (p,q) in the ARMA literature.
* For a noise model which is the sum of AR(1) and white noise, 0 < lam < a
    (i.e., a > 0  and  -a < b < 0 ).
* The natural range of a and b is -1..+1.  However, unless -NEGcor is
    given, only non-negative values of a will be used, and only values
    of b that give lam > 0 will be allowed.  Also, the program doesn't
    allow values of a or b to be outside the range -0.9..+0.9.
* The program sets up the correlation matrix using the censoring and run
    start information saved in the header of the .xmat.1D matrix file, so
    that the actual correlation matrix used will not always be Toeplitz.
* The 'Rvar' dataset has 4 sub-bricks with variance parameter estimates:
    #0 = a = factor by which correlations decay from lag k to lag k+1
    #1 = b parameter
    #2 = lam (see the formula above) = correlation at lag 1
    #3 = standard deviation of ARMA(1,1) noise in that voxel
* The 'Rbeta' dataset has the beta (model fit) parameters estimates
    computed from the pre-whitened time series data in each voxel,
    as in 3dDeconvolve's '-cbucket' output, in the order in which
    they occur in the matrix.  -addbase and -slibase beta values
    come last in this file.
* The 'Rbuck' dataset has the beta parameters and their statistics
    mixed together, as in 3dDeconvolve's '-bucket' output.

What is REML = REsidual (or REstricted) Maximum Likelihood, anyway?
* Ordinary Least SQuares (which assumes the noise correlation matrix is
    the identity) is consistent for estimating regression parameters,
    but is not consistent for estimating the noise variance if the
    noise is significantly correlated in time ('serial correlation').
* Maximum likelihood estimation (ML) of the regression parameters and
    variance/correlation together is asymptotically consistent as the
    number of samples goes to infinity, but the variance estimates
    might still have significant bias at a 'reasonable' number of
    data points.
* REML estimates the variance/correlation parameters in a space
    of residuals -- the part of the data left after the model fit
    is subtracted.  The amusing/cunning part is that the model fit
    used to define the residuals is itself the generalized least
    squares fit where the variance/correlation matrix is the one found
    by the REML fit itself.  This feature makes REML estimation nonlinear,
    and the REML equations are usually solved iteratively, to maximize
    the log-likelihood in the restricted space.  In this program, the
    REML function is instead simply optimized over a finite grid of
    the correlation matrix parameters a and b.  The matrices for each
    (a,b) pair are pre-calculated in the setup phase, and then are
    re-used in the voxel loop.  The purpose of this grid-based method
    is speed -- optimizing iteratively to a highly accurate (a,b)
    estimation for each voxel would be very time consuming, and pretty
    pointless.  If you are concerned about the sensitivity of the
    results to the resolution of the (a,b) grid, you can use the
    '-Grid 5' option to increase this resolution and see if your
    activation maps change significantly.  In test cases, the resulting
    betas and statistics have not changed appreciably between '-Grid 3'
    and '-Grid 5'; however, you might want to test this on your own data.
* REML estimates of the variance/correlation parameters are still
    biased, but are generally significantly less biased than ML estimates.
    Also, the regression parameters (betas) should be estimated somewhat
    more accurately (i.e., with smaller variance than OLSQ).  However,
    this effect is generally small in FMRI data, and probably won't affect
    your group results noticeably.
* After the (a,b) parameters are estimated, then the solution to the
    linear system is available via Generalized Least SQuares; that is,
    via pre-whitening using the Choleski factor of the estimated
    variance/covariance matrix.
* In the case with b=0 (that is, AR(1) correlations), and if there are
    no time gaps (no censoring, no run breaks), then it is possible to
    directly estimate the a parameter without using REML.  This program
    does not implement such a special method.  Don't ask why.

Other Commentary
* ARMA(1,1) parameters 'a' (AR) and 'b' (MA) are estimated
    only on a discrete grid, for the sake of CPU time.
* Each voxel gets a separate pair of 'a' and 'b' parameters.
    There is no option to estimate global values for 'a' and 'b'
    and use those for all voxels.  Such an approach might be called
    'elementary school statistics' by some people.
* OLSQ = Ordinary Least SQuares; these outputs can be used to compare
         the REML/GLSQ estimations with the simpler OLSQ results
         (and to test this program vs. 3dDeconvolve).
* GLSQ = Generalized Least SQuares = estimated linear system solution
         taking into account the variance/covariance matrix of the noise.
* The '-matrix' file must be from 3dDeconvolve; besides the regression
    matrix itself, the header contains the stimulus labels, the GLTs,
    the censoring information, etc.
* If you don't actually want the OLSQ results from 3dDeconvolve, you can
    make that program stop after the X matrix file is written out by using
    the '-x1D_stop' option, and then running 3dREMLfit; something like this:
      3dDeconvolve -bucket Fred -input1D '1D: 800@0' -TR_1D 2.5 -x1D_stop ...
      3dREMLfit -matrix Fred.xmat.1D -input ...
    In the above example, no 3D dataset is input to 3dDeconvolve, so as to
    avoid the overhead of having to read it in for no reason.  Instead,
    an all-zero time series of the appropriate length (here, 800 points)
    and appropriate TR (here, 2.5 seconds) is given to properly establish
    the size and timing of the matrix file.
* The bucket output datasets are structured to mirror the output
    from 3dDeconvolve with the default options below:
      -nobout -full_first
    Note that you CANNOT use options like '-bout', '-nocout', and
    '-nofull_first' with 3dREMLfit -- the bucket datasets are ordered
    the way they are and you'll just have to live with it.
* All output datasets are in float format.
    Internal calculations are done in double precision.
* If the regression matrix (including any added columns from '-addbase'
    or '-slibase') is rank-deficient (e.g., has collinear columns),
    then the program will print a message something like
      ** ERROR: X matrix has 1 tiny singular value -- collinearity
    At this time, the program will NOT continue past this error.
* Despite my best efforts, this program is somewhat sluggish.
    Partly because it solves many linear systems for each voxel,
    trying to find the 'best' ARMA(1,1) pre-whitening matrix.
    However, a careful choice of algorithms for solving the linear
    systems (QR method, sparse matrix operations, etc.) and some
    other code optimizations should make running 3dREMLfit tolerable.
    Depending on the matrix and the options, you might expect CPU time
    to be about 1..3 times that of the corresponding 3dDeconvolve run.
    (Slower than that if you use '-slibase' and/or '-Grid 5', however.)

To Dream the Impossible Dream, to Write the Uncodeable Code
* Add a -jobs option to use multiple CPUs (or multiple Steves?).
* Add options for -iresp/-sresp for -stim_times?
* Output variance estimates for the betas, to be carried to the
    inter-subject (group) analysis level?
* Prevent Daniel Glen from referring to this program as 3dARMAgeddon.
* Establish incontrovertibly the nature of quantum mechanical observation!

* For more information, see the contents of
  which includes comparisons of 3dDeconvolve and 3dREMLfit
  activations (individual subject and group maps), and an
  outline of the mathematics implemented in this program.

== RWCox - July-Sept 2008 ==

++ Compile date = Jan 29 2009

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