AFNI program: 3dLocalCormat

Output of -help

Usage: 3dLocalCORMAT [options] inputdataset

Compute the correlation matrix (in time) of the input dataset,
up to lag given by -maxlag.  The matrix is averaged over the
neighborhood specified by the -nbhd option, and then the entries
are output at each voxel in a new dataset.

Normally, the input to this program would be the -errts output
from 3dDeconvolve, or the equivalent residuals from some other
analysis.  If you input a non-residual time series file, you at
least should use an appropriate -polort level for detrending!

  -input inputdataset
  -prefix ppp
  -mask mset    {these 2 options are}
  -automask     {mutually exclusive.}
  -nbhd nnn     [e.g., 'SPHERE(9)' for 9 mm radius]
  -polort ppp   [default = 0, which is reasonable for -errts output]
  -concat ccc   [as in 3dDeconvolve]
  -maxlag mmm   [default = 10]
  -ARMA         [estimate ARMA(1,1) parameters into last 2 sub-bricks]

A quick hack for my own benignant purposes -- RWCox -- June 2008

++ Compile date = Jan 29 2009

This page auto-generated on Fri Jan 30 20:02:22 EST 2009