ICSTORe (Search, Track, Order, Report) Screen Shots

This is a series of screen shots illustrating ICSTORe (Search, Track, Order, Report), a new common screen accessible from Review, IC Operations (ICO), and QuickView that provides users with the ability to track, print, and distribute electronic documents.

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)

ICSTORe screen shot (summarized above)