level 2 and higher

The levels of importance go from 1 to 5, with meanings:
       1 - users would not care
       2 - of little importance, though some users might care
       3 - fairly important
       4 - a big change or new program
       5 - IMPORTANT: we expect users to know

generated via the command : afni_history -html -reverse -min_level 2 -past_years 1 

---- log of AFNI updates (most recent first) ---- 13 Dec 2009, ZS Saad, afni-matlab, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) RetroTS creates regressors for cardiac, respiratory, and RVT filtering RetroTS.m and accompanying functions create slice-based regressors for regressing out the effects of cardiac, respiratory, and RVT effects from FMRI time series. The regressors generated are meant to be used with 3dREMLfit.
13 Jan 2009, ZS Saad, afni-matlab, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Added GS_orth_1D.m to perform Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization 13 Jan 2009, ZS Saad, afni-general, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) AFNI should now be Lesstif compliant Made numerous changes with Rick Reynolds. The biggest modification regards buttons inside popup menus. Those buttons are no longer inside rowcolumn widgets and had to be directly managed by afni.
05 Jan 2009, ZS Saad, MapIcosahedron, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Program no longer confined to FreeSurfer surfaces The program now allows the user to specify any morph sphere, not just sphere.reg or sphere. This required rewriting much of of the program's main section but the algorithm for the mapping remains unchanged.
31 Dec 2008, RC Reynolds, afni, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) fix for lesstif crash on 'where am i', along with ziad
30 Dec 2008, RW Cox, 3dTfitter, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) For FALTUNG, use sparse matrix operations for pure least squares. Deconvolution + penalty matrix is sparse. Uses the 'rcmat' functions originally developed for 3dREMLfit. Speeds things up a lot when the time series is long.
22 Dec 2008, G Chen, 3dICC.R, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) IntraClass Correlation (ICC) This is an R program that calculates ICC on 3D volume data based on a two- or three-way random-effects ANOVA scheme. See more details at
16 Dec 2008, G Chen, 3dGC.R, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Bivariate Granger causality analysis This is an R program that runs Granger causality analysis with a seed region versus the rest of the brain. See more details at
11 Dec 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Fixed -slibase bug. Oopsie. -slibase didn't work properly with more than 1 added column per slice. Also, per the request of ZSS, you can now input more than 1 column set per image file, in repetitive slice order: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 if there are 4 slices in the dataset, for example.
10 Dec 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added new options for extra stimuli, RONI and an external volreg base - allow NIfTI datasets as input (but process as AFNI) - added -regress_extra_stim_files and -regress_extra_stim_labels - added -regress_RONI and -volreg_base_dset (for Jill Weisberg)
09 Dec 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Fixed (potential) SUMA crash when Draw ROI interface is first opened 09 Dec 2008, ZS Saad, @Align_Centers, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Added -cm option to allow centering based on the center of mass 09 Dec 2008, RW Cox, 3dDeconvolve, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Added 'dmBLOCK' to the '-stim_times_IM' repertoire.
05 Dec 2008, DR Glen, to3d, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Siemens DICOM handling added -oblique_origin and -reverse_list to help handle Siemens DICOM data. oblique_origin option added to to3d and 3drefit Rick added flipped slice handling to oblique mosaic handling
04 Dec 2008, RW Cox, 3dDeconvolve, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Extend -stim_times_AM2 option to allow multiple amplitudes 04 Dec 2008, RW Cox, 1dMarry, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Allow multiple marriages, to go with 3dDeconvolve changes 04 Dec 2008, RC Reynolds, Makefile.INCLUDE, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) added balloon target for M Belmonte Also modified Makefile.linux_xorg7_64 and macosx_10.4_G5/Intel and 5_Int*.
02 Dec 2008, ZS Saad, SpharmReco, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Reconstructs data from spherical harmonics decomposition. See SpharmDeco -help and the demo script @Spharm.examples for details. 02 Dec 2008, ZS Saad, SpharmDeco, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Performs spherical harmonics decomposition. This program performs spherical harmonics decomposition for surfaces' geometry and/or surface-based data See SpharmReco -help and the demo script @Spharm.examples for details. 02 Dec 2008, ZS Saad, @Spharm.examples, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) A script to demonstrate the usage of SpharmDeco and SpharmReco 02 Dec 2008, ZS Saad, @NoisySkullStrip, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) A script to improve skull stripping in noisy of heavily shaded data
01 Dec 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) a tool for manipulating and evaluating stimulus timing files This is useful for getting statistics on rest timing.
24 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added options -infile_list and -show_sorted_list The -show_sorted_list option will print a list of files by run/index.
21 Nov 2008, ZS Saad, @fast_roi, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Creates Atlas-based ROIs in original space for real-time experiments 21 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added Options menu, Show Cosmat and GUI help This is the initial release version, 1.0. 21 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -test_libs option 21 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) removed 'R' from basic test list, and applied verb 2 to base usage
20 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) incorportated real-time volume writing from V. Roopchansingh of MCW
18 Nov 2008, RW Cox, 3dANOVA programs, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Add option to output float-valued datasets. Set the AFNI_FLOATIZE environment variable to YES, and the output of 3dANOVA, 3dANOVA2, and 3dANOVA3 will be stored in float format instead of in scaled short format. [Per the request of Paul Hamilton] 18 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -test, -show_col_types, -show_cosmat, -show_fit_ts, -cormat_cutoff also added the main help
13 Nov 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Added a NIDO sphere as Displayable Object See suma -help_nido for details. 13 Nov 2008, ZS Saad, @SUMA_AlignToExperiment, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Added -al option to use 3dAllineate -lpa
07 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) more updates: - scipy is only tested for when necessary - compute norms locally if no scipy - solve_against_1D, linear_combo: return error string instead of code - added -chrono option, to make all options chronological (so options are essentially scriptable) 07 Nov 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) tlrc view handling fixed view name of tlrc output with tlrc_master set to SOURCE
06 Nov 2008, RW Cox, 3dDeconvolve, level 2 (MINOR), type 0 (GENERAL) Add 'scale to shorts misfit' warning messages. Also added to 3dcalc and some other programs. 06 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) pre-release updates: - added many initial command-line options - added plot_xmat_as_one toggle button - added computation of cosine matrix and cosmat_warnings - separated GUI code into new file 06 Nov 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added option -full_test 06 Nov 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Oblique children handling fixed combination of oblique with child epis for epi2anat output
04 Nov 2008, RW Cox, 3dNLfim, level 2 (MINOR), type 0 (GENERAL) Added model_expr2.c Model that uses an arbitrary 3dcalc-like expression with 2 free parameters (any letters but 't', which is used for the time axis). 04 Nov 2008, RW Cox, 3dBlurToFWHM, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) skip all zero sub-bricks in the blurmaster - for Tomski Rosski
03 Nov 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Several changes Finished -gltsym, -Rglt, and -Oglt options = add GLTs on the 3dREMLfit command line and output those exclusively to new files. Modified -addbase and -slibase to do censoring if input 1D files are the same length as the uncensored matrix. Also fixed bugs in -ABfile. Oopsie.
31 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -show_timing_stats option Also, made a small change affecting timing (old results will not match). 31 Oct 2008, DR Glen, 3drefit, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Time axis attributes Added support in 3drefit for applying time axis attributes
30 Oct 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) AddEdge with epi2anat fixed AddEdge option for epi2anat output
29 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) if the X-matrix has a constant regressor, do not de-mean it In such a case, the cormat would not exactly be a correlation matrix. 29 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) program to test python module imports (interface to
28 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) library to test python module imports One might want to apply this module at the top of any python file.
27 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -offset option 27 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) actually applied -min_rest, sorry... 27 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -regress_motion_file option
24 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 4 (SUPER), type 1 (NEW_PROG) program to inspect a .xmat.1D X-matrix, possibly against a time series This is a Graphical tool for plotting a design matrix, reviewing condition numbers or the correlation matrix, and fitting to a 1D time series.
23 Oct 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Added -rout option, by popular 'demand' 23 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds, Makefile.INCLUDE, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) removed reference to cdflib, for 'make afni_src.tgz'
20 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added write_text_to_file function 20 Oct 2008, RC Reynolds, afni_driver.c, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added 'GETENV' to the list of DRIVE_AFNI commands
15 Oct 2008, RW Cox, fdrval, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Compute FDR value on command line, from dataset header 15 Oct 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Fixed errts (etc) outputs: censored values not set to zero! 15 Oct 2008, DR Glen, afni plugouts, @AddEdge, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) quiet communications @AddEdge silences communications as plugout
14 Oct 2008, RW Cox, 3dAllineate, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) If source=scaled shorts, then output will be scaled as well. 14 Oct 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) minor updates AddEdge option enhanced and help updated 14 Oct 2008, DR Glen, @AddEdge, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Help and options More user options, improved help, removed temporary files
09 Oct 2008, G Chen, 1dGC.R, level 4 (SUPER), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Multivariate Granger causality analysis This is an R program that runs Granger causality analysis among a few pre-select regions.See more details at
06 Oct 2008, DR Glen, 3drefit, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) -atrfloat and -atrint options Allows addition and modification of dataset attributes including modifying IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL. Not all attributes can be modified if fairly basic to dataset.
03 Oct 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) SUMA accepts text, images, and textures as Displayable Objects See SUMA's interactive help for ctrl+alt+s for more information on Displayable Objects (DOs). The new DOs are in a simple NIML format. It is simplest to look at the script @DO.examples for illustrations of the various forms of DOs that SUMA supports. Sample NIML DOs (called NIDOs) are now provided with the distribution They are called demo.* 03 Oct 2008, ZS Saad, DriveSuma, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) -viewer_position/_width/_height/_size to control window placement See DriveSuma -help for details. 03 Oct 2008, ZS Saad, @DO.examples, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) A script that demonstrates the use of Displayable Objects See SUMA's interactive help for ctrl+alt+s for more information on Displayable Objects (DOs).
30 Sep 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -gltsym option Makes it easy for the user to add GLTs without using 3dDeconvolve.
29 Sep 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dmatmult, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) program to multiply AFNI datasets slice-by-slice as matrices
26 Sep 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) -child_anat option Convenience option to align follower anat datasets to epi
25 Sep 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -usetemp option Saves REML setup matrices for various cases to tmp disk files. Is necessary for -slibase and -Grid 5 combined, if anyone ever actually wants to run such a case.
24 Sep 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) -addbase and -slibase options to add baseline columns to matrix In particular, -slibase is intended for per-slice modeling of physiological noise effects. Sucks up a lot of memory and CPU time.
23 Sep 2008, RW Cox, afni, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) save last jumpto_xyz string, etc. 23 Sep 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) in script, check for existence of given datasets 23 Sep 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -remove_preproc_files option (akin to -move_preproc_files)
19 Sep 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) -giant_move option For data that are very far apart Fixed bug using long path names
18 Sep 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) More options Intermediate file saved optionally now, partial_axial,sagittal,coronal options Edge-based method, nocmass default, resample step optional, Added options to support searching for smaller structures, 3dWarpDrive can be used optionally as volume registration program prep_off option to turn off several preprocessing steps AddEdge option uses simplified names in output in new directory
17 Sep 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -labels option, for including labels in filenames
16 Sep 2008, ZS Saad, SurfDist, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) -node_path_do outputs the shortest path between two nodes The shortest path(s) are stored as a SUMA Displayable Object which can be loaded into SUMA with ctrl+alt+s or using DriveSuma. 16 Sep 2008, ZS Saad, DriveSuma, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) -load_do sends SUMA Displayable Objects to be rendered See SUMA's interactive help for ctrl+alt+s for more information on Displayable Objects. 16 Sep 2008, RC Reynolds, 3drefit, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) allow attribute editing of NIfTI datasets
15 Sep 2008, RW Cox, Draw Dataset plugin, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Keystrokes F3 and F3 now decrement/increment drawing value in plugin
02 Sep 2008, ZS Saad, 3dSkullStrip, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Starting sphere center was incorrectly initialized
29 Aug 2008, ZS Saad, ExamineXmatR, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) An interactive tool to examine a design matrix 29 Aug 2008, ZS Saad, 3ddelay, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Unitialized pointer in 3ddelay 29 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, vol2surf, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) fill in COLMS_STATSYM attribute when writing .niml.dset dataset 29 Aug 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Feature size, AddEdge, skullstrip,rat options Added options to support searching for smaller structures, an option for rat brain alignment, alternate options for 3dSkullstrip and an optional call for @AddEdge
28 Aug 2008, RW Cox, 3dAllineate, level 3 (MAJOR), type 5 (MODIFY) A number of changes to improve robustness. * Don't smooth noise added to source image outside of the mask * Reduce default smoothing level for -lpc in coarse pass * Increase number of points used for matching in the coarse pass * More refinements of the twobest results in the coarse pass * Refinements (-num_rtb option) of the twobest results in the fine pass All this adds CPU time, but seems to make the program more reliably convergent. Also: * Restored operation of the -check option, to restart the optimization at the final solution with other methods, to see what results they give compared to the original method.
27 Aug 2008, DR Glen, 3danisosmooth, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Initialized variable for 3D case
26 Aug 2008, RW Cox, 3dTcorrMap, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Average correlations with every other voxel time series. Kind of slow. For Kyle Simmons. And I still don't recognize Missouri! 26 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dAllineate, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) initialized ntask in all cases
25 Aug 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Added residual outputs to 3dREMLfit.
22 Aug 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Add FDR curves and -?fitts options. 22 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added DRIVE_WAIT command string The command will be executed after the first volume is processed, which is good for opening windows appropriate to a new dataset.
21 Aug 2008, RW Cox, 3dREMLfit, level 4 (SUPER), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Program to mimic 3dDeconvolve, but with serial correlations Uses ARMA(1,1) model of noise, separately for each voxel. 21 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, afni-general, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) in edt_dsetitems, if storage mode can be inferred from prefix, apply it 21 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, afni, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -disable_done option to safeguard real-time mode 21 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, ANOVA, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) use DSET_BRIKNAME for dataset control, as that is updated for smode
18 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) increase DRIVE_LIMIT to 4Kb, read env vars each run These variables can now be controlled through drive_afni 'SETENV' (either via 'plugout_drive' or 'Dimon -drive_afni'): - AFNI_REALTIME_Mask_Vals : specify what gets sent to serial_helper - AFNI_REALTIME_SHOW_TIMES : specify whether to show data timestampts - AFNI_REALTIME_SEND_VER : specify whether to send comm version
15 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, afni, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) init graph->grid_spacing, to prevent potential div by 0 via DRIVE
14 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dBrickStat, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) do not automatically print -max along with -var
05 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, to3d, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) re-added the un16 fix from July 1
03 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, nifticlib, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) added swap ability for ANALYZE 7.5 format, and made swapping complete - added nifti_analyze75 struct - modified swap_nifti_header to swap all fields (analyze or nifti) - added regression testing script c16.rand.swap These changes were motivated by C Burns. 03 Aug 2008, RC Reynolds, nifti_tool, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -help_ana, -disp_ana, -swap_as_analyze, -swap_as_nifti, -swap_as_old
31 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, serial_helper, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added HELLO version 2 to work as -disp_all See 'HELLO versions' from 'serial_helper -help' for details. See 'example E' from 'Dimon -help' for a complete testing example. 31 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) enhancements to communication with serial helper - added 'Motion Only' to methods - parameter methods can easily be switched per run - SEND_VER replaces HELLO_VER as Y/N variable 31 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -num_slices option, and full real-time example E
30 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, serial_helper, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added HELLO version 1 and -show_times option 30 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added HELLO version 1 and show_times option These are set via AFNI_REALTIME_SEND_VER and AFNI_REALTIME_SHOW_TIMES.
29 Jul 2008, ZS Saad, afni, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Changed transform used to crete mni coord. in interactive whereami The transform from TLRC to MNI used to be via the manually TLRCed N27 brain. However this created inconsistency in the second line of the Focus point output (MNI Brain) on the order of a couple of mm with the command-line whereami program. Now both interactive and command-line whereami produce the same Focus Point output. Note that the rest of the whereami output remains unchanged. 29 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, serial_helper, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) captured and output more signal and error info, flushed output buffer 29 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) print more socket error info, send MP vals w/out mask
28 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) alter check for bad socket: use tcp_alivecheck over tcp_writecheck 28 Jul 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Pre and post transformation matrices Allow pre-transformation matrix instead of oblique transformation and post-transformation instead of tlrc transformation. Fixed concatenated matrices for oblique data. Master options allow specification of dimension size on output. Script arguments saved in output dataset.
25 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) allow -sleep_vol to be very small without early run termination
23 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dttest, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -base1_dset option, where -base1 value can vary over voxels Added for M Beauchamp.
18 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dNLfim, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) listed signal and noise models in -help output 18 Jul 2008, DR Glen, to3d, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Reverse order of slices in Siemens Mosaic data Some Siemens Mosaic data can be in reverse order depending upon obscure Siemens private DICOM tags. Thanks to Doug Greve in Freesurfer group for edifying this situation
17 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dNLfim, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) warn the user if DSET_NVALS is not the same as DSET_NUMTIMES That would suggest the dataset has no time axis.
16 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, serial_helper, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -disp_all to give formatted display of 'all' mask data This was added for P Kundu. 16 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added choice of 'Vals to Send' to serial_helper Can now send index,i,j,k,x,y,z,value for every value in mask.
15 Jul 2008, DR Glen, general, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Can turn off all obliquity warnings AFNI_NO_OBLIQUE_WARNING variable is extended to turn off warnings about using oblique data in commandline programs and in GUI 15 Jul 2008, DR Glen, 3dWarp, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Print correct obliquity transformation matrix
14 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) terminate TCP transmission to serial_helper if mask is bad 14 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, afni_history, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) a single integer option is interpreted as with -past_entires 14 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -sleep_init, -sleep_vol, -sleep_frac These options control the timeout periods between data checks.
10 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_realtime, level 3 (MAJOR), type 5 (MODIFY) receive oblique transform matrix via new OBLIQUE_XFORM interface 10 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 3 (MAJOR), type 5 (MODIFY) if the data is oblique, pass the transformation matrix to plug_realtime
01 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, to3d, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) fixed crash in case of mosaic and un16, no longer having im data Problem found by R. McColl. 01 Jul 2008, RC Reynolds, Makefile.INCLUDE, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) modified the make system for building programs in the install directory - modified Makefile.INCLUDE's INFLAGS and ISFLAGS - modified SUMA_INPATH in SUMA_Makefile_NoDev. - removed 'rickr/' dirs from includes in mrilib.h, plug_crender.c and 3dAllineate.c Requested by V. Roopchansingh of MCW.
30 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) make script executable, decrease sleep, add usage comment in script 30 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -gen_epi_review and -no_epi_review options By default, a drive_afni script to review EPI data is now generated.
27 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) generate afni/drive_afni script to review initial EPI data This program was written to be called from the output script.
25 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, howto, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) put disclaimers at the tops of HowTo #1, #2, and #5 references to current AFNI class handouts were included 25 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, afni_history, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -past_entries option
24 Jun 2008, RW Cox, afni, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Extend max number of clusters reportable, for Shruti. 24 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dDeconvolve, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) added the ability to output 1D iresp datasets
20 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, libmri, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) thd_niftiread: do not scale to float if scale=1 and inter=0
19 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) help update, added -show_valid_opts, use '*' as separator w/amplitudes
18 Jun 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Bug fixes - duplicate master options, mislabeled variable
16 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, file_tool, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) show output for multiple bad files when using -show_bad_backslash
13 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, nifticlib, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added nifti_compiled_with_zlib() 13 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, nifti_tool, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -with_zlib, and ability to add extensions via 'file:FILENAME' extension update added for J. Gunter 13 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dclust, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) in the help, Volume defaults to microliters, unless -dxyz=1 is used
12 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) generate 3dTfitter script to deconvolve a BOLD signal into a neuro signal
11 Jun 2008, DR Glen,, level 3 (MAJOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Obliquity handling in alignment, more grid options
10 Jun 2008, RW Cox, 3dLocalCormat, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Add -ARMA option to estimate ARMA(1,1) parameters
06 Jun 2008, RW Cox, 3dLocalCormat, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Compute correlation matrix of a time series, averaged locally. 06 Jun 2008, RW Cox, 3dErrtsCormat, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Compute correlation matrix of a time series, globally. 06 Jun 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_crender, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) integral threshold was off by 1
29 May 2008, ZS Saad, 3dfim+, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) allowed for -polort -1 and for sub-brick selection with dataset names
22 May 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dTshift, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) with -rlt, slices without any time shift must still be processed problem noticed by Jie Huang
21 May 2008, RC Reynolds, model_demri_3, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) fixed incorrect scaling in Cp computation The error was introduced on April 8, 2008.
20 May 2008, RW Cox, afni, level 2 (MINOR), type 0 (GENERAL) Clusterize: '-' as the filename means write to stdout.
18 May 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added options for TR-locking and storing '3dDeconvolve -nodata' examples - added shuffle() to replace that from random (cannot produce all perms) - added options -tr, -tr_locked and -save_3dd_cmd - changed -stim_time option to -stim_dur
17 May 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) check result of 3dDeconvolve execution in output script If 3dDeconvolve fails, terminate the script so that the user can see what happened.
15 May 2008, ZS Saad, 3dmaskdump, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -n_rand and -n_randseed 15 May 2008, ZS Saad, 3dfim+, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Fixed memory corruption when using more than 20 regressors
14 May 2008, RC Reynolds, model_demri_3, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) fixed application of decay term 14 May 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) 1D file names for child epi data,micro changes
13 May 2008, RC Reynolds, gifti_tool, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -set_extern_filelist option, and help for using external data files 13 May 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) gifticlib-1.0.0: initial release includes support for (set/clear/read/write) external data files
09 May 2008, ZS Saad, 3dROIstats, level 3 (MAJOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Added option -1Dformat to output results in 1D format 09 May 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) gifticlib-0.0.18: giiCoordSystem is now an array of struct pointers modified GIFTI library, along with suma_gifti.c
08 May 2008, ZS Saad, 3dsvm, level 3 (MAJOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Fixed memory corruption caused by improper declaration of combName 08 May 2008, RC Reynolds, model_demri_3, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) updated help, NFIRST does not need to imply injection time
07 May 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) generate random stimulus timing files This generates random timing files suitable for use in 3dDeconvolve. The timing is not restricted to a TR grid, though that is possible. Consider use with '3dDeconvolve -nodata'. 07 May 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_3Ddump_V2, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) allow 4D datasets to be opened (so that buckets are again usable) PLUGIN_dset_check() now checks NVALS instead of NUM_TIMES... 07 May 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added get_type_list and other accessor functions
01 May 2008, RC Reynolds, model_demri_3, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) treat RESID_CT as Ct(t), not C(t)
30 Apr 2008, RW Cox, mcw_glob.c, level 2 (MINOR), type 3 (NEW_ENV) setenv AFNI_SHELL_GLOB YES == wildcard expansion via the shell For Graham Wideman and Mac OS X Server 10.5 problems.
17 Apr 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) minor changes Child epi datasets can be volume registered even if parent epi is a single sub-brick
16 Apr 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) multiple changes Naming conventions for tlrc output, generic shell compatible, regridding options for epi and tlrc epi output
14 Apr 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) minor change 3dAllineate options are also applied to epi to anat alignment, so output EPI datasets get original resolution and type.
10 Apr 2008, DR Glen,, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) minor changes remove tabs in file, change output file names for epi children, changes to help, and renamed tlrc parent option
08 Apr 2008, RW Cox, 3dUpsample, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Upsample a 3D+time dataset (in the time direction) 08 Apr 2008, RC Reynolds, model_demri_3, level 2 (MINOR), type 3 (NEW_ENV) allow residual Ct values via AFNI_MODEL_D3_RESID_CT_DSET dataset e.g. setenv AFNI_MODEL_D3_RESID_CT_DSET residual_Ct+orig 08 Apr 2008, RC Reynolds, 2dImReg, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) allow zero slices, passing input as result Choleski factorization would fail on an empty slice. In this case, return the input slices as the result (instead of crashing). Done with D Glen.
07 Apr 2008, RW Cox, 1dUpsample, level 2 (MINOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Upsample a 1D time series 07 Apr 2008, DR Glen,, level 4 (SUPER), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Alignment of EPI and Anatomical datasets Aligns anat and EPI data. Alignment is in either direction of anat to epi or epi to anat. Transformations are combined where possible as from time series registration and talairach transformations. Multiple child epi datasets may be aligned at the same time.
04 Apr 2008, RW Cox, 3dAllineate, level 2 (MINOR), type 0 (GENERAL) Added '-nwarp bilinear' option Experimental nonlinear warping comes to 3dAllineate at last. Preliminary test looks good, but more work is needed to be sure it's OK.
02 Apr 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Changed suma -environment's output to reflect user's current environment. With this change, users can always replace their .sumarc with the one output by suma -environment without worrying about loosing their preferred settings. 02 Apr 2008, RC Reynolds, ANOVA, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) extended maximum number of contrasts to 75
01 Apr 2008, RC Reynolds, ANOVA, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) increased internal memory for 3dbucket and 3drefit command creation
31 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, ANOVA, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) extended maximum number of means, diffs and contrasts to 50
28 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, gifti_tool, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -copy_gifti_meta and -copy_DA_meta options 28 Mar 2008, DR Glen, 3dDTeig, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) small negative eigenvalues are set to zero as in 3dDWItoDT This fix avoids FA being set to 0 for those affected voxels
27 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, afni-matlab, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Added other return options for Read_1D.m and BrikLoad.m
26 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, cat_matvec, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) cat_matvec can now output IJK_TO_CARD_DICOM and IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL 26 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, @SUMA_AlignToExperiment, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Added -align_centers as an option to deal with very large moves It used to be that users had to run @Align_Centers on all their data when big moves were needed to align the surface's antaomy to that of the experiment. This is no longer needed. 26 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, @Align_Centers, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Script now outputs a matrix that represents the shift This matrix can be used with 3dAllineate to perform the shift. 26 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, 3dvolreg, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) 3dvolreg's -1Dmatrix_save was not always accounting for centers of rotation Now the output of -1Dmatrix_save always matches what one would get for the first sub-brick from cat_matvec FRED+orig::VOLREG_MATVEC_000000 -I 26 Mar 2008, RW Cox, 1dplot, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Add -norm2 and -normx options: normalize time series before plotting 26 Mar 2008, DR Glen, python, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) repaired support for dry_run mode in python scripts
25 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, suma-general, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Instead of SAME, one can use surface's name as LocalDomainParent 25 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) ROIs drawn on different surfaces now handled properly 25 Mar 2008, RW Cox, 3dDetrend, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) -normalize didn't work -- what the hellll was I thinking? Also, added some help to explain how to use 3dDetrend on 1D files. 25 Mar 2008, RW Cox, 1dnorm, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) Forgot the sqrt()! kudos to David Perlman. 25 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, gifti_tool, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) the -compare_data option is not separate from -compare_gifti 25 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) minor changes: - NIFTI_INTENT_NONE is considered valid - added compare_gifti_data functions - LabelTables are now written using CDATA
24 Mar 2008, RW Cox, 3dTfitter, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) deconvolution with penalty factor = 0 is modified Now the criterion for choosing the penalty factor is based on curvature rather than distance from the origin. Seems to be more robust, but probably will require yet more tweaking. 24 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added GERT_Reco options (request of D Glen) -gert_filename : specify a name for the GERT_Reco script -gert_nz : override nz=1 in mosaic image files -gert_to3d_prefix : specify a dataset prefix for the to3d command 24 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, @Align_Centers, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) applied proper follower dataset orientation and floating point shifts The shift applied to the child datasets was based on the parent's orientation. The shifts were also being truncated to integers. Changed with D Glen.
20 Mar 2008, RW Cox, 3dTfitter, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Add -polort option, to keep Gang Chen happy. 20 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 3 (NEW_ENV) AFNI_WRITE_1D_AS_PREFIX allows writing 1D or surface data given the prefix For example, setting this to YES will allow writing surface data to NIfTI.
18 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, gifti_tool, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -compare_gifti option See 'gifti_tool -help' for details, including example #7. 18 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added comparison functions to gifticlib
17 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) if 1 volume, GERT_Reco_dicom does not give (useless) timing to to3d
13 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dmerge, level 2 (MINOR), type 0 (GENERAL) added some examples to the -help output
12 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Changed surface controller font to 8. You can get the old font size with environment variable SUMA_SurfContFontSize BIG. The default is now SMALL.
11 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, model_demri_3, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added control of hematocrit via AFNI_MODEL_D3_HCT
10 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, SUMA_SurfMeasures, level 3 (MAJOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) averages did not include nodes lost to -cmask Noticed by M Beauchamp. 10 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 3 (NEW_ENV) AFNI_GIFTI_VERB sets the verbose level in the gifti I/O library The default is 1, 0 is quiet, and values go up to 7. 10 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 0 (GENERAL) AFNI can read/write .gii.dset as with .gii 10 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) applied -gert_outdir in the case of dicom images 10 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, Dimon, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) if only 1 run, GERT_Reco_dicom is named per run
07 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Color map in surface controller can be flipped and rotated * f key for flipping colormap * Up/Down keys for rotating color map * Home for home Hit ctrl+h on Surface Controller's colormap for more help. 07 Mar 2008, RW Cox, Dataset#N, level 2 (MINOR), type 3 (NEW_ENV) AFNI_DATASETN_NMAX sets number of datasets allowed New environment variable AFNI_DATASETN_NMAX sets the number of datasets allowed in Dataset#N plugin, from 9..49. This is for Shruti. 07 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) properly ignore empty lines, and exit on short files
06 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 3 (NEW_ENV) Added three variables affecting the surface controller * SUMA_ShowOneOnly: Sets '1 Only' on or off. On by default * SUMA_GraphHidden: Update open graphs even if corresponding dset is hidden.* SUMA_ColorMapRotationFraction: Fraction of colormap to rotate up or down with arrow keys. See suma -environment for a complete list.
05 Mar 2008, ZS Saad, suma-general, level 3 (MAJOR), type 0 (GENERAL) Support for GIFTI surface format writing GIFTI writing can now be done with SUMA programs. For example, see options -o_gii and -xml* in ConvertSurface program. 05 Mar 2008, RW Cox, afni-general, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) Change the way 1D datasets are written to disk from 3D programs In programs that analyze time series files (such as 3dTfitter), you can input 1D files and make the column direction be the time axis by using suffixing the file with \' -- but when it comes to writing the results dataset out, the standard AFNI I/O method is to write the time axis along the row direction. With this change, if you input a 1D file in the place of a 3D dataset AND put '.1D' at the end of the output file prefix, then the output dataset will be written so that the time axis is along the column direction. 05 Mar 2008, RW Cox, 3dTfitter, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added '-fitts' option to produce fitted time series dataset 05 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) fixed passing of INDEX_LIST 05 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) do not duplicate data when reading and writing GIFTI from AFNI
04 Mar 2008, RW Cox, 3dDeconvolve, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) couple of small changes to help the hapless users * add more informative error message if allocate_memory() fails * force '-float' if any output prefix is NIfTI-1 format (.nii) 04 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dTstat, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -accumulate option, to output each partial sum for k = 0..N-1 : output[k] = sum(input[i]) over i = 0..k
03 Mar 2008, RC Reynolds, website, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) updated the AFNI History website pages, with a table of entries
29 Feb 2008, RC Reynolds, afni_history, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added a TYPE, -type, a new level, and a string to identify each level 29 Feb 2008, G Chen, 3dICA.R, level 4 (SUPER), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Independent component analysis This is an R program that runs independent component analysis. It takes one dataset that presumably has already been properly pre-processed.already been properly pre-processed. See more details at
28 Feb 2008, ZS Saad, suma-general, level 3 (MAJOR), type 3 (NEW_ENV) Support for GIFTI surface format reading 28 Feb 2008, RW Cox, 3dUndump, level 2 (MINOR), type 0 (GENERAL) allow input of NO text files, to produce an 'empty' dataset 28 Feb 2008, RW Cox, 3dTfitter, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) allow constraints on sign of deconvolved function 28 Feb 2008, RW Cox, 3dTfitter, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) allow combination of penalty functions in deconvolution 28 Feb 2008, RC Reynolds, afni_history, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) added -list_authors option and adjusted spacing
27 Feb 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 3 (MAJOR), type 0 (GENERAL) Addition of p and q values under threshold bar Use BHelp on p and q text in suma to get more info. 27 Feb 2008, RW Cox, 3dTfitter, level 3 (MAJOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) add deconvolution via the '-FALTUNG' option Unlike 3dDeconvolve, this deconvolution is to find the input time series, given the impulse response function. 27 Feb 2008, RC Reynolds, afni_history, level 4 (SUPER), type 1 (NEW_PROG) program to display the history of AFNI updates This will be used to create a web page of AFNI updates. Please see 'afni_history -help' for more details. 27 Feb 2008, RC Reynolds,, level 2 (MINOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) fixed -regress_use_stim_files typo (was -regress_use_stim_times)
25 Feb 2008, RW Cox, 1dsvd, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) add '-vmean' and '-vnorm' options, to mirror capabilities in 3dpc 25 Feb 2008, RC Reynolds, plug_vol2surf, level 3 (MAJOR), type 4 (BUG_FIX) fixed application of cluster for sending data to suma Previously, clustering was only applied when the Olay and Thr sub-bricks were the same.
24 Feb 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 2 (MINOR), type 5 (MODIFY) GIFTI library now considers MetaData without Value as valid
22 Feb 2008, RW Cox, 3dpc, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) add '-eigonly' and '-reduce' options; output eigenvalues to a 1D file '-eigonly' causes 3dpc to print eigenvalues to stdout and stop there. '-reduce n pp' outputs a reduced dataset, using only the largest 'n' eigenvalues.
21 Feb 2008, RC Reynolds, GIFTI, level 4 (SUPER), type 0 (GENERAL) AFNI programs can now read and write GIFTI datasets GIFTI datasets are for data in the surface domain, with file suffix .gii. Support must be requested at compile time, and it requires libexpat. Please see for many details.
20 Feb 2008, RW Cox, 1deval, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) add '-1D:' option, to write output that is usable on the command line Sample usage: 1dplot `1deval -1D: -num 71 -expr 'cos(t/2)*exp(-t/19)'` The backquotes `...` capture command's output and put this string on the command line. The '-1D:' option formats the 1deval output so that it is ready to be used in this way.
16 Feb 2008, RW Cox, 3dTfitter, level 4 (SUPER), type 1 (NEW_PROG) new program = linear fits to voxel time series Uses L1 or L2 regression, with optional constraints to fit each voxel time series as a sum of basis time series, which can be 1D files or 3D+time datasets. Basis time series that are 1D time series are the same for all input voxels. Basis time series that are 3D+time datasets are different for each voxel. Differences from 3dDeconvolve: * Basis time series can vary across voxels. * Fit coefficients can be found with L1 or L2 error functions, and can be constrained to be positive or negative. * 3dTfitter does not compute goodness-of-fit statistics.
14 Feb 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 3 (MAJOR), type 0 (GENERAL) Graphing of dset content with 'g' A graph of the column content at a node can be plotted This would be the surface equivalent to AFNI's graphing function. See suma's interactive help 'ctrl+h' for more info.
12 Feb 2008, ZS Saad, suma, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) An option to show all of suma's environment variables See help for -environment in suma -help.
06 Feb 2008, ZS Saad, SurfDist, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) Program to calculate geodesic internodal distances 06 Feb 2008, RC Reynolds, 3dbucket, level 2 (MINOR), type 0 (GENERAL) modified to copy FDR curves
04 Feb 2008, RW Cox, Miscellaneous, level 2 (MINOR), type 3 (NEW_ENV) Older History stuff * AFNI_NEWSESSION_SWITCH in afni_func.c == switch to new session?
31 Jan 2008, RW Cox, Miscellaneous, level 2 (MINOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) Older History stuff * Modify plug_crender.c to obey AFNI_SLAVE_THRTIME.

auto-generated by afni_history on Jan 29 2009