NIMH MEG Core Facility

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland


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The stimulus computer in the MEG Core Facility (named Ika) runs Windows 98, and most tasks are programmed in Presentation. Sample scripts and standard templates are available on the Task Software page. Ika can also boot Windows XP, and we are slowly migrating to make this the default.

It is also possible to bring your own computer (e.g., a laptop), into the lab and use it to run your experiment, however this may create cabling and task control difficulties. Users are encouraged whenever possible to use the hardware available in the lab. If special task demands require additional hardware and/or software, we can make arrangements to install such; these are then available for other users as well.

A complete list of the hardware available can be found on the Detailed Facility Description page.

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Page last modified on February 04, 2005, at 06:36 PM
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