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Intramural Research > Online Research Resources > Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome Database (ALPSbase)


1. Wu J, Wilson J, He J, Xiang L, Schur PH, Mountz JD: Fas ligand mutation in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and lymphoproliferative disease. J Clin Invest 1996, 98:1107--1113. [Entrez]

2. Wang J, Zheng L, Lobito A, Chan FK, Dale J, Sneller M, et al.: Inherited human Caspase 10 mutations underlie defective lymphocyte and dendritic cell apoptosis in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome type II. Cell 1999, 98:47–-58. [Entrez]

3. Fisher GH, Rosenberg FJ, Straus SE, Dale JK, Middleton LA, Lin AY, et al.: Dominant interfering Fas gene mutations impair apoptosis in a human autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. Cell 1995, 81:935--946. [Entrez]

4. Rieux-Laucat F, Le Deist F, Hivroz C, Roberts IA, Debatin KM, Fischer A, et al.: Mutations in Fas associated with human lymphoproliferative syndrome and autoimmunity. Science 1995, 268:1347--1349. [Entrez]

5. Drappa J, Vaishnaw AK, Sullivan KE, Chu JL, Elkon KB: Fas gene mutations in the Canale-Smith syndrome, an inherited lymphoproliferative disorder associated with autoimmunity. N Engl J Med 1996, 335:1643--1649. [Entrez]

6. Bettinardi A, Brugnoni D, Quiros-Roldan E, Malagoli A, La Grutta S, Correra A, et al.: Missense mutations in the Fas gene resulting in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome: a molecular and immunological analysis. Blood 1997, 89:902--909. [Entrez]

7. Sneller MC, Wang J, Dale JK, Strober W, Middelton LA, Choi Y, et al.: Clincial, immunologic, and genetic features of an autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome associated with abnormal lymphocyte apoptosis. Blood 1997, 89:1341--1348. [Entrez]

8. Pensati L, Costanzo A, Ianni A, Accapezzato D, Iorio R, Natoli G, et al.: Fas/Apo1 mutations and autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome in a patient with type 2 autoimmune hepatitis. Gastroenterology 1997, 113:1384--1389. [Entrez]

9. Kasahara Y, Wada T, Niida Y, Yachie A, Seki H, Ishida Y, et al.: Novel Fas (CD95/APO-1) mutations in infants with a lymphoproliferative disorder. Int Immunol 1998, 10:195--202. [Entrez]

10. Infante AJ, Britton HA, DeNapoli T, Middelton LA, Lenardo MJ, Jackson CE, et al.: The clinical spectrum in a large kindred with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome caused by a Fas mutation that impairs lymphocyte apoptosis. J Pediatr 1998, 133:629--633. [Entrez]

11. Haas JP, Grunke M, Frank C, Kolowos W, Dirnecker D, Leipold G, et al.: Increased spontaneous in vitro apoptosis in double negative T cells of humans with a fas/apo-1 mutation. Cell Death Differ 1998,5:751--757. [Entrez]

12. van der Werff ten Bosch JE, Demanet C, Balduck N, Bakkus MH, De Raeve H, Desprechins B, et al.: The use of the anti-malaria drug Fansidar (pyrimethamine and sulphadoxine) in the treatment of a patient with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome and Fas deficiency. Br J Haematol 1998, 102:578--581. [Entrez]

13. Sleight BJ, Prasad VS, DeLaat C, Steele P, Ballard E, Arceci RJ, et al.: Correction of autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome by bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 1998, 22:375--380. [Entrez]

14. Vaishnaw AK, Orlinick JR, Chu JL, Krammer PH, Chao MV, Elkon KB: The molecular basis for apoptotic defects in patients with CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) mutations. J Clin Invest 1999,103:355--363. [Entrez]

15. Jackson CE, Fischer RE, Hsu AP, Anderson SM, Choi Y, Wang J, et al.: Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome with Defective Fas: Genotype Influences Penetrance. Am J Hum Genet 1999, 64:1002--1014. [Entrez]

16. Peters AM, Kohfink B, Martin H, Griesinger F, Wormann B, Gahr M, et al.: Defective apoptosis due to a point mutation in the death domain of CD95 associated with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, T-cell lymphoma, and Hodgkin's disease. Exp Hematol 1999, 27:868--874. [Entrez]

17. Rieux Laucat F, Blanchère S, Danielan S, de Villartay JP, Oleastro M, Solary E, et al.: Lymphoproliferative Syndrome with Auto Immunity: a Possible Genetic Basis for Dominant Expression of the Clinical Manifestations. Blood, 1999, 94:2575--2582. [Entrez]

18. Inazawa J, Itoh N, Abe T, Nagata S: Assignment of the human Fas antigen gene (FAS) to 10q24.1. Genomics 1992 14:821--822. [Entrez]

19. Martin DA, Zheng L, Siegel RM, Huang B, Fisher GH, Wang J, et al.: Defective CD95/APO-1/Fas signal complex formation in the human autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, type Ia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1999, 96:4552--4557. [Entrez]

20. Canale VC, Smith CH: Chronic lymphadenopathy simulating malignant lymphoma. J Pediatr 1967, 70:891--899. [Entrez]

21. Sneller MC, Straus SE, Jaffe ES, Jaffe JS, Fleisher TA, Stetler-Stevenson M, et al.: A novel lymphoproliferative/autoimmune syndrome resembling murine lpr/gld disease. J Clin Invest 1992, 90:334--341. [Entrez]

22. Theofilopoulos AN, Dixon FJ: Murine models of systemic lupus erythematosus. Adv Immunol 1985, 37:269--390. [Entrez]

23. Cohen PL, Eisenberg RA: Lpr and gld: single gene models of systemic autoimmunity and lymphoproliferative disease. Annu Rev Immunol 1991, 9:243--269. [Entrez]

24. Watanabe-Fukunaga R, Brannan CI, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Nagata S: Lymphoproliferation disorder in mice explained by defects in Fas antigen that mediates apoptosis. Nature 1992, 356:314--317. [Entrez]

25. Takahashi T, Tanaka M, Brannan CI, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Suda T, et al.: Generalized lymphoproliferative disease in mice, caused by a point mutation in the Fas ligand. Cell 1994, 76:969--976. [Entrez]

26. Brunner T, Mogil RJ, LaFace D, Yoo NJ, Mahboubi A, Echeverri F, et al.: Cell-autonomous Fas (CD95)/Fas-ligand interaction mediates activation-induced apoptosis in T-cell hybridomas. Nature 1995, 373:441--444. [Entrez]

27. Dhein J, Walczak H, Baumler C, Debatin KM, Krammer PH: Autocrine T-cell suicide mediated by APO-1. Nature 1995, 373:438--441. [Entrez]

28. Ju ST, Panka DJ, Cui H, Ettinger R, el-Khatib M, Sherr DH, et al.: Fas(CD95)/FasL interactions required for programmed cell death after T-cell activation. Nature 1995, 373:444--448. [Entrez]

29. Ashkenazi A, Dixit VM: Death receptors: signaling and modulation. Science 1998, 281:1305--1308. [Entrez]

30. Sneller, MC. Clincal Features and Management, pp. 593-595. In: Straus, SE, moderator. An inhierited disorder of lymphocyte apoptosis: the autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. Ann Intern Med. 1999; 130: 591--601. [Entrez]

31. Landowski TH, Qu N, Buyuksal I, Painter JS, Dalton WS: Mutations in the Fas antigen in patients with multiple myeloma. Blood 1997, 90:4266--4270. [Entrez]

32. Beltinger C, Kurz E, Bohler T, Schrappe M, Ludwig WD, Debatin KM: CD95 (APO-1/Fas) mutations in childhood T-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 1998, 91:3943--3951. [Entrez]

33. Grønbæk K, Straten PT, Ralfkiaer E, Ahrenkiel V, Andersen MK, Hansen NE, et al.: Somatic Fas mutations in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: association with extranodal disease and autoimmunity. Blood 1998, 92:3018--3024. [Entrez]

34. Maeda T, Yamada Y, Moriuchi R, Sugahara K, Tsuruda K, Joh T, et al.: Fas gene mutation in the progression of adult T cell leukemia. J Exp Med 1999, 189:1063--1071. [Entrez]

35. Lee SH, Shin MS, Park WS, Kim SY, Kim HS, Han JY, et al.: Alterations of Fas (Apo-1/CD95) gene in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncogene 1999, 18:3754--3760. [Entrez]

36. Shin MS, Park WS, Kim SY, Kim HS, Kang SJ, Song KY, et al.: Alterations of Fas (Apo-1/CD95) gene in cutaneous malignant melanoma. Am J Pathol 1999, 154:1785--1791. [Entrez]

37. Lee SH, Shin MS, Park WS, Kim SY, Dong SM, Pi JH, et al.: Alterations of Fas (APO-1/CD95) gene in transitional cell carcinomas of urinary bladder. Cancer Res 1999, 59:3068--3072. [Entrez]

38. Lim MS, Straus SE, Dale JK, Fleisher TA, Stetler-Stevenson M, Strober W, et al.: Pathological findings in human autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. Am J Pathol 1998, 153:1541--1550. [Entrez]

39. Puck JM, Straus SE, Le Deist F, Rieux-Laucat F, FischerA: Inherited disorders with autoimmunity and defective lymphocyte regulation. In Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, a Molecular and Genetic Approach. Edited by Ochs HD, Smith CIE, Puck JM. New York; 1999:339--352.

40. Avila NA, Dwyer AJ, Dale JK, Lopatin UA, Sneller MC, Jaffe ES, et al.: Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome: a syndrome associated with inherited genetic defects that impair lymphocytic apoptosis--CT and US features. Radiology 1999, 212:257--263. [Entrez]

41. Benkerrou M, Le Deist F, de Villartay JP, Caillat-Zucman S, Rieux-Laucat F, Jabado N, et al.: Correction of Fas (CD95) deficiency by haploidentical bone marrow transplantation. Eur J Immunol 1997, 27:2043--2047. [Entrez]

42. Huang B, Eberstadt M, Olejniczak ET, Meadows RP, Fesik SW: NMR structure and mutagenesis of the Fas (APO-1/CD95) death domain. Nature 1996, 384:638--641. [Entrez]

43. Schneider P, Thome M, Burns K, Bodmer JL, Hofmann K, Kataoka T, et al.: TRAIL receptors 1 (DR4) and 2 (DR5) signal FADD-dependent apoptosis and activate NF-kappaB. Immunity 1997, 7:831--836. [Entrez]

44. Chaudhary PM, Eby M, Jasmin A, Bookwalter A, Murray J, Hood L: Death receptor 5, a new member of the TNFR family, and DR4 induce FADD-dependent apoptosis and activate the NF-kappaB pathway. Immunity 1997, 7:821--830. [Entrez]

45. Wang J, Zheng L, Lobito A, Chan FK, Dale J, Sneller M, Yao X, Puck JM, Straus SE, Lenardo MJ: Inherited human Caspase 10 mutations underlie defective lymphocyte and dendritic cell apoptosis in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome type II. Cell 1999, 98:47--58. [Entrez]

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