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 Recycling Home
 ·Aluminium Cans/Foil
 ·Brown Glass
 ·Clear Glass
 ·Construction Debris
 ·Fluorescent Bulbs
 ·Gas Cylinders
 ·Green Glass
 ·Pipette Trays
 ·Plastic - Bottles
 ·Plastic - General
 ·Printer Cartridges
 ·Scrap Metal
 ·Shrink Wrap
 ·Tyvek Garments
NCI-Frederick Recycling Program:

Material Type: Tyvek Garments

Instructions: Collect Garments in a clear plastic bag and call x5718 or email chemwaste@ncifcrf.gov to schedule a pickup. OTHER clean room clothing (caps + shoe covers) may be included but only tyvek items will be recycled (do not include gloves).
  Contaminated Garments may require autoclaving or chemical disinfection before recycling....This is OK! If garments are autoclaved please remove them from the autoclave bags and place them in clear bags before scheduling pickup.
  Garments are sent to the recycler to be laundered/repaired and used by other industries. $0.25 is generated from every suit recycled and donated to the Children's Inn at NIH in order to help child cancer patients.


Inside bin available from EHS

Put garments in a clear bag for pickup

Bailed garments are shipped out from Bethesda

Outside bin located at Building 459

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  National Cancer Institute (NCI)      National Institutes of Health (NIH)      Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)      USA.gov