DDM - Crucial Conversations (NIH Only)

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Air date: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:00:00 AM
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Description: 2008-2009 Deputy Director for Management (DDM) Seminar Series

This seminar is one of many efforts at the NIH in striving for management excellence and is designed to bring outstanding speakers to the NIH to discuss leadership and administrative management topics. It will provide administrative and scientific communities with the opportunity to meet with each other to discuss and exchange ideas on the topics presented.

To respond to a Survey about this DDM Seminar, please click here. Information will be used to evaluate the program and improve future seminars.

The DDM Seminar Series is open to all NIH employees and there is no need to pre-register for the event.

Author: Joseph Grenny
Runtime: 60 minutes
CIT File ID: None
CIT Live ID: 7267