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FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004

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PowerPoint presentation given by RW Cox on 31 Mar 2004, outlining FMRI data analysis methods in a nontechnical way. You also need to download the animated GIF files that go with it.
 FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004 FMRIanalysis.ppt
 FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004 hrfblock.gif
 FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004 hrfone.gif
 FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004 hrfsum.gif
 FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004 motion.gif
 FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004 ss.gif
 FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004 verb.gif
 FMRI Analysis - NIH Presentation - 31 Mar 2004 ERPFMRIanalysis.tgz
Everything in one compressed archive (ppt and gifs)

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