FIM Publications

In Press
Revealing representational content with pattern-information fMRI - an introductory guide, Mur, M.; Bandettini, P.A.; Kriegeskorte, N. , Social and Cognitive Affective Neuroscience, (In Press) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
What's new in neuroimaging methods?, Bandettini, P.A. , Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2009., New York, New York, (In Press) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
Protecting peer review: Correspondence chronology and ethical analysis regarding Logothetis vs. Shmuel and Leopold, Fox, P.T.; Bullmore, E.; Bandettini, P.A.; Lancaster, J.L.; , Human Brain Mapping, (In Press) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
Matching categorical object representations in inferior temporal cortex of man and monkey, Kriegeskorte, N.; Mur, M.; Ruff, D.; Kiani, R.; Bodurka, J.; Esteky, H.; Tanaka, K.; Bandettini, P.A. , Neuron, 12/2008, Volume 60, Issue 6, p.1126-1141, (2008) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
New horizons for the next era of human brain imaging, cognitive, and behavioral research: Pacific Rim interactivity, Van Horn, J.D.; Bandettini, P.A.; Cheng, K.; Egan, C.F.; Stenger, V.A.; Strother, S.; Toga, A.W.; , Brain Imaging and Behavior, 12/2008, Volume 2, Issue 4, p.227-363, (2008) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
The impact of global signal regression on resting state correlations: are anti-correlated networks introduced?, Murphy, K.; Birn, R.M.; Handwerker, D.A.; Jones, T.B.; Bandettini, P.A.; , Neuroimage, 10/2008, Volume 44, Issue 3, p.893-905, (2008) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
Integration of motion correction and physiological noise regression in fMRI, Jones, T.B.; Bandettini, P.A.; Birn, R.M. , Neuroimage, 08/2008, Volume 42, Issue 2, p.582-590, (2008) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
Artefactual time-course correlations in echo-planar fMRI with implications for studies of brain function, Kriegeskorte, N.; Bodurka, J.; Bandettini, P.A.; , International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 12/2008, Volume 18, Issue 5-6, p.345-349, (2008) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
Endogenous oscillations and networks in functional magnetic resonance imaging, Bandettini, P.A.; Bullmore, E. , Human Brain Mapping, Volume 29, p.737-739, (2008) PDF Tagged XML BibTex
The effect of respiration variations on independent component analysis results of resting state functional connectivity, Birn, R.M.; Murphy, K; Bandettini, P.A. , Human Brain Mapping, Volume 29, p.740-750, (2008) PDF Tagged XML BibTex