SBIR and STTR Success Story for
Echelon Biosciences Inc

(Information Posted/Updated on 08/28/2003)

Echelon Biosciences Inc
675 Arapeen Drive Suite 302
Salt Lake City, UT  84108

Contact:    Justin Chafe
Phone:      801-588-0455
Fax:          801-588-0497
Web Site:

Project Title:  Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Assays in Cancer Diagnosis
Related Award(s):  R43 CA81835
Technology Developed:
Plate based assays for non-radioactive determination of PI(3,4,5)P3 levels and PI 3-K activity in vitro and in biological samples.

Key Words:  Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase, PI 3-K, PI(3,4,5)P3, PI 3-Kinase, PI3K, Echelon.
Uses of Technology/Products/Service:
Echelon has developed a non-radioactive way to measure and detect Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase activity in vitro and in biological samples. This technology has applications in cancer research focused on the PI 3-K cell signaling pathway. This pathway is suspected to play a major role in certain types of cancer.

Benefit to Company:
The benefit to our company from the PI 3-Kinase assay kit is: 1. Development of PI 3-K assay has lead to other ground-breaking research which has lead to more grants and more products. 2. New products have lead to increased sales revenue.

How Product Was Commercialized:
The PI 3-Kinase assay kit was commercialized through direct mail, tradeshow promotion, an email campaign, new product releases in content relevant publications and through research publication in peer reviewed journals.