SBIR and STTR Success Story for
Sierra Scientific Instruments, Inc.

(Information Posted/Updated on 08/19/2007)

Sierra Scientific Instruments, Inc.
5757 Century Blvd.
Suite 660
Los Angeles, CA  90045

Contact:    Tom Parks
Phone:      310-641-8492
Web Site:

Project Title:  Development of a Motility Visualization System
Related Award(s):  2R44DK56539
Technology Developed:
High-resolution manometry system that utilizes hundreds of points of measurement to generate pressure images of motor function within the GI tract. Developed technology includes a high-resolution solid-state catheter, high-speed data processing electronics, data visualization and analysis software, and an integrated cart workstation.

Key Words:  Manometry, Motility, High-resolution, Gastroenterology, Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Anorectum.
Uses of Technology/Products/Service:
The ManoScan 360 (tm), is used both in research and clinical settings for motility studies of the esophagus, small bowel, and anorectum. Because of the many closely spaced sensors, the clinical technician may simply place the catheter in the region of interest, ask the patient to perform certain maneuvers, and all relevant data are collected automatically. For example, in esophageal motility studies, the entire motor physiology from the pharynx to the stomach is imaged as the patient swallows small amounts of water. In contrast, prior conventional manometry systems, with typically three to six pressure sensors, require complex procedures and are subject to artifact due to axial movement of anatomical landmarks and variability in operator technique. In analysis of the acquired data, high-resolution pressure images provide an unprecedented clear view of physiology and disease related pathophysiology. Automated data analysis methods have been developed and shown to yield significantly more reliable and effective diagnostic metrics than are possible with conventional systems.

Benefit to Company:
The Phase I and Phase II SBIR grants provided the seed and primary development funding for the ManoScan system. Simply put, these grants enabled the development of this technology and the formation of our company.

How Product Was Commercialized:
Grant funding provided the main financial resource during the R&D and early product commercialization phases. Modest private funding was then secured to enable building a regulatory compliant production capability and launching the product. Additional key members with experience in sales and marketing within this marketplace joined the team – largely as a result of enthusiasm for the technology. In its first year of sales, Sierra Scientific Instruments reached break-even profitability – based largely on the ManoScan product - and has steadily grown via sales revenues since that time.

Past R&D and/or Sales from this Project:   $10M
Estimated Future Annual R&D and/or Sales from this Project:   $10-15M