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Disease/Syndrome Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive
Category Airway Disease
Acute/Chronic Chronic
Synonyms Bronchitis, chronic; Emphysema; COPD
Biomedical References Search PubMed
Comments Chronic bronchitis is defined by symptoms of a productive cough 3 months out of the year for at least 2 consecutive years. Causes include chronic or repeated exposures to silica, coal, grain, cotton, wood, or asbestos dusts; also to welding fumes, firefighting, and dusts in livestock confinement buildings. The length of exposure necessary to cause chronic bronchitis is probably years or decades, not days or months. [Rosenstock, p. 322-5] Chronic bronchitis has been described in boiler cleaners exposed to vanadium pentoxide. [ACGIH] "Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive" is defined as, "A disease of chronic diffuse irreversible airflow obstruction." Subcategories of COPD include chronic bronchitis and emphysema. [National Library of Medicine MeSH Database] "Occupational exposures are also associated with increased risk for accelerated loss of lung function, although the effect is usually small compared to the effect of cigarette smoking." [Murray, p. 1126] "Most of the studies summarized throughout this chapter have reported statistically significant reductions in airflow rates among groups of exposed workers compared to nonexposed workers. Symptoms of cough, phlegm, and wheezing are variable reported to be increased or not increased. The relevance of these findings with respect to disability and clinical outcome is strongly debated." [Harber, p. 447]"Evidence of chronic airflow obstruction in relation to measures of welding exposure has been seen in most but not all studies designed to investigate this outcome. . . . Functional changes appeared to be reversible only among those welders who were consistently using local exhaust ventilation." [Asthma in the Workplace, p. 694-5]"The biological plausibility of the capacity of occupational exposures to irritating dusts, gases, and fumes to cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is high. Epidemiological evidence from both worker cohort and community studies supports an increased risk of COPD associated with such exposures. The occupational contribution to the burden of COPD is sufficiently great that preventive interventions are warranted." [Balmes JR. Occupational contribution to the burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Occup Environ Med. 2005 Feb;47(2):154-60] Emphysema causes increased air volumes, asbestosis causes a restrictive pattern, and both cause decreased diffusing capacity. [PMID 15751618 and 16570255] Confirmed cases of occupational obstructive airway diseases in Germany in 2003 included: 625 cases of immunologic asthma; 414 cases of COPD in coal miners; 156 cases of irritant asthma; 54 cases of isocyanate asthma. [PMID 16032736]
Latency/Incubation Years or decades;
Diagnostic History; Pulmonary function testing; Chest x-ray; Diffusing capacity is decreased in proportion to the degree of emphysema and the destruction of the alveolar-capillary bed. [Murray, p. 1119]
ICD-9 Code 491.2
Reference Link Occupational contribution to the burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Related Information in Haz-Map
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Agents Hazardous agents that cause the occupational disease:

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Last updated: January, 2009