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AFNI course in Pisa

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5 day workshop just before HBM 2006 in Florence.

The MRI Lab of the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the C.N.R. and the Clinical Biochemistry Lab of the University of Pisa has organized the 4th FMRI analysis with AFNI and SUMA course. The course is scheduled in Pisa, Italy on 6-10 June 2006 (Tuesday-Saturday); the HBM 2006 meeting starts the next day in Florence, which is about a 1 hour train ride away. This course is designed to teach participants the details of volume- and surface-based FMRI analysis using AFNI and SUMA software.

The 5-Day intensive workshop will include lectures on pre- and post-processing of FMRI data (image registration, intra- and inter-subject statistical analysis with linear regression, deconvolution, ANOVA), with hands-on sessions (covering statistical analysis, ROI drawing, volume rendering, surface mapping, etc.), seminars on the basic principles of FMRI physics, experiment design, and designing/processing FMRI experiments for studying drug effects on the brain.

Drs. Robert W. Cox, Ziad S. Saad and Peggy Christidis, from the Scientific and Statistical Computing Core of the NIMH Intramural Research Program, will be conducting the workshop. In addition, Dr. Elliot Stein from the NIDA Intramural Research program will lecture on FMRI drug studies. Classes will be held at the C.N.R. Research Campus in Pisa.

For further information and to register, please visit

Created by Robert Cox
Last modified 2006-01-12 14:49

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