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Trying to figure out the UI for search
Saw συνεκδοχή last night -- really enjoyed it
@davemc500hats: Thanks for the links. We've been implementing the FB/C api - working ok. Looking to do the same w/Open Stack
@jfraser: Nah, skipped eating, just cooking and cleaning. Coding is a universal constant.
Gazing at the Moon/Venus/Jupiter triangle. Wish I had gear and skill to photograph!
Cleaning and coding
@pistachio: I'm a Boston boy, and love that beach, too. Found a few at this end of the continent. Let's all be thankful for this beauty.
Lunch at Greens with my friend Marc Lesser
@mrtweet: @bhyde proposes another interesting measure: how many people are my followers following.
@sfkateginsberg: Making butternut soup w/ginger.
@billmaher: welcome to the hood!
@rhm2k: At Lotus, we used "TSR" to describe executives who left but stayed on as consultants
@rhm2k: You're probably one of 11 humans who remembers TSRs :)
Hah! Recipe calls for 2 500mg tablets of Vitamin C!
Cooking and Coding
@fraying Got steaming mad and was about to broadcast. DMed @kvetch instead. So civilized!
Buffalo burger for dinner. VERY healthy. Cautiously eying the fries
Does SMedia work?


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder seanbonner Dave McClure Mr Messina Liz Dunn janice fraser Rob Hayes Kate Ginsberg Jason Calacanis Glenda Derek Powazek Stewart Butterfield Caterina Stowe Boyd Brett B Tantek Çelik debs Claw Ryan King Matthew Levine Jeff Barbose Andrei Pito Salas Hugh MacLeod Kevin Marks Ian Kallen Suw Tamar Weinberg joanie Kristopher Dorion Jorge scamper eric engleman
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