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 Recycling Home
 ·Aluminium Cans/Foil
 ·Brown Glass
 ·Clear Glass
 ·Construction Debris
 ·Fluorescent Bulbs
 ·Gas Cylinders
 ·Green Glass
 ·Pipette Trays
 ·Plastic - Bottles
 ·Plastic - General
 ·Printer Cartridges
 ·Scrap Metal
 ·Shrink Wrap
 ·Tyvek Garments
Frequently Asked Questions

1) Do I need to autoclave my pipette tip trays?
Yes, if you are in a BL2* or above Laboratory. Autoclaving would be a better method of decontamination than the chemical dip tank or spray down method. In order to insure the autoclave equipment is functioning properly, a recorded routine (each load, once a week, once a month) validation must be done. The bio safety department only performs this validation twice a year.

2) Can I recycle sesitive documents with paper?
You can as long as you shred the documents first and make them unreadable. If you do not want to shred your sesitive material you can have Protective Services pick up your material and witness it destroyed at the FT. detrick incinerator. Sensitive material in the regular trash or recycling without changing its form can be pulled out and is not secure.

3) Do I recycle the jug I refill my toner with as a #2 plastic bottle or as a toner cartridge?
The bottle should be recycled as you would a toner cartridge. It will be refilled and resold.

4) Can there be staples on the paper in my blue bin?
Yes, a small amount of staples are ok but try to remove any binder clips or paper clips

5) How can I get more recycling receptacles or more frequent pickups at my building?
Call Mark Dressler at the Ft. Detrick Incinerator 301-619-2323 for additional bins but keep in mind there may only be one centralized location in your building for pickup. The user may have to empty the small bin at this central point in order to have the material picked up. The army staff is limited and there may not be an option of a more frequent pickup.

6) Are there any bottles that are mislabeled and cannot be recycled?
Yes, Clear media bottles from Quality Biological, Inc. with the yellow label are marked as a #1 recyclable but they are in fact #6's and cannot be recycled. Please be on the lookout for these and put them into medical waste and not the recycling bins. They shatter and can cause injury to the recycler upon shredding! Please see picture under plastic bottles section.

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