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Mass confusion and low-tech voting at #rncchair has me starting to look for chads.
@kevinbinversie I agree that the right does not have a monopoly on Palinism. Ask Rahm.
@AmandaCarpenter The ability to agree to disagree is why #rncchair matters!
"Palinism"=Aggressive know-nothingism, pride in ignorance and a belief that there is such a thing as "real America."
Steele is not Palin only in the sense that he at least projects the image of being less ideologically rigid. Or that's what people tell me.
Strong showing for Steele --widely considered a "moderate" -- in #rncchair suggests that Rs at least considering abandoning Palinism.
@MichaelTurk Others may have run for #rncchair on a "reboot the party" theme, but not with such dork-centric language.
To the extent that one can read anything into the first ballot: A rejection of @sanuzis' "Reboot the Party" theme. Abort, retry?
Rs telling me that votes being negotiated right now at #rncchair are for the THIRD round of votes. No one gonna drop out before that.
Blackwell & @sanuzis underperformed, garnering low 20s. Blackwell (Kenny B!) probably first to drop; hard to see his voters going to Duncan.
Duncan wins first round at #rncchair with 52, considered LOW by the local wags (he announced 48). Steele very strong with 46.
Announcer tells #rncchair voters: "It's just like you're graduating from high school... or kindergarten." My work here is done.
@mikemadden Whole process at #rncchair is so JV keep expecting announcement that it's naptime & everyone put their heads down on their desk.
News photogs taking pix over the shoulders of members as they vote in #rncchair. So much for secret ballot.
Missing member showed at #rncchair! 85 or bust! Sorry for false alarm. NOT A LOT HAPPENING NOW.
A member is absent form #rncchair; this means the winner only needs 84 votes to take the "stop sucking" mantle.
With the nominating speeches over and tedious roll call voting still in progress, reporters here silent and confused. Checking email.
@LizMair I'm all for secret ballot but a surprised at the matter-of-fact way Rs tell me that the #rncchair endorsers won't vote that way.
@tbuser Well, @PatrickRuffini totally knows more than I do about what's actually happening at #rncchair. You don't have to choose!
@Sanuzis strolling around the member floor at #rncchair because, well, he's a member, so he can. He is also tall and intimidating.


Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Meg Hourihan Rex Sorgatz Aaron Micah Sifry Defamer Andrew Krucoff Barack Obama henry copeland Patrick Ruffini Stephen Colbert Jason Kottke colin Sockamillion David All Michael Turk Adam Conner Matt Stoller GigaOM Rob Bluey Chris Beam Andy Warhol John McCain John Dickerson Jon Henke Jessica Clark Clay Shirky Liz RSC Adam Koford Michael Nelson Joe Trippi klauerman myglesias ilyse hogue
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